Investment account not syncing with Quicken Cloud

Having trouble syncing my Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) investment account with Quicken Cloud. The TSP account is maintained manually. I have to load transactions and update balances manually. I built an excel macro to update daily prices. The problem is, when I sync with the cloud, the value doesn't change in the cloud. The only way I can get the cloud to display current value is to perform a cloud reset. Not a big deal since I normally update the account on a weekly basis. Just wondering if other have ran into this problem.
Hello @Jim Hobin,
Before we attempt any troubleshooting, could you please tell us if you’re using Mac or Windows for your desktop program, and which version are you running?
- Mac: Quicken > About Quicken
- Windows: Help > About Quicken
Check back and let us know! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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My bad. I meant to include the info in the original post.
Quicken for Windows, R53.26
The problem has existed for a number of years.
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Thank you for following up! I know you said you have already tried resetting your cloud data and that it works, but the problem always returns.
For clarification, before resetting your cloud have you checked to verify that the Dataset name and the File name match each other identically by navigating to Edit > Preferences > Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts (see below).
If they do not match, please click Edit dataset name and change the Dataset name to match the File name exactly the same (do not copy the file extension: ".QDF"). Then, click OK in the preferences window and proceed to save a backup (just in case). From there, please proceed to reset your cloud data again.
Let us know if the dataset name and file name already match, and we can try something else!
-Quicken Anja
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I have verified the names previously matched.
I ran a sync this morning and the cloud's TSP investment value did not change to reflect the value shown on the desktop.
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Thank you for confirming!
Next, I suggest you try manually resetting your cloud data by creating a test file and deleting your cloud account from that test file. After that, you would attempt to resync your main data file which should then create a new cloud account (this does not affect your data saved within that data file).
First, please proceed to save a backup (just in case). From there, create a new data file (click here to view instructions, and review the section titled: "Creating a new file"). Once the new file opens, follow the steps below to remove your main data file's cloud account.- Go to Edit
- Preferences
- Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts
- Click Cloud accounts associated with this Quicken ID (#) (this is not a button, it is written in blue underneath the "Edit dataset name" button)
- Select the Cloud Account Name used for your main data file and click Delete
- Type Yes and click Delete
After that, switch back to your main data file (click here to view instructions, scroll down and review the section titled: "How to alternate between multiple files").
Once your main file opens, resync your data by navigating to the Mobile & Web tab and clicking on the blue Get Started button, and then the blue Sync Now button. You can then also delete the new file you previously created as well as its cloud account.
I hope this helps!-Quicken Anja
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@Quicken Anja I completed the steps as requested.
After it sync'd back with the original file, I made two changes. The first was to temporarily increase the share price of a security within the TSP account, effectively changing the total account value. The second was to post a temp charge to a credit card. When I forced a sync, the new values appeared in the cloud for both accounts.
However, when I reversed both changes, the temp credit card charge disappeared, but the TSP security value remained the same. Examining the specific security in the cloud reveals the temp price I changed it to, not the current price reflected in the original data file.
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Hello @Jim Hobin,
Due to the previous troubleshooting steps having failed, we suggest that you contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance as an escalation may be in order.
The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.
I apologize that we could not be of more assistance.
-Quicken Jasmine
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