Editing a Transaction causes it to be duplicated and overrides the next transaction

I am using Quicken Premier for Windows, R56.9 (the latest). I have recently discovered a bad bug in the Register. It is so bad that I really cannot use Quicken any more for editing transactions.
Look at the first screenshot below. I am about to edit the third transaction for "Anita Tire Corp" as it is missing a category. After I add the category and press Enter, notice how the next transaction (Marsala Hardware) is overriden with a duplicate of the Anita Tire Corp transaction!
What's worse is that the Ending Balance at bottom right has changed to reflect the now two transactions from Anita Tire and no longer reflects the Marsala Hardware transaction. Mind boggling!
I have tried switching account views to see if this display glitch goes away and it does not. Only when I quit Quicken and relaunch does the register then display correctly with a correct Ending Balance. This is not a practical way to edit transactions and have to quit / relaunch almost every time to make sure the correct info is still there.
This started quite recently (in the last couple of months or so) and has been driving me nuts. I had just upgraded from Deluxe to Premier for another year's subscription, and I'm really disappointed that this register bug pretty much renders Quicken useless for me until this is fixed. I am constantly categorizing transactions and adding memos to transactions as I have done for the last 30+ years, and never ran into this issue.
P.S. I also reported this bug through the Help menu, "Report a problem…" but that form says that Quicken will not respond to me directly, so I'm hoping the community and any support folks here can help me out.
Best Answer
Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached and (if you are willing) a sanitized copy of your data file in order to contribute to the investigation.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
Actually, the Ending Balance in the second screenshot doesn't add up. -1,727.47 from the 1st screenshot - 1,157.53 for the apparent duplicate is -2,885, then either adding 24.00 back in or taking it out still doesn't get to -2,977.98 as shown in the screenshot. It's not to be trusted at all.
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Digging into this some more. I tried a complete uninstall and reinstall of Quicken Classic to see if it would solve the problem. It did not. Then I noticed that if I had a filter on the register (such as "Last 30 Days"), editing transactions does not lead to the duplicate transaction display and incorrect Ending Balance! Interesting… Resetting the filters will then show the bug again when editing transactions. So exasperating!
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Just firing a shot into the dark here, but that does look more like a display driver or screen refresh issue to me.
For a test, change your register to use 2-line-per-transaction mode and see if the problem still occurs.
To toggle from 1-line to 2-line mode and back press CTRL-20 -
The problem still exists with 2-line-per-transaction mode. I have not changed my display driver nor monitor for the last five years I've had this desktop machine.
The negative part about using Filters in the register is that after each transaction is modified and entered, the register refreshes in order to maintain the correctness of the filter. So this is not a long-term solution.
Does anyone else have this problem?1 -
I have seen transaction duplication in Investment registers - never in Banking registers - and it is always a display issue. Clicking elsewhere causes the display to correct itself.
But your issue looks like an actual data problem. You should probably have a look at the data file troubleshooting procedures here:
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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Thanks, Rocket Squirrel. I've done that, to no avail. There were no errors from the Validate procedure. This happens in both Bank Accounts and Credit Card Accounts.
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You've performed both File > Copy and File > Validate? Then something sounds structurally wrong with your data that those operations can't fix. Does the Validate log show anything interesting?
I can offer you a pretty terrible workaround. Click in the transaction you wish to edit. Press Ctrl-I (that's eye, not ell). This will insert an empty transaction directly below your current transaction. Then you should be able to edit the transaction of interest and delete any duplicate it creates.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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Yes, I have tried both approaches. No difference. Below is the Validate log — clean as a whistle.
Thanks for the workaround; in my experience, the empty transaction is inserted above the current transaction. Then when I delete the empty transaction, I am prompted with a confirmation. For over 40 transactions per month in just one account, that's a lot of keyboarding, and no fun.
I do not think it's a data structure issue, because every time I quit and relaunch Quicken, the register shows correctly. Since using filters updates the register on every edit, it's showing the actual data. It's without filters (my normal situation) when the problem occurs. I tried changing the register row spacing to Standard (from Compact) and it made no difference. The duplicates still occur. Baffling…
[Wed Jun 05 22:31:33 2024]
File: "C:\Users\mark\Documents\Quicken\xxxxxxxxx"
Validating your data.
No errors.QEL:
No read errors.QEL:
All internal consistency checks passed.[Wed Jun 05 22:31:37 2024]
1 scheduled transactions corrected
Maximum security reference: 43, number of securities: 43.
All security references are within the normal range.Validation has completed.
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in my experience, the empty transaction is inserted above the current transaction.
This suggests that you are sorting your register by descending date rather than ascending date. Unless you want to reverse your sort order, I don't know how to make this work.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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I find the same issue. Renaming a payee or adding/changing a category does it about 90% of the time.
