Can I turn multiple entries that are blue check to green check? (Q Mac)

In my case, I am not reconciling with a bank statement. I have a register with blue check marks as set by the download transactions. I have to compare these items to a number of different sources to confirm they are correct. Right now, if I select a group of lines, I can hit Option-R to turn off the blue reviewed dot on all lines. But I cannot find a way to do that for the blue to green check marks.
I would like to select a range of register lines that are a blue check mark, and like the Option-r command does to turn off the reviewed blue "dot", change ALL the same selected lines form blue check marks to green check marks. Is there a way to do this without reconciling the register?
Of course, I can do them one at a time by Option-clicking on the blue check to turn it green, but I cannot seem to do more than one line at a time. And this is time consuming at best. (there is also a bug that if I am clicking on a blue check mark I have scrolled to, after clicking it you slam the register back to the line selected. That is annoying at best.)
If there is not such a command or method, I would like to suggest that option-clicking any blue check mark within one of the multiple selected lines, turns all the selected lines from blue check to green check.
Thank you
Best Answers
Hello @MakorHavoc,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community with this. Currently, there isn't an option to bulk edit to the blue checkmarks in the Clr column into green checkmarks (there is an option to do the opposite). You can change the blue checkmarks to green by reconciling the transactions in Quicken for Mac. See this help article for more information on reconciling:
If you would like to request a feature to bulk edit transactions to change the checkmark in the Clr column from blue to green, then I recommend creating an Idea post. For more information on creating an Idea post, please review the post linked below:
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
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Thank you Kristina,
So for now, I can stop looking for it now (I did find the way to go to and from blank to blue check!)
As I did say, reconcile will not work for me in these cases as this is not being checked against a register but rather a number of different sources, so reconcile would leave me with strange unreconciled balances, so its not really an option for me.
Thanks for the link to make a request. I will fire one off today.
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@MajorHavoc I see what you mean, that menu should have the Mac Classic subforums listed as well. I brought this up to the moderators.
Hello @MakorHavoc,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community with this. Currently, there isn't an option to bulk edit to the blue checkmarks in the Clr column into green checkmarks (there is an option to do the opposite). You can change the blue checkmarks to green by reconciling the transactions in Quicken for Mac. See this help article for more information on reconciling:
If you would like to request a feature to bulk edit transactions to change the checkmark in the Clr column from blue to green, then I recommend creating an Idea post. For more information on creating an Idea post, please review the post linked below:
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Thank you Kristina,
So for now, I can stop looking for it now (I did find the way to go to and from blank to blue check!)
As I did say, reconcile will not work for me in these cases as this is not being checked against a register but rather a number of different sources, so reconcile would leave me with strange unreconciled balances, so its not really an option for me.
Thanks for the link to make a request. I will fire one off today.
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Thank you for your reply,
It would be awkward to use Quicken's reconcile tool, based on your description, but not impossible, as long as you don't mind a couple extra steps. You could reconcile using the statement balance option, then make sure only the transactions you want to show reconciled are marked cleared. Complete the reconcile, delete any adjustment that Quicken enters to balance the register, and now all the transactions that were marked cleared will show as reconciled. You would then need to mark the transactions that you uncleared for the reconcile as cleared again. That may save you some work, depending on how many transactions you need to mark reconciled.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Yea, I tried that and it is even more complicated than just clicking them one by one and then selecting them all and doing an Option-r. But thanks, I may try that again. But seriously, since the functionality for clear, not cleared, reviewed, and not reviewed is already there in the set status menu, this should be a real easy add.
Idea submitted.1 -
(Oh, how come I cannot select Mac Classic when submitting an idea?)
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@MakorHavoc If you're trying to submit an idea to the top level "Ideas for Mac Classic" category it won't let you do that, you have to pick one of the subcategories below that one; "Manage Account and Transactions" seems like the best fit to me.
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I am aware, but I saw NO subcategories below Mac Classic. I am not sure how I got to the idea page, but I did not go through that top level where I see that now. When I created my suggestion, it told me I had to pick a category, and Mac Classic was visible, but nothing was available below that in the pop-up.
Now I need to recall how I got to where I was.0 -
Ok, I wen to this page:
and selected Ideas for Mac Classic. On the next page, a "New Idea" button was visible, which I pressed. I typed in my idea and hit submit, and then was asked to pick a category from the button at the top of the new post. This is what I saw. It seems if you just start a new post in the Mac Classic area, you can no longer select where the idea should go under Mac Classic. Seems like a bug. I tend to trip on bugs often:0 -
My advice would be to first navigate to the actual forum where you want to post the idea & then press the new idea button from there. Enter a title & description & then press Save and it should put it right into that forum.
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@MakorHavoc I think you could use the Reconcile function to do what you're trying to achieve, even though you're apparently not reconciling to a financial institution as it's designed for.
- Click Reconcile
- On the "How would you like to reconcile your balance?" screen, select Use Statement balance.
