Net Worth Report Not Functioning Properly
@Carlos G. - In the std categories split, when the sum total of each of the categories does not equal the transaction total, Quicken will automatically add a balancing category line (with no category) to the split.
If the transaction total amount (in this case, the net deposit to the checking account) is correct, it means that one or more of the original categories in the split were changed or deleted.
You identified the fast and easy way to resolve the issue: Assign and save a category to that balancing category line.
However, doing that will not fix the cause of the issue you have observed as it means that one or more of the other category lines has an incorrect value. So this means historical reports might not be accurate. If you are OK with this, then you should feel comfortable proceeding as you mentioned.
But if you are not OK with this, then you might want to try to understand which of the category lines has the wrong dollar value(s). Hopefully it is just one that is incorrect and it is the same in each of the paycheck transactions. Then you can correct the errant dollar amounts so the Quicken-generated balancing category line disappears. Of course, if there is no consistent pattern from one errant paycheck to another, then this might become too cumbersome and time consuming. It's just another option to consider.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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I'm seeing the same problem as Carlos G, the original poster, my account bar is showing the correct account balances and net worth. However both standard and custom net worth reports show the wrong balance for one checking account. I just read the other threads about the paycheck corruption issue that was fixed but didn't correct any previous bad data (thanks so much Quicken, so glad I pay a subscription fee for crashes and endless problems).
But I'm not sure this issue is caused by paycheck corruption - I changed the date on the net worth reports to every year going back to 2011 and the account balance never matched what was in the account register for that same day. This account doesn't have any paycheck transactions until 2012. I also opened up about 50 paycheck transactions before 2022 and none of them seemed like there was a problem, I checked both the standard paycheck UI and the CTRL+SHIFT splits window. Since Quicken either has no QA team or they don't test in the same way power users use the app, I run a custom script that prevents Quicken from auto upgrading (I only upgrade from the mondo patch when I have a need to), and a script records the version of qw.exe every day. I export a custom net worth report every month and this problem didn't happen last month. I foolishly let it upgrade to 61.17 (screenshot below).
When I have time maybe I'll try to downgrade back to 54.16, and test with copies of my current & backup data files made with 54.16.
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@ProfileX, I was able to narrow down the date of the issue by eventually getting the Net Worth report down a daily interval and tracing back to the Paycheck entry. Someone on this thread asked me to confirm if it was indeed a paycheck entry so there may be other causes out there.
Agreed 100% on the accountability issue with Quicken.
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Hello All,
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots (if possible) attached in order to contribute to the investigation. If you could also respond here with exact steps to reproduce this issue and any troubleshooting steps you have taken thus far in an attempt to resolve the issue.
Let me know!
-Quicken Jasmine
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Hello All,
This issue has been reported for further investigation, however, there is no current timeline as to when more information will be received. Please let me know once you have submitted the problem reports so that I may add them to the internal ticket.
Thank you for your continued support and patience.
-Quicken Jasmine
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