Autosave file after 10 minutes no activity (Q Mac)

Macfred123 Member ✭✭

Autosave after 10 minutes no activity, backup?

1 votes

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  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I'm not sure I understand your request. Quicken saves every transaction as you enter/edit it. What would you want it to auto-save every 10 minutes? The big thing which happens when you quit Quicken is that it generates a backup file, which can be a life saver if something goes wrong — but no one would want a backup file saved every 10 minutes. So please explain where you see a benefit for some form of frequent "auto-save".

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 21

    Quicken is NOT like MS Word - in that when you touch Quicken, your data is written to disk immediately -
    that's why there is no un-do or anything like that - everything is happening in real time… when you hit Enter - it is DONE

    Didn’t realize QMac had that capability

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited June 21

    that's why there is no un-do or anything like that 

    @Ps56k2 Since this was created as a Quicken Mac topic, I’d just mention to you that Quicken Mac does have unlimited steps of un-do in almost every area of the program. You can enter a transaction, move it to a different account, change the category, delete it… and you can un-do any or all of those steps. Mass edits are also fully un-doable. (The un-do buffer is session-specific; that is, if you close a file or quit Quicken, next time you open the file you can’t in-do something from the previous session.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • larc2
    larc2 Mac Beta Beta

    Autosave as a "background activity" while still being able to work live with Quicken open, I would like. Not sure about time intervals.

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @larc2 What would you want it to auto-save? Every transaction entry or edit is saved each time you press Return.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    Personally I think that this is a naive request that has not been fully thought out.

    Quicken Mac does not work like a text editor of 20 years ago that you had to be sure that you saved your work because if you didn't in a crashed it would all be lost. Quicken Mac is continuously saving your data as you work most likely every time you hit the same button for a individual transaction or edit anything like a reporter that kind of stuff.

    So the next question comes in about backups and that would be I did something and I made a mistake and I want to go undo it. Quicken Mac has undo. So that use case should already be taken care of. So we go on to something like you did some major thing and you want to reverse it. Well that isn't going to be based on time you know you fire off to update download transactions there's not a given exact time that will happen you tell it to delete a whole bunch of stuff or you create a report or whatever there isn't a time that is going to match you being able to get back to the state exactly what you want easily by going to a backup.

    And continuously making separate data file backups just isn't going to work you got people with gigabyte data files how many gigabyte data files can you have if you save for every time you do anything? Even something like 10 minutes can get prohibitive when you consider how much space you were talking about not to mention the performance hits when you keep writing out so much to your disk so frequently.

    This is my website:
  • larc2
    larc2 Mac Beta Beta

    I was thinking most recent keystrokes activity in the event of a crash. @Chris_QPW covered the possibilities for me. Perhaps this "10 minute autosave" feature request is not really needed. Having a auto-save backup after quitting the app is working just fine.