USAA reconcilation issues

For some reason, I continue to have reconciliation issues with every USAA account, which has been happening for the past month. When downloading an account and reconciling, I always show out of balance. I contacted USAA and was told it was an issue with Quicken. Is anyone else having this issue or is there a fix?
Best Answers
Thank you for your response,
This issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. We do not currently have an ETA.
Check your opening balance in the affected account(s). What many have observed is the account is off by the same amount as the opening balance and deleting the opening balance resolves the issue.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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I have had similar reconciliation issues with Quicken for my USAA accounts. Current cleared balance in my quicken account matches exactly with the current balance in my online USAA account. Last deposit is apparently not recognized by quicken reconciliation. It shows the same discrepancy with that deposit showing uncleared as it does with it cleared. I have been a quicken user since December 1994 and the cost to use the program has exceeded inflation since changing to subscription service. This error should be easily fixed by your development team. No ETA is not a good answer.
I've been having this very issue for over a month now. Driving me crazy.4
I have been having the issue as well. Is anyone from Quicken looking at the issue? I've logged support issue with no response
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Hello @j3l, @Shannon, and @FLTRN,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Could you give more detail what exactly is happening when you're trying to reconcile? Are you comparing to a statement balance, or to the online balance Quicken is getting from USAA? Are you missing transactions, getting duplicate transactions, or everything is there but the balance doesn't agree? Is the online balance reflecting pending transactions?
@FLTRN When you say you "logged support issue with no response", do you mean you used Report a Problem? That sends log files, but you will not get a response. The information provided is used for statistical and investigative purposes. If you are wanting a response from Quicken support, you would need to reach out to phone support or chat support using this link. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday. Chat support has the same hours, but is also available on the weekend.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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I am reconciling my Quicken data to the online balance. I'm not sure exactly why the amount is off, but it appears to be including pending, but not cleared transactions from USAA in online balance total instead of the cleared transaction balance only.
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Thank you for your response,
This issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. We do not currently have an ETA.
Check your opening balance in the affected account(s). What many have observed is the account is off by the same amount as the opening balance and deleting the opening balance resolves the issue.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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I'm not a new user - my accounts have been open for ?20 years maybe? This problem just started occurring with an update a few months ago.
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Yet another user with the same problem
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I have been having this same frustrating issue, and the opening balance is not the issue for me. When I choose to update my online account, I cannot reconcile because Quicken compares the USAA available balance (which includes pending transactions) to the Quicken cleared items balance, which does not include pending transactions. This mean it is impossible to reconcile [Edited-Readability]. I have no faith that my Quicken register is a source of truth, because even my cleared Quicken balance doesn't match USAA's balance before pending transactions. I've used Quicken for many years and have never had an issue like this.
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Same problem since last Quicken update. Ending bank balance for USAA reconciliation includes pending transactions rather than cleared transactions only. The only way to reconcile within Quicken is to manually input each pending transaction, then reconcile. Please fix this.3
I have to re-authorise my USAA accounts for every access. 4-6 times a day.
Quicken starts showing some accounts that are in daily use as inactive and and I cannot reset or recreate them.
Quicken started showing one active account as closed that is not. I cannot even access it to try a fix.
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I am having the same issue (see Tim's comment from 5/21). Over the last two days I've spent hours on the phone with Quicken support. They are clueless. I even had a supervisor talking down to me, like I don't know what I'm doing. @Quicken Kristina, "This issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. We do not currently have an ETA.", It's been over three weeks. Why can't you guys get this figured out?
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Same issue. Any ETA on a resolution?
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It's been months for me, and now it's happening with other banks as well. Clearly the Quicken team does not give a crap or this would have been fixed long ago. Unacceptable response from a service that charges a yearly subscription fee for use.
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I am a + 20 year quicken user plus a USAA account client and I am having the similar problem of suddenly USAA reconciling an entry even though the preferences are clearly in place.This occured when they claim to have new connection and security formats in place. At that all my accounts downloaded a mess that took me a very long time to straighten out. This is a lingering issue.3
Same issue here. I've worked around for months by keeping my checking, savings and credit cards using Direct connect and not switching to EWC+. Now this morning after another forced update my USAA accounts will not connect or update at all. Getting continuous 501 errors. It's all related to Quicken forcing all accounts to the EWC+ mode of connecting. This issue is REALLY GETTING OLD0
This is the best understanding of the problem from the users' perspective. I have worked around (but shouldn't have to) the problem by entering my pending transactions (as designated by USAA) into the register. Then it reconciles perfectly.
This could be solved by having the bank's "pending" transactions downloaded.
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Like others here, I have USAA accounts (checking, savings, credit card), but it's my checking account that got hosed by Quicken's reconciliation bugs. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, but I started poking around and trying to figure it out, and then I saw a "Reconciliation History" option under the drop-down Accounts menu bar — I don't know if that history item is new, or if I just never paid attention to it in the past. Well, I clicked on it and learned that I have 6 months of past reconciliations that now have discrepancies. The 6 discrepancy months are not consecutive; the first one is shown as December 6, 2020 listing a discrepancy of -$3,937.79. Four months later the same amount appears, but is now a positive amount; the set-off equals zero. The other four months with discrepancies, all in 2002, are not so obviously related.
