Wells Fargo connection issues

I'm using Quicken Classic Premier, and when I go to sync my Wells Fargo accounts, it says the username or password is incorrect. Then I pull up a web browser and enter the exact same credentials and it lets me in to the Wells Fargo account site. Is there a known issue?


  • rweil
    rweil Member

    I have been having the exact same problem as you all week

  • Hello @AdamInDFW and @rweil,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. Is this happening when you are trying to update accounts that are already connected in your Quicken, or is this happening when you are trying to add/reconnect accounts in your Quicken? What is the exact error message you see? If possible, please post a screenshot of the error (with any personal information redacted). If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.

    I look forward to your replies!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • I have same problem. Have been working Cust. Srv. phone line with Wells since 1/30. No Success. For my issue, here are the answers to your questions. - Setting Up Wells Online for 1st time. Running Quicken Classic Premier/Windows 11 Pro 64bt

    Have 5 Wells Fargo Accounts~3 in Wife/Joint using Wife's (already existing) Online ID & Pass—et Up Perfectly/Linked properly 2 Account I wished. My 2 failed.

    The 2 Checking Accounts in My Name/Joint did not have an Quicken connection prior to 1st setup. Accounts existed but Quicken entries were by hand. So I made 1st attempt to connect online. Choose 'Wells Fargo Bank'. Entered ID & Pass given at Bank. CLICKED SAVED PASS TO VAULT. Quicken Redirects to Wells screen. Entered ID/Pass(bank version) on confirm web screen, WELL WILL NOT CONFIRM - Validation Issues(Never gave Bank Cell#). Log on to web site w/ ID-Pass from Bank & supply Cell#.

    2nd Quicken attempt to connect to Wells (using Same Bank issued ID/Pass), Wells redirected me to another new account enroll validation screen (This time 'To authorize services to 3rd party online'??) WHICH ENDED WITH A FORCED PASSWORD CHANGE. Close Web site, Close Quicken.

    Prior to 3rd Quicken to Wells Fargo connection attempt, I jumped thru every validation hoop Wells put up, including going to an ATM to confirm my cell# & pin. As I write, I have no problem reaching my Accounts using the Bank's web site or Mobil App using old ID/New Pass/old Pin and they all work fine.

    But not with Quicken. Regardless effort, Every attempt since failed connection has ended with same "Its not your fault message'. But no connection or offer to link accounts. The Password Vault shows no listing of my accounts (just wife's listing). Both My Wells Account's Online Tab show Set Up Buttons ( No deactivation button offered). And I know Wells can set things up properly as I've seen it 3x. under wife's ID. But Never for me under MY ID in Quicken- yet as I said.

    Is my issue I started enrollment in Quicken with one password(checked save to vault) but I was forced to change by Wells during their set up and now Quicken will not use new Pass to enroll & connect 1st time? Has Quicken saved My ID/Pass in a place that I can't get to & won't update itself to allow the online connect process to complete?

    How to fix?

  • Hello @MikeF.MapleGlen,

    From what you describe, it sounds like you're running into issues connected via EWC+ and via Direct Connect.

    On the EWC+ side, from what you describe, it sounds like what was roadblocking you was not having a phone # capable of receiving text messages on file with the financial institution. Since you said you added that information, once the information has had time to update on the financial institution side, then you should be able to set up the account using EWC+.

    If you have passwords stored in the password vault for Wells Fargo, you should be able to access them by going to Tools>Password Vault>Add or Edit Passwords. It will challenge you for your vault password, then you should see a screen similar to the sample image below:

    If it says "Yes" in the password stored column, then you can click that row to select it, then click the Change Password button to update the password. If it says "No" or "Not required", then no password is stored in the vault for that account. If your account is not showing in the Password Vault, then that usually means the account is not connected.

    When connecting via Direct Connect, you mentioned Wells Fargo's website forced you to change your password. Did that happen just once, or does this happen every time you try to authorize 3rd party apps through their website?

    I look forward to your response!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • studpup
    studpup Windows Beta Beta

    SOLVED! The above worked for me!

    In the Wells Fargo website, My Profile / Update Contact Information, my preferred contact number was set to a non-texting number. I changed it to Mobile 1 and was able to add my Wells Fargo accounts almost immediately (about a minute later?). Thanks Quicken Kristina!

    wags Glad to be here!

  • Mark Lang
    Mark Lang Member ✭✭

    I am having same problem connecting to WF - my phone # is correct - I still can not connect. I get the sorry we can't connect it's not your fault. I can get to WF website so my pw & username are correct -how do I fix?

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Hello @Mark Lang,

    To assist with this issue, please provide additional information. Are you trying to connect via Direct Connect or Express Web Connect? At what point in the process are you encountering this error? If possible, please provide a screenshot of the error (with personal information redacted). If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • nancy_ian
    nancy_ian Member ✭✭

    I've been having same problem with Wells Fargo accounts for the last few days. Tried all the fixes and checked phone number but everything was working so what initiates this change? Huge problem and raises questions on all accounts and Quicken's poor response. I haven't called support yet because there should be documented fixes for users to follow.

    I've used and relied on Quicken for many, many years but will need to look elsewhere unless you can provide a solution asap.

  • studpup
    studpup Windows Beta Beta

    Sorry you're frustrated. This is just community chat, for support contact quicken.com/support

    wags Glad to be here!

  • Mark Lang
    Mark Lang Member ✭✭

    when I try to add my WELLS Fargo Accounts I get the following

    I have my correct cell phone #, my user name & password work when I connect directly to Wells Fargo = why can I not connect these accounts- this has been an ongoing issue

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    Have you tried logging into wellsfargo.com/fmssetup before you attempted to reconnect?

  • Mark Lang
    Mark Lang Member ✭✭

    yes - I logged into wellsfargo.com/fmssetup - still get the same message when I try to add my WF Accounts

  • Mark Lang
    Mark Lang Member ✭✭

    screenshot says Quicken is having trouble connecting to wellsFargo

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @Mark Lang - the message from Wells Fargo in your screenprint that you provided implies that you either entered invalid credentials or that you are connecting with Direct Connect for the first time. You need to successfully sign in to Quicken with the FMSSETUP process so that Wells Fargo can verify your identity.

    After you sign into FMSSETUP website successfully, you will have 10 minutes to go back to Quicken and complete the online connection process. If you still get an error the first time, try again. Retrying usually works.

    If you still have issues, then that means that Wells Fargo cannot verify your identity. This could be for many reasons, but the main one is that your contact information is incomplete or was changed recently.

This discussion has been closed.