Scheduled Transactions Not Shown for Investment Accounts in Mobile App

MikeChicago2 Member
edited September 6 in Using the Mobile App

Quicken mobile shows Scheduled Transactions (in addition to past transactions) for Banking and Credit accounts. But I pay many of my credit card and other bills from my brokerage account (an Investment account) which allows for check writing, or via direct debit. So at any time I have many scheduled transactions in that Investment account on Quicken which I can easily view on my desktop version to determine if I need to add cash to that account via funds transfer or sale of securities to have sufficient cash for the upcoming bills, checks and other scheduled transactions. But when traveling I only have the Mobile app on my iPhone or iPad. Since Quicken Mobile does not show Scheduled Transactions (or any transactions) for investment accounts, when traveling for an extended period I am unable to look ahead to make sure there are sufficient funds in the Investment account I pay my bills from. This significantly reduces the usefulness of the Mobile app for me, and I suspect many others who don't travel with a laptop computer. Perhaps Quicken can enhance the Mobile act by allowing at least one Investment account to display at least Scheduled Transactions as it does for banking (checking, saving) accounts.


  • Hello @MikeChicago2,

    Thank you for coming to the Quicken Community to provide your feedback! Since you're asking for the ability to view transactions/scheduled transactions for investment accounts to be added to the mobile app, I recommend that you create an Idea Post to request this change. Ideas that get enough votes may be implemented in the future! For instructions on creating an Idea Post, please click here.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

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