"Everything Else" in Budget

Doug Dubowski
Doug Dubowski Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭✭

I keep on getting a category "Everything Else" in my budget categories (always a sub category) with zero budget, but I cannot figure out how to get rid of them in my budget category list. The category doesn't show up when you select the "Manage Budget Categories". How do I get rid of these nuisance categories in my budget? Thanks



  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @Doug Dubowski,

    I apologize for any inconvenience these are causing you!

    Could you please provide a screenshot of what you are seeing? If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "Everything Else" is a virtual category. It shows up when, in "Select categories to budget" you select the parent category and one or more, but not all of the subcategories. Amounts would appear in Everything Else when you have transactions falling into unselected subcategories.

    "Other" is another one of these virtual categories. It shows up when a transaction is categorized to a parent category instead of one of its subcategories.

    That's so that parent category rollup totals make sense as being "the sum of all transactions of this parent category and its subcategories".

  • Doug Dubowski
    Doug Dubowski Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the response. This is a new budget, with very few subcategory entries, none of which are uncategorized under a parent category. The creation of these "Everything Else" subcatagories likely happened two or three years ago. Why would they be carried forward in a new budget, especially when there appears to be no mechanism to get rid of them? Hopefully Quicken developers will see this and fix this "pothole".

  • Doug Dubowski
    Doug Dubowski Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Here is a screen shot of the "Everything Else" Sub-category. It has been applied twice to the Categories "Pet Care" and "Utilities". There are more, but this exemplifies the issue I am having.

  • mjs9876543210
    mjs9876543210 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Anja Now that @Doug Dubowski has provided a screen shot can you explain how to make the "Everything Else" category go away? Thank you.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here's an example of a Budgets view together with the "Select Categories to budget" popup view:

    The appearance of the virtual (not actually existing in your Category List) categories is controlled by making selections (or not) in the Select Categories to Budget popup.

    For example, …
    In the Mortgage subcategory I have not selected subcategory Mortgage:PMI so Mortgage:Everything Else appears.
    I have not selected Mortgage:Other so it doesn't appear.
    But I have selected Home:Other to capture transactions categorized to parent category Home that should have been categorized to one of the Home subcategories.

    Which of these virtual categories you wish to see in your budget depends on the selections you make in the popup. Experiment with including or omitting these categories until you get the desired results.

    A bottom line "Everything Else" may appear for each Category Group in the Graph View. AFAIK, this one cannot be removed. It's there to show if transactions were recorded to categories not included in the budget.

  • Doug Dubowski
    Doug Dubowski Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Well, thanks for the note, but it really doesn't explain why the "Everything Else" category gets carried forward in a budget year over year. I understand why the category exists, but I have not created any instances for it to be created in the new budget. Your CEO called these types of issues "potholes" in his last newsletter to Quicken subscribers. It needs to be filled.