updating billers

For additional security many billers now require two-point verification to log in to the account, after following the online biller's requirement they no longer update in Quicken. Has anyone else experienced this or am I missing some type of set-up?
Look forward to any input/advice. Thanks and Happy New Year
Hello @leggo,
Would you please provide more information regarding the issue that you are experiencing? Are you unable to update multiple billers? Which billers? When did this issue begin to occur? Do you receive any error codes or messages?
-Quicken Jasmine
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Hi Jasmine, Verizon wireless and PSE&G, PSE&G just started as they migrated over to another system and now require 2-point verification, with Verizon Wireless it's been an ongoing issue. No error codes just a "Fix It" box and a small blue circle with an exclamation point inside. Hitting "Fix it" initially says Please wait while Quicken updates your biller, after that's done i get another message with two items, one provides What to expect info and the other a Timeline. For the Verizon bill I've deleted and readded it same issue, this is new for PSE&G. After posting this I plan on trying to delete and reinstall PSEG biller. Hope this provides more information. Appreciate the help and thanks for the reply.
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I'm having the same problem and can't reconnect with Verizon Wireless. When I try the "Fix It", Quicken takes me to my login and then says it is going to send a 2FA code to the cell number, which is a problem because the number is actually for a cell-enabled Chromebook (has it's own SIM card) that does not have the capability to receive txt messages. Is there any other way to reconnect??
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With an Internet browser log on to the VW website and change the 2FA cell phone number to a real cell phone.
Some vendors allow you to specify an email address instead of a cell phone number, but be aware of the time interval in your PC email software between two "scanning for new emails" time period. You may have to manually trigger an email check in your email software. The 2FA code usually is only good for 10 - 15 minutes.
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Same issue here. Exactly as described in post above. Can no longer get my PSE&G bills online or pay with QuickPay. Never asks me to send a MFA code. I can login to the PSE&G web site and enter MFA code there but Quicken online bills and QuickPay no longer works. This is new for PSE&G. Have deleted online biller and re-entered several times with same result. The Online Billing feature in Quicken has had ongoing issues for me, this just being the latest. I used to pay all my Chase credit cards, my AMEX, utility bills, Verizon and Xfinity — only AMEX continues to work.
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My 2cents' worth, if I may:
I don't use Bill Pay services or Bill Manager at all, neither the one from Quicken nor the one offered by my bank. Since time "B.I." (before the Internet was invented) I have set up almost all of my recurring payments as Direct Debit, PAC Draft, Autopay, APS, whatever the biller calls it. Using the biller's website, I authorized the biller to electronically debit each payment directly from my checking or credit card account on due date. Now I can sit back, relax and wait for it to happen. Instead of having to arm-wrestle Bill Manager into making payment on time I let the biller do all the work for me.
When I get notified of a new statement having arrived, usually by email, all I have to do in Quicken is to run a regular scheduled reminder to record the transaction. Haven't missed a payment in many years.I recommend you do the same instead of fighting the Bill Manager windmill, missing payments and getting slapped with penalty interest rates or late fees.
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Ditto. PSE&G fails to connect and eBill remains as Pending.
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I quit trying to do a Verizon Wireless Online Biller as it won't stay connected. Quicken won't present the 2FA initially so it fails. Then when it fails, you can go into the "Manage Online Billers" dialog and act like you want to change the password. Then and only then will Quicken present the right interface to get to the 2FA dialog. Once that happens, I open my Verizon Wireless App on my phone and wait for the prompt to allow Quicken to access the biller. But here is the sucky part, it only connects for that day. A day later it is broken. Truly a shame Quicken can't get this to work correctly.
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I have been having the same issue with multiple vendors. Verizon Wireless, Columbia Gas of Ohio and Spectrum. This has been going on for months and seems to not be a priority. I am very frustrated with the subscription service I'm paying to use not working properly. Where do i request a refund?
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If the individual billers, in an attempt to better secure their computer systems from hackers, are no longer willing to cooperate with third party data aggregators like Intuit and Quicken, then there is not much that can be done.
Consider following my earlier advice and bypass Bill Manager completely. Use the billers' Autopay service to automatically pay your bill on due date and you will be able to avoid all this frustration.0 -
For what it is worth I tried for years to get bill presentment to work, and it just wasn't reliable. And I can see how it would be getting worse over time. The same thing that happened with Express Web Connect and the financial institutions. The idea that you can login as the user to any site automatically and do stuff is "tempting", but it has a major flaw. This the exact kind of behavior that they are trying to prevent (financial institutions/billers).
Back in the day when the hackers weren't as much of a problem, you had simple username and password logins. So, one has to ask why was that changed? Simple because more and more that system isn't trusted to be secure. So, more and more layers are being put in place to make sure you are you. But you just literally asked a third-party service to "fake you logging in".
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
UKR is right. The Quicken Online bill and payment system does not work well at all. Best to use the vendor to do it. Of course, there are a lot of issues with that method too, such as having to update each reminder with the correct amount EACH TIME. But that is less hassle than the existing systems. The other flaw is that you have to log into each biller web site and manage bills there. Overall, that works better than any system inside Quicken at the moment, unfortunately.
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I'm not happy many have the same problem, but it validates my initial issue, which has also been ongoing for some time, I only reached out to Quicken to see if I was doing something wrong, guess I'm not. I do appreciate hearing from everyone, thanks for sharing the same type of issues.
Best advice I've received from all of this is from UKR, thank you so much for the informative postings.
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Yes, it's a problem with quite a few billers (e.g. PSE&G, Wells Fargo, Xfinity/Comcast). I'm guessing that Quicken cannot handle two-factor authentication. Very frustrating.