Account Overview Screen: [Holdings].Market Value does not match [Account Status].Total Market Value

I have an ongoing issue with one of my accounts from Schwab displaying/calculating correctly in Quicken. I am attaching a screen shot to help explain.
On the Account Overview screen, I have two different amounts appearing. In the "Holdings" section, it matches exactly with the info on the page. Number of shares, amounts, and cash. This is the Market Value purple blob where it shows total correctly.
On the Account Overview screen as well as the register display on the left hand side of the page when I look at all of my accounts, it shows a lower dollar amount for the Total Market Value (green blob).
I have reconciled the account and it matches. I have done the Control + Shift + Z trick to recalculate and that processed.
Any ideas how to resolve the Total Market Value?
Hello @FSUgrad1979,
Thank you for sharing your concern. The most likely cause of the difference you're seeing is that the top section is getting the value based off of quotes, while the Account Status section is based off of the information sent directly from the financial institution. Since the reporting times may be different between the quotes and the financial institution, it is possible for the Market Value to be different, although it will usually be close.
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
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Thanks Kristina but the dollar amount difference is off by nearly 10% so I don't think that is the problem.
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In an earlier discussion on this discrepancy, the problem was resolved by clicking on Download Historical Prices in the Account Overview page.
I did an experiment with an offline account where I put an incorrect price in the price history for a security for the "Last transaction" date in the Account Status section. This led to a discrepancy like what you describe. Clicking on Update Historical Quotes resolved the problem. For an online account, the key date is probably the Last statement download date, but I did not try that.
Please let us know if that resolves the issue for you.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
… the top section is getting the value based off of quotes, while the Account Status section is based off of the information sent directly from the financial institution.
I do not think that last part is an accurate description. If I change the Quote/Price field for a security in the top portion, I see the value in the Account Status section also change.
@Jim_Harman I am not following your experiment. For the account I am looking at, the Last Transaction date is 12/23/24. If I set the as of date for the top section to that date, there is already a difference in the two values - because they are not the same date. Of course, a change to the quote changes the total market value on that date. But moving back to the same date, I see the Market Value in holdings still match the market value in Account Status.
Sidebar: If you have put in a manual price for the 'Last Transaction Date', per the hierarchy, neither a download quotes nor a download historical quotes should override that manual entry. I do not see that happening. Is that what you are seeing and saying?
All in all, I am not seeing the explanation for the OP's issue.
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All I can say is that changing the price for the Last transaction date caused the discrepancy for me with an offline test account. For an online account, as I noted above in my edited comment, maybe it is the price on the Last statement download date that matters. Clicking on that date leads you to the Online Center, where you can see what was downloaded by the FI.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Thanks for the input. I just tried and downloaded the historical prices for the past 5 years of shares in the account and it did not resolve.