- Enter any amount, such as 0 or 1, and the latest date of transactions with blue checkmarks you want to marked as reconciled/green. Click Next.
- On the reconciliation screen, at the top, on the right, it shows the "Quicken Balance", which is the sum of the Cleared (blue check mark) transactions. Write down or remember that number, and click the Back button.
- Now enter the amount from the previous step, and click Next to return to the Reconcile screen.
- The Reconcile screen will now show at the top that the Difference between Statement Ending Balance and Quicken Balance is zero.
- Click Finish, and all the blue checkmarks will change to reconciled/green.
Alternatively, you could skip the step of entering the value of the blue check mark instructions on the reconcile startup screen, and let Reconcile create an adjustment transaction for you; then just delete the adjustment transaction. But I think your Reconciliation History will be a little more useful, should you ever need it, doing the steps above.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931 -
I appreciate all the suggestions, but you all keep thinking reconcile will work, and I keep saying that it does not work for the these particular registers because they are a mixture of different things. Yes, I could manipulate some balances and other nonsense and might be able to achieve the results, but it is a LOT more work than just options clicking the ones I want to turn green. The main issue is the whole register is marked blue checked, so trying to reconcile would require me to uncheck items before trying to turn the others green, and that is not a choice here. I appreciate the attempt to help, but that is not a solution for me. Trust me, I have been using Quicken since it first was introduced, so this is not my first rodeo with the product.
Typically once every few months, I open these registers and need to green check the items I have transferred to "other places" (like a tax return), so I just want to green check them when they are moved. Typically there are 20 to 40 items, and right now, I just option-click on the blue check to turn them green. But I am simply asking for a rather simple addition, the ability to select multiple rows and force them to be green checked the same way I can force reviewed or cleared with a single click to menu select.
Thank you for the answers just the same.0 -
Hi @Jon, I appreciate this and yes, I am now aware of the way the site wants me to do this. I was simply pointing out what I believe is a bug in the site. Since it is not clear when creating a new request that I must pick the actual forum sub topic in advance (as there is a new post button available before doing that), and since the post has a 'choose topic' at the top just in case I did not pick it in advance, I should be able to pick any sub-topic at that point. BUT that top button grays out the topic I started in, preventing me from moving it to the right subtopic. Actually, to be correct, the select topic button should only allow me to select a sub-topic form the top level topic I picked when hitting the new post button. Make sense?
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@MajorHavoc I see what you mean, that menu should have the Mac Classic subforums listed as well. I brought this up to the moderators.
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@MajorHavoc I think the main argument against being able to mass-reconcile transactions outside the reconciliation screen could be that the Reconciliation History would then be incomplete, because there wouldn't be any record of when the transactions marked as manually-reconciled were reconciled. I don't know that the developers would want to make it easier for people to do that.
But I do understand your request; it's simple and straightforward.
I'm afraid I still don't understand the use case you've presented; I'm not sure what you mean when you describe "items I have transferred to 'other places' (like a tax return), so I just want to green check them when they are moved." Green checks are designed for tracking items which have been reconciled, and it sounds like you're using them for some other aspect of your workflow. Of course, it's not important for me to understand how you're using Quicken 😉; I'm just noting that it can help the developers eventually make a decision about implementing a feature if they fully understand the why's behind the requests and the ways users envision being able to use new features.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I would say you really do not need to understand how I am using several registers, only that the items in that register and both inputted by a download, and manually entered from other sources as well. (I am not going into details.) i NEVER reconcile these registers because, these are not a reconcilable register. I use the green check marks to tel me that I have completed a manual check on the entries. But i go through them in groups of the same named entries, and would like to select those entries, and switch them all to green.
I get that it could screw up a reconcile otherwise if used wrong, but maybe only I would use it? I have to believe though that there are people who reconcile manually and would use it as well.
Sorry, that's about a detailed as I will get Hope this work and explains what I want to do.
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@MajorHavoc As I wrote, it's not important for me to understand how you're using Quicken, and I wasn't inquiring for my benefit. What I was trying to explain is that when developers look at a user feature requests, they need to understand why users want it, how it would be used, how it would enable users to do something they otherwise can't, or how it can make a task easier. So they look for use cases so they understand not just what's being asked for but why.
There's no need for you to add more at this point. The next step is to see whether your Idea topic requesting this feature— linked below — garners support from fellow Quicken Mac users.
Just to help set realistic expectations, Idea posts generally need to reach at least 30 votes for them to be forwarded to the developers for consideration. They then evaluate whether they find the request has merit, how it fits into their plans, how much time it would take to implement, and how they prioritize it versus hundreds of other feature requests. If it gets the thumbs up then, the feature is added to the development calendar and the Idea thread is marked as "Planned" so users know it is scheduled to be implemented. Finally comes the wait — which can be considerable — until the feature is actually built and released. So it can take several years from an Idea being started until it makes it into the program, even if, like this one, it seems relatively easy to implement.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931 -
Thanks. Sorry if it seemed a bit snarky. I was working on a particular hard issue when I wrote that.