Account balances group by Institution

Miguel Member ✭✭


Is there any report that shows Institution name or that allows me to pick the Financial Institution so I can group or show totals by Instituion name.

The Institution name is showing in the Account list but that's it. Is does not allow me to sort or group by Institution name.

If I want to do it and would need to re-order the default account list by institution, but I want to keep grouping them by Personal spending, savings, etc.

I am just looking for a single report by Financial Institution.



  • Hello @Miguel,

    There aren't any reports with a built in ability to sort by financial institution. Depending on what information you want to see, you could probably create custom reports that sort by account, then customize to limit the accounts displayed in the report to just the ones from a specific financial institution. For example, if you're just wanting to see account balances for a specific financial institution, you could run an Account Balances report and customize it to show only the accounts with a specific financial institution. Once created, you'd be able to save the report (with a name making it obvious which financial institution it's for), so you could access the information quicker next time.

    If you'd like to see the ability to sort by financial institution added to reports, you can create an Idea post. Ideas that get enough votes may be implemented in the future. For instructions on creating an Idea post, please click here.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

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