Quotes of Alight Solutions holdings only updating on Fridays.

Starting the last week of November, the quotes for my Alight Solutions account holdings have only been updated on Fridays.
The one exception is Monday, December 4th. Otherwise, the price values of the holdings are only being updated on Fridays. So, I am no longer getting the daily updates on market values.
Note: I noticed daily updates were hit-or-miss in early November, but I thought it was just a hiccup. Nope, it's now a consistent miss, Mondays through Thursdays.
Why is this happening?!?
Hello @spratleywa,
To troubleshoot this issue, please provide more information. Is this happening only with Alight Solutions holdings, or are you noticing this with any other holdings? Are your accounts in Quicken updating properly? Are you getting any error messages when you try to update?
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
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I appreciate the quick follow-up. It is only happening with my two Alight Solutions accounts, a 401K and a retirement fund. Essentially, both have the same proprietary mutual fund holdings.
P.S. Last week, the prices for the holdings in my two Alight Solutions accounts were only updated last Friday. This week is different. No updates on Tuesday and Today, but it was updated yesterday. I believe the prices will be updated tomorrow. Note it skews the daily valuation impact by making it appear there was a significant fluctuation in portfolio value.
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Note that if these are proprietary funds, price updates will only come from Alight, not from Quicken's quote provider.
The quote data for publicly traded funds includes data for the past several trading days, but for proprietary funds the broker's data generally only includes the most recent quote, and sometimes only if there were transactions to download.
Do you do a One Step Update every day, or perhaps only on weekends? If you only update between about 7 PM Eastern time on Fridays and 7 PM on Monday, that would explain why you only see Friday prices.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Jim, thanks for your feedback. Note I have been tracking these funds for decades and, for the most part, updating daily without issue for decades. As I indicated, this started distinctly the last week of November.
Also, when I log into my Alight account, it reflects a daily update. So, this is not an Alight update issue. The daily update information is available.
Thus, there is a disconnect between Quicken, Alight, and obtaining daily price updates. Quicken should figure out what is going on.
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p.s., I have a Right Capital connection to my Alight Accounts. I just double-checked and it properly reflects the daily updates, including yesterday's for which Quicken does not reflect. Quicken still shows the prices and balances from Wednesday.
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Please go to the Security Detail view for one of the affected securities and click on More then Edit price history. This will show a table with all the price history data Quicken has recorded for that security.
Is there data for each day the market was open, or are there gaps in the data? If there is data for each day, does it repeat the Friday data for the next week, or does it have the correct daily prices?
QWin Premier subscription0 -
The prices are correct when Quicken updates them. Also, my weekly paycheck contributions transactions are properly recorded every Saturday.
The only issue is that Quicken does not update the prices daily anymore. They're updating only on Fridays but with the occasional update on another day of the week.
I repeat, the only issue is that Quicken no longer updates the prices daily. It appears that only Quicken has that problem.
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I have a similar problem. Since December 2023 , on the Alights website they put or change the code for each fund. The problem is that Quicken download daily the price of the fund for this code which is different than the price shown on the Alight website( which might be a proprietary fund) but they use the same name.. I opened a ticket with Alight solutions but still waiting for a fix. When I try to remove the code then Quicken ask me to enter the value manually.
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As of Wednesday, January 3rd, Quicken has been updating the prices of my Alight holdings on a weekday daily basis.
I gave it a couple of weeks to make sure it stayed fixed. It appears I am good to go.
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did they remove the symbol for your funds. because my prices are still wrong because quicken read the code that doesn't reflect the proper price for my funds.I left emails to both Quicken and Alight Solution but nothing has been corrected yet.
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I've been following this discussion and trying to figure out what the cause of your problem might be, but I'm still not sure what the source of your security prices is (or was) - and knowing the source is important. What follows is my attempt to expand on Jim_Harmon's earlier comments, which seem to me to be pertinent to the reported problem.
There are two primary external sources of Quicken security prices: Quicken's quote provider and your financial institution.
You can get security prices from Quicken's quote provider when you do a One Step Update (by checking the box, "Download quotes ...."); or when you select "Quotes" in from the "Update" dropdown on the Investing > Portfolio tab. Quicken's quote provider does NOT (cannot) provide security prices for non-publicly traded securities.
[NOTE: Many times, proprietary funds have the same name as their publicly traded counterpart: but the two are different securities. If the user assigns the ticker symbol of a publicly-traded fund to its proprietary-fund counterpart selects that security to get downloaded quotes, Quicken's quote provider will download prices for the fund with the assigned ticker symbol in question ... but those prices will almost certainly be wrong for the proprietary-fund. Proprietary funds should not have a ticker symbol in Quicken and they should be excluded from all Quicken Quote downloads.]
You should always get security prices from your financial institution every time you download from them (using One Step Update or Update Transactions). And your financial institution is the only primary Quicken source of downloaded security prices for non-publicly traded securities.
[It doesn't matter whether your financial institution has prices available at their web site - it would be bizarre if they didn't. But it does matter whether they download those prices to Quicken when they download transactions (which is the norm).]
I think you could help clear up some possible confusion if you post the "source" of your downloaded prices for one of your securities which is missing prices. Also include the name of that security, its CUSIP#, and what ticker symbol you have assigned to it (if any).