I have found that when it happens, Go the gear icon, click on Register Columns, check the box next to Downloaded ID. It then shows a column where the electronic ID from the bank is listed. If Quicken has created an additional transaction, this clears it and puts the one that was overwritten back. It's annoying to keep having to turn that on and turn it back off, but it makes it usable.
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MDToni, so glad to know that I'm not the only one! I agree that it doesn't always happen, but does happen frequently (about 90% of the time as you said).
Thanks for your suggestion. I have also found that setting a filter on the register to the last 30 / 60 / 90 days does prevent the problem from occurring because the display is refreshed after each edited transaction. The flicker of refreshing every time is a bit of a nuisance but better than looking at seemingly-duplicated transactions.
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I have been having the exact same issue with Quicken ever since there was an update that entered pending transactions. I reported the problem. Every time that Quicken duplicates a transaction and overwrites the following transaction, if I make a change, I immediate click on a different account and then click back to the account I was working on. That causes the duplicate to go away and the original transaction to disappear. I am tired of doing this to just modify a transaction. I have used Quicken forever. I love the product. However, I am ready to look for different personal accounting software.
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I meant to say above that clicking on another account and then back to the original account causes the duplicate to disappear and the original transaction to reappear.
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I am trying a new approach. I opened register preferences and chose to not have pending transactions entered in any of my accounts.
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Same problem here. Did a split transaction with a lot of entries. Next thing I knew it was gone. I screamed and cussed a lot, but it didn't fix the problem.
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I have the same problem, first noticed earlier this year, probably around March. It occurs for me when the register is sorted in ascending date order (newer dates at the bottom). When I change the sort so that newer dates are at the top the problem goes away.
I'm only seeing this on bank registers, not investment.
To recap the problem — Given a bank register sorted in ascending order by date, edit and save a transaction. The transaction then appears to be duplicated and overwrites the transaction below it. This is a rendering issue; the transaction is not really duplicated, and the "overwritten" transaction is not changed. BUT if you try to edit the "duplicate" you will indeed overwrite the other one.
My workaround had been to exit and reopen the register after each such edit, or to only edit "upwards" in the register. But after reading some comments here I tried reversing the sort order and found that it then works fine.
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Thanks to those who replied to my topic. The sort by newer dates does make the problem go away, but it will be a big adjustment after using Quicken for about three decades. I'd rather Quicken fix the bug!
Interesting about the pending transactions. I'll definitely try that.
Also, as a reminder, if you set a filter on the register (such as last 30 days, last 90 days, etc.), that also prevents the display issue. I've been using this method while sorting by older dates, and my sanity is slowly but surely returning… 😁
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I am having the same problem as well.
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This is how I am working with this bug.
Has a bug been reported officially? Is there a ticket we can track?
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I did report this bug via the Help or Support menu item inside Quicken in early June before starting this thread. Haven't gotten any word yet, nor a ticket number.
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Hi All, I started having this same issue few months ago, and it is extremely difficult to use quicken. I have also submitted an issue, but have not heard anything back.
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I have also had this same problem; typically, if I clicked on another account and/or shut down the program, it would resolve itself until I finished my updates. Today, it was constant. I am so thankful to learn that the filter works to prevent the problem. As soon as it duplicates, I turn on the filter, and the duplicate entry disappears. I submitted a bug report today.
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I'm having the same issue. I'll try some of the tips I've read through this thread.
I'd like to see if Quicken addresses this issue as well since the workarounds have added unnecessary steps or display changes.
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I'm having the same issue. Software up to date and file validated with no errors. Come on Quicken—fix it!!!
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Same issue here. I hate to turn off pending transactions, because that was a helpful feature. But not at the cost of this frustration. It's been 2 months - why hasn't Quicken fixed this?
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I am having the same issue for the last few months. Very annoying and frustrating. QUICKEN!?! Fix this bug, please…
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Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached and (if you are willing) a sanitized copy of your data file in order to contribute to the investigation.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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I've been experiencing the same issue for the past few months, i.e., editing a transaction creates a duplicate entry that can only be corrected after restarting Quicken.
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Thanks, marklstern for starting this inquiry. I am having the same problem. It is disastrous when quickly updating data from an imported session and an update to a memo or something simple is done and the transaction overwrites the next one. It does do this about 90% of the time and in the mode where sorted by Date chronologically with earliest date at the top. And yes, after 20+ years it will be hard to change how I manage the data. Bottom line is this shouldn't happen. I too will submit an official problem report on this error/bug.
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I also have this doubling problem. Glad I found this thread, because sorting in descending order does eliminate the problem. I tried going to a different account and then back to the one that got doubled, but that didn't always fix it. I ended up restarting the program after almost every edit. Hopefully Intuit can be troubled to fix this bug, because I'd rather sort in ascending order. I'll submit a bug report to them also.