Please Fix - Investment Report Issues (calcs off - BUG)

Really, I have been pointing out issues with various reports, etc and it's driving me crazy and think Quicken needs to fix ASAP. Can't make good decisions unless data/calcs are correct.
I'm uploading one sample here is obviously off. I have done data verification to see if that is causing issue.
So did a cover called just and stock and assigned today. I only made the dividend income on this transacton but look at the Return and ROI. Also look at that on the call for this security. The the realized gain is correct
but the RETURN and ROI cannot be correct.
NOTE: Also, there are no prior earlier transactions on these two securities besides what is shown.
Return on Investment should be somewhat near this.
On Quickens Investing>Performance>Average Annual Return screen and then click on Cog and select show security performance (NOTE I had to customize and add some fields to get this screen BUT Customizing seems to not save the report - I have name exited and went back in and customization is lost-FIX THIS PLEASE)
On this screen shot I got some useful info for the covered call which on the report I limited to the call and the stock but you have to look at the totals on the ROI and the Gain/Loss and the Return totals see correct to me.
It should not be this hard to fix these (PLEASE FIX QUICKEN). Also I have tried everything and this is the best report I could find for covered calls but it needs to be easier. Like to see the call and security next to each other when looking at a whole portfolio. A total showing the performance (the call/stock together) so I get the right ROI and gain/loss on the positions (see the total line is beneficial where the ROI and Released Gain/Loos and Return is correct, so it can be analyzed.
Hoping some one at Quicken can look at this because information is king in order to make good decisions.
Hello @BRETTB,
Thank you for making us aware of this issue though I do apologize that you have been experiencing it.
I have sent this over to my team for more information.
-Quicken Jasmine
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I want to add one more thing. When you do a covered call you link it to the base stock. I want a report off the base stock - so the stock and call are next to each other on a report and a sub total combining the two anayzing because otherwise its just skewed and verfy confusing. So I know I have a 26%+ ROI but looking at the stock and call separately - just does not look at that good.
Also on the Investment Performance - ability to look at only closed lots. I had another post, thing there should be for filters for users.
And if there is an expert out there can provide any good reports for covered calls, let me know?0 -
Hello @BRETTB,
Thanks for providing more information.
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots (if possible) attached in order to contribute to the investigation.
Please let me know once you have done so!
-Quicken Jasmine
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One more point since I posted. Because I was not able to sort/group the call options next to the base security to analyze positions. I went through security list and removed the "." on my call options that way I could sort by ticker symbol and they would be grouped together.
Below is how quicken automatically adds Call and I usually manually link it to the base. I usually go an edit the security name and add the portion with period ex ".NET2616A70" to the end of the security name so it looks like "CALL CLOUDFLARE INC CL A .NET2616A70".
So I thought I found a workaround by just taking off the security symbol "NET2616A70" that way I can sort portfolio by symbol it will be listed to the base.BUT
Seems like quicken wants to keep adding calls to the security list with the "." ?? vs linking to the call security without the "." which has the same CUSIP.
So it seems I should not have been removing the "." on call symbols???
Thus if I do this there is not an easy way to group with the main security because all my call options start with the word "CALL".
So there needs to be some more sorting and filtering abilities so we can get the info/data in the format that works for the investor.0 -
Like to see them where the info is downloaded automatically add
to then end of Call Name like I have ex "CALL CLOUDFLARE INC CL A .NET2616A70"
because quicken does not do this and if you have multiple calls on same security it's hard to tell which one unless the symbol is listed too.
on Calls I would like to be able see the expiration date on it's own field so you can sort by expiration date (like bonds). Can't do with current Quicken setup.Hope this helps developers.
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Thank you for the additional information @BRETTB,
We do still need the logs, screenshots, and sanitized file (if possible) that @Quicken Jasmine requested earlier:
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
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Another issue popup on options.
So as I mentioned I went through and removed the "." on the call options so I could sort a portfolio and have these covered call options listed next to the stop to analyze.
ISSUE. Quicken wants to update and act like the option is in my security list. So I do a Search for the call option symbol with out the period and select the one in my list that has the correct cusip. I'm confuse how Quicken is linking to options because on updates to register it's not seeing my existing ones. I'm thinking it won't because it needs the "." to start the call option??My security list yesterday had not calls with the "." but all these were added this morning eventhough I matched them up with the existing calls without the "." I am attaching two screen shots.
This morning new additions but as I said these were matched up with my existing without the "." but Quicken still added.
Please confirm and I'm thinking yes that I need to add the period back in on calls for quicken to linkup properly?
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I sent
log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots (if possible) attached
to quicken through the Quicken>Help>Report Problem with all the requested files.
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@BRETTB Please take this with a grain of salt because I am not an Options-experienced investor inside or outside of Quicken. At this stage I am assuming that Quicken is handling options pretty much the same as they handle other securities. That may be an error on my part.
Tickers: Quicken uses tickers for downloading security prices and other data for the security from their third party data suppliers. I do not know if that service currently includes options or not. If not, you should be able to remove the period without impacting anything else. If those suppliers do provide option prices, the ticker needs to match what those data suppliers use. Personally, I would doubt that includes the period, but I am not properly informed on that.
CUSIP: When a brokerage downloads data, they report the security's CUSIP to Quicken and that CUSIP gets matched to a security in Quicken. From there, it is the CUSIP match that mates the brokerage downloaded data to the specific Quicken security. In attempting to match a new downloaded security to an existing Quicken security, the security ticker and name may be used as a consideration, but it is generally not absolute.
Security name: Everything I have seen allows the security name used for the Quicken to be whatever the user wants. Some users like to edit the name to include the ticker. In this situation of options, you could certainly edit the name to be something like "Array Technologies CALL ARRY…". That would allow you to sort by Security name and have the options grouped with the base security without editing the actual ticker symbol.
Hope this helps.
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Hopefully I get a update from Quicken. As I shown. I removed the period on the sysmbols which quicken automatically added on downloaded transactions in first place. After I removed the period through whole security list to put the options (covered calles) listed next to the stock (only way I found by sorting then by symbol), then on the next downloaded update Quicken wants to add the securities and seems not to match up with the existing security ( the CUSIP OR SYMBOL WITHOUT ".". I manually do the search for the existing call without period, but it seems quicken still would add another call with same CUSIP, which is frustrating
Name is not the issue. But I would like to see quicken put expiration into the name (I do this manually), have found in much eaiser.
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to put the options (covered calles) listed next to the stock (only way I found by sorting then by symbol),
I was explaining to you that if you revised the way you had the calls named by having the base security first, you could sort by security name and leave the period in place in the ticker. You would not have to sort by ticker.
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Thanks, I'll have to think about that.
I like to also have the options grouped next each (for reconcilation with brokerage) other which I can do because I have the word "Call"+ Security name. I can sort by name and pick all the ones with "Call. Also, they are automatically named that way when they are downloaded from my brokerage. The "." on the symbol is automatically added for calls too.
Hoping Quicken can give us some more reporting choices with options (like matching up with base security), etc.0