To determine the source of Quicken prices for a given security: go to the Security Detail View, select the Security from the security dropdown, then select "Edit Price History" from the "More" dropdown.
When viewing prices in the Edit Price History dialog: downloaded prices that have non-zero values for High, Low, Volume were downloaded from Quicken's quote provider; downloaded prices that have zero values for High, Low, Volume were downloaded from your financial institution.
If all your Quicken historical prices for the problem securities were downloaded from your financial institution, then it seems most likely that they are the ones who are responsible for your missing prices.
[I no longer own any proprietary funds, so I can't test this; but I'd be very surprised if Quicken were responsible for dropping some of the proprietary fund prices downloaded by the financial institution.]
[Just to cover all the bases, I suggest you also post the Quicken release you're using, in the form Rnn.nn. See Help > About Quicken.]-JP
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list2 -
I am unsure where or how Quicken updates the prices, but these holdings are mutual fund-type funds. So, price updates are after trading hours. I believe it's Quicken that is updating the prices because sometime after trading hours (towards the end of the day), a simple click of "Update" via the Investing page or "Updates Quotes only" via the account's gear dropdown results in an update of the day's prices for the holdings.
Now, it's my interpretation that there is a relationship between Quicken and the 401Ks where price information is exchanged, and most likely, Alight Solutions changed the data file, and it was a matter of Quicken changing how the data file was received.
As I said, daily updates returned back on January 3rd.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "Alight Solutions changed the data file", but it is good to know it is working again.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Before December my proprietary funds had no Symbols and the price were right . So the info was read directly from the Alight Solutions website. Since December they added Symbols that are for funds with the same name but publicly traded . So now Quicken read the price for the publicly traded fund which are different from our funds. I tried to remove the Symbols but Quicken doesn't let me do it . if I do it I will need to enter the price for each fund manually every day.I don't understand that neither Alight or Quicken can"t fix this situation.
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"Before December my proprietary funds had no Symbols and the price were right."
That's exactly what should have the case.
"So the info was read directly from the Alight Solutions website."
Not quite.
It's true that, as I said earlier, " ...your financial institution is the only primary Quicken source of downloaded security prices for non-publicly traded securities."
But Quicken never goes to "the [financial institution} website".
Every investment account downloaded (whose contents are supplied by the financial institution) to Quicken contains, in addition to any investment transactions that occurred, your "Holdings" at the financial institution. The holdings consist of the security name, ticker symbol, number of shares owned, and the price/share (on whatever date the financial institution assigns to the downloaded holdings).
You can see the most recently downloaded holdings for any of your investment accounts in the Quicken Online Center (Tools > Online Center) - click on the Holdings tab for the Quicken financial institution/account of interest.
The Holdings downloaded by the financial institution is the only Quicken primary source of prices for non-publicly traded securities.
At the conclusion of a download to a Quicken investment account, Quicken stores those Online Center Holdings prices in your Quicken Price History. See: Investing > Investing Tools > Security Detail View > More > Edit price history.
In the Quicken Price History, you should be able to easily identify the prices that came directly from the financial institution (via the Online Center Holdings): those prices will have zero High, Low, and Volume values in the Quicken Price History
"Since December they added Symbols that are for funds with the same name but publicly traded."
Who is "they"? And how did "they" add those symbols?
"So now Quicken read the price for the publicly traded fund which are different from our funds."
Quicken is acting correctly there: Quicken has a prices for a valid ticker symbol and no way of knowing that symbol is the wrong symbol for the Quicken security.
"I tried to remove the Symbols but Quicken doesn't let me do it."
How, specifically, does Quicken not let you do it? Please post the steps you take and how Quicken responds.
"if I do it I will need to enter the price for each fund manually every day."
No you won't.
The correct prices will (continue to) be downloaded and appear in your Quicken Online Center - just as they have been all along. The problem is that Quicken currently does not know that the prices on the Holdings tab in the Online Center are the prices for the non-publicly traded securities - Quicken now thinks those prices are for the publicly traded securities with the same name.
As soon as Quicken can resume saving prices to its Price History for the non-publicly traded securities (as soon as those securities have NO ticker symbol in Quicken), you should be back to seeing correct current prices for the non-publicly traded securities.
"I don't understand that neither Alight or Quicken [can't] fix this situation."
I'm not sure what role Alight may have played in this, but I see no way that Quicken could do anything to "fix this situation".-JP
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
Another possibility here is that Alight converted the special funds into their publicly traded twins, so that you now hold the publicly traded funds.
If that happened, you should have received some sort of notice and the names of the funds you hold will have changed slightly. The share quantities and prices would also have changed.
If that is the case, please post back for further instructions.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
I have been trying to get this resolved since the beginning of January with no success. I have been a user for decades and this is the only account that doesn’t work properly and this happened in December. Alight told me they are working with Quicken to resolve this issue. Until then I will enter the data manually.
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Since last week it seems that some progress were made in my Alight solution account. 3 out of 5 of my proprietary funds are now downloading properly and the symbols for those 3 are not shown in the security details anymore. I hope the samething will be done for the other 2 which still keep either the symbols or their name of the fund in the symbol box.