Account details & Category conflicts - Hiding Options, Editing, Closing issues

There should be an option to NOT choose to TRANSFER to an ACCT that is closed. To elaborate, when you choose options in the Account List such as:
This should also at least have an additional option to check to NOT allow the option to no longer TRANSFER to this hidden Account. Since the TRANSFERS under the Category List does NOT allow you to "HIDE"
-Add an additional option to check to NOT allow the option to TRANSFER to this hidden Account. (in the Category List possibly)… since you would think HIDDEN is HIDDEN and should apply to the TRANSFER drop down list or option as well.
... it's quite that simple.
See attached pics
Currently the only way to completely HIDE is to CLOSE the Account. But this is NOT a good option due to the ramifications that CLOSING an Account causes (which leads to an additional request as to option to revert CLOSING an account.
@JS&BS - when I check "HIDE IN TRANSACTION ENTRY LISTS" for any account, active or closed, the account does not show in the Transfer category list.
There have been many discussions as to why this works for some users but not others. The conclusion is that it works for newer data files, but not older ones.
If you create a new data file with a couple of accounts, I think you will see that if you check "HIDE IN TRANSACTION ENTRY LISTS" in these accounts, they will not show in the Transfer category list.
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So is there a corrupt data fix or repair for this? How do I know "when" I started my data file?
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@JS&BS - this situation doesn't mean that your data file has corruption. I've noticed that some fixes or enhancements are not retroactive and apply only to new setups going forward. They are usually updates or enhancements that are not included in the release notes (at least I could not find them). That would explain why some user's experiences are different than others. I think Quicken should include all fixes or enhancements in the release notes and indicate whether they are retroactive or not.
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I'm having the same issue. Just came to post about it and found this entry.
Example: Investment account — Transfer cash to another account. ALL accounts are in the drop down menu, including formally Closed, Hidden accounts (both checked) and Separate accounts. In other words, even Closing an account or having Separate accounts does not remove it from the list.
PLEASE have this fixed for us old time users. We should be rewarded, not punished, for having been customers for so long.
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Here is some more information on this.
And here is an idea to vote on. Note that this idea has been suggested before, but it looks like they archived them and are no longer visible, hopefully enough people will vote on it this time so that they implement it.
You might wonder why I have created another idea to be voted on instead pushing people just to vote on this idea?
The reason that I feel it is a mistake to try to treat transfers as “accounts” for the reasons explained in the above FAQ and the idea below.
This is my website: -
Things were fine until an update. Now I have OLD zeroed out investments showing in ALL of my accounts. They CANNOT be hidden!
They can be removed but then all sorts of issues, as threatened, show up. It would be nice to be able to tidy up the picture WITHOUT ancient data showing.
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@brianruchalski16 I think you are talking about a different problem (and it is a new bug). This thread is about hiding the transfers from the category list. As in you close out an account and you no longer want to see [This Account] in the list of accounts you can make a transfer to.
The bug you are referring to is about close securities all of a sudden showing up when then shouldn't.
This one might be what you are talking about:
This is my website: