Huntington Bank Download Error OL-392-A

Hello, as I mentioned in the title I have an irritating issue with my Huntington Bank downloads. Resetting online services did not help. I have experienced this before and resolved by deactivating/reactivating online services for all five of my Huntington accounts. This process is tedious and not something you want to do regularly.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
It seems the problem surfaced when I added a new online payee and attempted to submit a payment using one of my Huntington accounts. I deleted the pending payment and payee and was able to connect and download. However, this is not an ideal solution as now I must logon to the Huntington Bank website to send a payment to a new payee.
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Hello @cfo175,
Thank you for coming to the Community to let us know about this issue. You mentioned the problem started when you added a new online payee and tried to submit payment. What day was that?
Another customer posted about a similar issue earlier today, although for them, they were able to successfully update by running One Step Update a second time. Click this link to see their post. Did you notice the same behavior, or did it refuse to update at all for you?
Have you contacted the financial institution about this issue, as recommended by our article on OL-392 errors?
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
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Hello. My problem happened yesterday, Jan 25th, 2025. I also experienced the same issue a month or so ago and resolved both as I mentioned by deactivating/reactivating online services. Also, in this case I had to delete a new online payee I had also added.
As for the article reference - I already download transactions at least once a week, but generally at least 3x/week. If I were to contact Huntington Bank iI I don't know what I would tell them. It seems like the issue is on the Quicken software side and there is some problem with the way new payees are pushed up to Huntington. I have the latest version of Quicken and used the report an issue submitting my logs. I guess one can't expect feedback from that process so that is why I posted here.
Thank you.
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Thank you for your reply,
It is true that you will not get any direct response when you send a problem report. These reports are reviewed daily to track multiple reports of the same trending issues and/or for troubleshooting/escalation purposes. When multiple reports of the same issue are received, those reports are also investigated further. Reports that can be replicated or verified are then submitted as tickets to the proper channels.
When you connect to the financial institution via Direct Connect, errors typically come from the financial institution's server, which we cannot access. That's why the support articles for most OL errors recommend contacting the financial institution if the troubleshooting doesn't correct the problem.
If you want to test for possible file-specific issues, then next time the error happens, please backup your Quicken file, deactivate the problem account(s), then reconnect the account(s) by navigating to Tools>Add Account, and following the prompts. Instead of linking the problem account(s) to the existing account(s) in your Quicken, add them as new. Then, monitor to see if the issue is resolved in those newly added accounts.
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Thank you I will put this on my To-do list to try. Unfortunately, I have many other items the wife has tasked me with, and I don't want to create any more issues. Meanwhile I will just use Huntington's website to submit any manual bill pays.