Now, I never would have moved on from a month that didn't reconcile — especially when it's in the "thousands" range, so I know this is a Quicken screwup. Quicken staff may claim there's no math errors, but if the program includes an entry that is not on the active list of transactions (and I cannot see where Quicken found another number to include), then I view it as the inability to do math. Anyway, call it what you will, but suddenly Quicken has screwed up the account history; attempts at re-reconciling have been unsuccessful, and I think I will have to go back and manually reconcile two-and-a-half YEARS — about 30 months to re-do by hand. Since I am working long hours 7 days a week, I also can't really do much about it right now.
And now, having read the comments, I am now thinking it will do no good to re-do the 30 months until Quicken fixes the underlying problem.
I have been singing the praises of Quicken for 30+ years (starting in Windows, converting to Mac about 10 years ago), but I have never seen the program mess up like this before.
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I’ve been digging in to this in my own accounts, and I’m noticing that quicken tries to use the bank available balance to reconcile with, which includes all “pending” transactions and not just those that have cleared. This causes mismatches with transactions that will end up with a tip after authorization, or gas station holds, etc. Quicken, please fix this ASAP. It doesn’t make much sense to use financial management software that makes the books wrong.
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I wasn't able to find the "Reconciliation History" you referred to. Any more specifics on where it's located-path to get to it. Thanks0 -
Sure: on the top of the screen (I think the proper name is 'menu bar' but not positive) and starting at the left, there is File | Edit | View | Transactions | Accounts | Reports….
Click Accounts and the drop-down menu will show the third line as 'Reconcile Account' and the next one: 'Reconciliation History' is the 4th line of the drop-down menu. click that & see what comes up. As mentioned, I don't know if this is new, or has been there for years and I just didn't notice.
And I am running Quicken version 7.04
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FYI, Reconciliation History is a Quicken for Mac feature. Quicken for Windows does not have that feature.
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
Thanks for the info on the Reconciliation History functionality.1
This just happened to me after I accepted the latest Quicken Update and I did the new required USAA re-connection. I had a huge difference in my bank reconciliation also. I don't know how (or why), but it did match the opening balance entry from 4/18/1998! I saved a backup and then deleted the beginning balance entry. That brought by reconciliation to $0. It worked for me…sorry it's not working for others. It's almost like it created that entry in the latest update or the re-connection to USAA. On a side note, I hate the new graphics-it's like 1990's DOS pixelation!
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I'm having the same problems with reconciliation as everyone else. Just started with the move to EWC+.
Hey, Christina, any update on when Quicken will get the program fixed. Pretty miffed about the whole thing, especially when we have to pay an annual subscription…that keeps increasing.
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I quit using the global "Update" button on the Quicken menu bar and for 10 days now have been updating USAA accounts from within the individual account using the "Update Now" function found under the gear icon. I haven't had a repeat issue so far with the incessant requirements to re-authorise accounts from the USAA website.
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Came here looking for tips on how to fix my royally messed up Quicken accounts since I can't get the balances to match with reality. I've suspected it has something to do with how transactions are being downloaded from USAA (maybe an issue with how one or both handles pending transactions or preauth holds, specifically?) but the end result is my accounts are anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars off and I can't rely on my quicken to budget. This issue started in Feb when I discovered dozens of missing transactions that hadn't been downloading. I've gone back and checked my transactions lists against my paper statements but still can't get things to match. In a fit of desperation, I tried to validate my data file since I was having other glitches doing one step updates and adding new accounts/reminders. I ended up with a log of more than 500 transactions that require manual correction after validation since the report said those accounts were deleted from Quicken. (They weren't, I can still see them!) It's a hot mess. I've sent reports to Quicken but I don't have much faith anything will come of it. I tried a clean install today with a totally new data file and started clean…we'll see how long it lasts. Like the rest….I have zero answers. Only frustration. I've used quicken since 2003 and hate that I felt compelled to start over. I'm also testing out other software this month because quicken is so utterly useless at the moment.
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I've been a faithful quicken user since 2015 and will be moving on to another program since Quicken has decided our experience with their program is not valuable to their success. This USAA transaction debacle is a complete fail on their part.
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I had one USAA checking account affected and another not.
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After restoring a backup I noted that the opening balance of the account with the error had be changed. How does that even happen?
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I have had similar reconciliation issues with Quicken for my USAA accounts. Current cleared balance in my quicken account matches exactly with the current balance in my online USAA account. Last deposit is apparently not recognized by quicken reconciliation. It shows the same discrepancy with that deposit showing uncleared as it does with it cleared. I have been a quicken user since December 1994 and the cost to use the program has exceeded inflation since changing to subscription service. This error should be easily fixed by your development team. No ETA is not a good answer.