Vanguard download missing SOME transactions?

Dennis@ Member ✭✭✭

No problem connecting to Vg and downloading transactions via the Update function but why are a few transactions in multiple accounts missing? To get all the transactions I'm forced to the Vanguard website and initiate a download from there to Q. Does Vg control which transactions are downloaded? Windows 11 user.


  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @Dennis@,

    When did this issue begin to occur? Are the missing transactions any specific type? What kind of accounts are these with Vanguard? Do you receive any error codes or messages?

    Let me know!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Vanguard controls which transactions are downloaded and when.

    Some Vanguard distributions for the 2nd quarter were later than usual, dated 7/1. For me those did not download to Quicken until 7/2.

    Is that what you are seeing, or have they still not downloaded for you?

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Dennis@
    Dennis@ Member ✭✭✭

    No Jim, this is not a month or quarter end phenom. I understand your point and I've observed the same but that is not my problem. The issue has been happening for at least 2-3 months and in time periods away from month end. I have both taxable and tax deferred accounts there. I typically download transactions weekly. The update process looks like it's working correctly unless you then compare the Quicken balances to the Vg balances. That's how I discovered that some transactions we not downloading. I have not monitored the details enough to say if it's only specific accounts, securities or transaction types but I will begin a record of those details. I've never gotten any message or error code flagging the issue. I've checked my account list and it shows most recent date and time of update even when not all transaction were transmitted.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 3

    I looked back through my Vanguard accounts and I see that I am also missing occasional transactions.

    The transactions that are not downloaded appear to be cash transfers to other Vanguard accounts and Cash in Lieu sales of partial shares related to spinoffs.

    QWin Premier subscription
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