Pin favorite categories (Q Mac)

JustJoe Member

I'm using Quicken Business & Personal for Mac. There are a few categories I use all the time and I'd like to be able to pin them to the top of the category dropdown list. As of version 7.6.1, there is no way to 'pin' favorite categories to the top of the list. I have not found a way to do this without renaming the categories. Is this possible? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate having a way to do this, so perhaps putting in a feature request would be the way to go. Any suggestions?

1 votes

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  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    No, there isn't a way to pin categories. As you mention, you could start the category name with a "*" for example which will sort it to the top of the list.

    That said, when you are in the Category field, how about just typing the first character or two of the name. This will open the dropdown and filter the list and usually result in the category at the top, already selected. All you have to do is hit Return or Tab key to enter it and move to the next field. If it's not preselected at the top, you can use the down arrow key to move down to the one you want. No need to take your hands off the keyboard to open the dropdown list.

    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @JustJoe,

    I went ahead and changed your post to an Idea so other users who have the same or a similar request can vote on your idea by clicking the up arrow (see below).

    Ideas are also reviewed by our Development and Product teams in order to improve Quicken and implement new features requested by customers.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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