Help My Quicken Is Unable To Connect To Bank (Orange County Credit Union) [Edited]

Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

As of yesterday March 13, my quicken is unable to connect to my bank. I use the Quicken app on my PC, windows 11. I get error CC-503. I see that there is an ongoing problem with that error code as it relates to Bitcoin but I don't use Bitcoin so I'm wondering is there a larger problem going on?

My bank password and ID are correct as i log into my bank with no problem.

I have tried updating different older data files, thinking my current file was the issue, still can't connect to the bank

I have tried making to different new "test" files, still can't connect?

I've tried contacting Support to get a live chat and i keep getting thrown all over the place and unable to reach anyone.

Can any one give me anyone help me connect and or let me know if this is an isolated issue or a large issue affecting others.


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Which bank?

    Are you getting an error message in addition to the error code? If so, what does it say?

    Have you reviewed the active Alerts that are posted to see if one of the might be applicable to your situation?: Alerts, Online Banking & Known Product Issues.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    Orange County Credit Union

    In addition to cc-503, the message more or less says 2 things 1. that quicken can't connect me because my bank says that my log in/password is incorrect (its not) 2. when you know your password/log in is correct try adding the account(s) again ( i have tried again and again, unable to connect to the bank).

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I did not see any other discussions in this Community regarding this error code of OCCU.

    When you have tried adding the accounts, again, to Quicken:

    • Are the accounts still shown as being connected for downloading? If below the account name in the account register you see a line showing when the last download occurred and what the connection method is, it means your account is still connected. In this case, Update Now (instead of OSU) can sometimes resolve the issue. If that fails, then Reset Account can sometimes resolve the issue. If neither of these works, Deactivate each OCCU account, go to Tools > Add Account and try adding the accounts, again. (Do not use Set Up Now.)
    • If the accounts are already deactivated, did you try using Add Account or Set Up Now to reactivate them, again? If you used Set Up Now, try using Add Account, instead.

    If this fails, the following Support Article says to contact Quicken Support: Error When Updating Accounts: CC-503 | Quicken. It might be an caused by an issue that requires Quicken Inc. to address with the server. The link for contacting Quicken Support via Chat or Phone is in this Support Article.

    There are a few other things you might want to try as well:

    • Run Validate & Repair (File > Validate & Repair file). This can fist some data file, connection and software issues.
    • Create a Copy: File > Copy or Backup File > Create a copy or template > Next > Save Copy. This will complete a copy-exact totally unique file of your primary data file except that all online services will be disconnected. Open this Copied file (it will have Cpy added to the end of the file name) and try doing Add Account for your OCCU accounts in it. If it works, then it indicates that your primary data file likely has some corruption in it. If it does not work, it indicates that there is an issue with OCCU downloading that is not related to your data file which will require you to contact Quicken Support to get fixed.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    Thank you for sharing and trying to help. I had tried all of your suggestions prior to coming on here for help and none of the above worked. I've tried getting in touch with support, as previously mentioned and cant reach them

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can't reach them? Are you trying to contact them during their hours of operation? They can get busy so it is not unusual to have to sit on hold for a while before you will actually be connected to someone.

    Regarding your PW for OCCO: Does it contain any of these special characters….&, <, >, \ or /? Sometimes these special characters can cause issues with setting up a download connection. If your PW includes any of these special characters, try changing your OCCO PW in your online account to something that does not include any of these special characters. Then try setting up downloads in Quicken using this new PW.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @deex2,

    Thank you for letting us know you're encountering this issue. I can see that you already sent us a problem report. When I check the attached log files, I do see a QCS-409 error that may be impacting the issue you're reporting.

    In addition to @Boatnmaniac's recommendation to check your password for special characters that don't work well with Quicken, and contact the financial institution, I also recommend troubleshooting the QCS error, just in case it is contributing to the invalid credentials errors.

    To troubleshoot that error, please try logging out of your Quicken, then logging back in. You can do that by navigating to Edit>Preferences>Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts. Then, click the blue Sign in as a different user link.

    In the confirmation window that comes up, type "yes", then click the Sign Out button.

    Once Quicken finishes logging you out, it will bring you back to the login screen. Please login, then test to see if the issue persists.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    Sorry, I couldn't reach support via CHAT, I called them. They couldn't even fix the problem and supposedly "escalated" the issue

    No my password doesn't have any special, unallowed characters. Also created new password didn't work either

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for the follow-up,

    I can see that Support did escalate the issue, ticket # 11650392. The escalated team should reach out to you via email (the email you provided to Support) if they need further information or when they believe the issue is resolved.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    edited March 14

    Thanks for responding Kristina,

    There are no unallowed special characters in my password

    I should have listed I had already tried the signing out/in as a different user and validating and super validating prior to creating the post for help, all of which did not work. As I mentioned to someone else, I did finally speak to customer support of which couldn't figure out the issue either and supposedly "escalated" the issue [Removed - Speculation].

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    Since an escalated team is working on the issue (the ticket number is in my earlier post), I recommend waiting while they work to resolve the issue. Doing additional troubleshooting may interfere with their efforts to investigate and resolve the issue.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.


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