Quicken for Mac wants me to sign in but won't allow me in

Quicken Mac Subscription Member
This week my Quicken started asking me to sign in over and over. I can see my file, but can't update, access "Connected Services" or "Mobile, Web & Alerts", or even start a new file. I spent well over an hour with a support person earlier this week with no resolution. I have two computers and am traveling at this time, so the desktop is off. This file was working for a week, then just quit. I also tried changing my password a couple of times. Still no love.


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just a shot in the dark.
    You're traveling ... are you using a VPN? Is that VPN set to make it look like you're coming from an American zone IP address or an international one?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I did use TunnelBear, although it's not an international IP address. I only did that one because of where I was at the time. Not using it now as i try to fix my issue.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    And Yes, I did sign out and try to sign back in. Many times. It lets me sign in, puts my file up, and then locks everything up.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I could be totally wrong here ... someone with more experience please correct me ...
    I would try setting up a VPN with a fixed US IP address and use that all the time, to make it look as if I wasn't traveling.
    Quicken for Windows is known to have problems when a VPN is in use. I don't know about Q Mac. And I don't know what kind of road blocks the Quicken server has in effect, to prevent hackers from entering ... you're in uncharted waters here ...
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    edited October 2021
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Interesting that my post saying I was considering moving to another software platforms removed because it was "disruptive". The Customer Service rep who spent well over an hour with me trying to fix this last week finally admitted this was a known issue with anyone who uses Apple iCloud. No one want to provide answers, meanwhile I'm in another state, trying to deal with medical issues, and I can't access my financial data. I wouldn't call my post disruptive. I would say it's calling it like it is.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    How are you using iCloud? If your data file is on iCloud, that's undoubtedly the source of your problem. Quicken Mac can have various issues if the data file is stored on iCloud or Dropbox. 

    Quicken doesn't allow discussion of competing software on this forum. I think they overreach in what they remove, but they're paying for the software, the hosting, the moderators -- it's their sandbox... 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    My main complaint is that it would have been nice if they would have told us not to put our data on iCloud, or I might find myself a thousand miles from home locked out of my financial data.
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