GHESP Downloads

Scott DS
Scott DS Member ✭✭

Good morning. The GHESP downloads are working, but not pulling in the correct values. Is quicken aware of this issue? This is the 529 plan for the state of Georgia. It can be found by searching for GHESP in quicken.




  • Hello @Scott DS,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. When did you first notice this issue? Which version of Quicken were you using when the issue started? Do you see any error messages/codes when you try to update the account(s) in Quicken? Could you elaborate how the values it's showing are wrong (missing transactions, showing 0s for everything, duplicate transactions, etc.)? If possible, please include a screenshot of the issue (please make sure to redact any personal information from the screenshot). If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.   

    I look forward to your response!

    Quicken Kristina

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