Amex stopped downloading

MaroonDawg67 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Using Quicken Classic Deluxe for Windows. Ten days ago (11/5/23) my Amex account stopped downlaoding. I get no error messages. Appears data downlaoded successfully but with no new transactions indicated. Actually my Amex account shows I have some 28 transactions since then, but none will downlaod into Quicken. Anyone else had this problem



  • Linda Long
    Linda Long Member ✭✭

    Yes, for about 3 days. I have 3 totally different banks linked to Quicken (Ally, Chase and Citibank). I get a CC-800 error for Ally and Chase and Citibank crashes if I even try to select "edit" for online services in the Accounts tab. It doesn't check it at all even though it should. Been having problems for a few days and have many transactions showing that need to come into Quicken at each of these banks.

    I've restarted the computer, tried a backup file and reinstalled the program. Still same problem.

  • Ron Varley
    Ron Varley Member ✭✭✭

    This happens to me on and off with AMEX and USAA Bank, both of which are Express Web Connect + versus Direct Connect for my other Bank, Investing and Credit Card accounts. Occasionally I get a pop up to reconnect Quicken to the financial institution and have to go through the same procedure one goes through on initial setup of an account. Wish there was a way to change how the connection is made. Supposedly the Web Connect + is more secure.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to report this issue to the Community, although we apologize for any frustration or inconvenience experienced.

    This issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. Though we do not currently have an ETA, you can bookmark this Community Alert to get updates when available and to know when the issue is resolved. If you do not see the bookmark icon at the upper right, please make sure you are logged into the Community.

    Thank you!

    (Ticket #10595083)

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Pstefan
    Pstefan Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    AMEX transactions aren't being downloaded for me as well.
    Also strange that transactions are in PENDING state for several days…

  • JAC_CT
    JAC_CT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have had the same issue where Amex transactions do not download. I recall an issue early in Nov and had to deactivate and reactivate the Amex account. It did not go smoothly but eventually I got it done. Sorry, can't remember specifics. When I try to update I get the "complete" message but nothing is done! I have seen many other posts in the community with the same issue and it deserves an expedited resolution. I have been a Q user practically since its inception. The product has seen a lot of improvements over the last few years but the intermittent interface issues and sometimes arduous resolutions continue to taint the experience.

  • Jay D-1
    Jay D-1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am using Quicken Subscription, and I am having difficulty with my AMEX credit card account connection. Like many of you I am getting no errors and no transactional downloads. I tried deactivating and then adding an account and relinking to the existing account, this did not work. I deactivated the existing account and added a new account with a new name and linked it through web connect. this recognized and brought into Quicken the balance at that time but will not update for activity. If anyone figures it out, please post what to do to correct the linking issue? Otherwise, I guess we will all wait on Quicken to resolve.

  • miami33133
    miami33133 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Same issue with my 6 American Express accounts that utilize two different user IDs. No transactions downloads for last 2 weeks. Also noticed that "online balance" is reported as "0.00 as of 0 2000". Perhaps that provides a clue to the programmers? I also deleted all authorizations for Quicken on the American Express website. Some of the cards had a dozen authorizations recorded over just a few days. Others had no authorizations even though they have been authorized in the past. Perhaps that's where the problem lies.

  • KevinIBT
    KevinIBT Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same here. It's only not working for my Amex Business Card. The last time it downloaded a transaction was on Nov 9 2023. Since then nothing. I went through all steps to reset the account but it still is not working. This is annoying, especially since I pay a subscription fee for Quicken Classic. Quicken, do better please. This appears to have started when the Authentication process changed for American Express a few months back.

  • steflondon
    steflondon Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I have been reading that American Express accounts have been having transaction downloading issues for at least 2 weeks, which I also have been experiencing (3 weeks). I have been using Quicken for decades and this is the longest lasting unresolved issue in memory. I do believe this is a Quicken server side issue and if not resolved soon than my subscription renewal will not happen next month. There are other free apps that perform the same function without downloading transactions. AmEx happens to be most most frequently transacted account so Quicken would be pointless.

  • twargo
    twargo Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am also having issues downloading American Express credit card transactions. I have attempted to Reauthorize and to to re-add the account back and link to my existing Quicken accounts and while it attempts to update it will not download any transactions. I called American Express and they indicated it was a Quicken issue. What is the fix to this issue?

  • smichels62
    smichels62 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Yep, once again Quicken isn't downloading any transactions for my American Express credit card. Seems like periodically it quits downloading them then Quicken releases an update and they work once again and then, for whatever reason, once again they don't. Why can't you guys keep this part of the program working from update to update? Is it something on the part of American Express that keeps making it so they can't be downloaded? Please, I just want this app that I keep PAYING FOR to CONSISTENTLY WORK like it's SUPPOSED TO. Is that really too much to ask for? FIX YOUR BUGS!!!

  • mparrott82
    mparrott82 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    My subscription renews in 2 days. Why should I pay Quicken when half the accounts I have will no longer update? And I am asked for my Quicken ID every day. And I get a Invalid Date when transactions are accepted for the few accounts that do update (which was supposed to be fixed).

    Quicken version: R53.16, build

    Chase Visa and American Express updates do not give any errors, it just plain does not work. i know I have transaction to download, I can go to the banks websites and see them.

    The classic Quicken used to work before it became Quicken "Classic". 😔

  • The Keeper
    The Keeper Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    In answer to your question, "Why should I pay Quicken when half the accounts I have will no longer update?" you have to decide whether Quicken is the best way to handle your finances. Yes, it can be frustrating when computer software program features don't always function as you desire or as they are designed and sometimes it isn't the software but the problem could exist with the financial institutions. Downloading bank transactions to Quicken is convenient for those who do not want to enter transactions manually, but is it really that inconvenient to manually enter your transactions?

    I rarely write a check and use a debit card 3-4 times a month so I have only a small number of those types of transactions to manually enter into Quicken. I use credit cards for the majority of my purchases (groceries, household items, gasoline, dining, etc.) and pay the statement(s) in full each month so I have a fair amount of transactions to enter manually. . I am a long-time Quicken user and I don't find it inconvenient to manually enter credit card transactions. For me, it is easier to manually enter transactions than go through the frustration of trying to figure out why transactions won't download, getting financial institution errors, re-entering financial passwords, trying to find solutions, etc.

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  • gwcoppe
    gwcoppe Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed

    Same issue with me. Two Amex cards, labeled as personal, and one Amex card labeled as business. The personal cards are under one user name with amex and the business card is on a separate user name. The personal cards are downloading properly. The business card has not downloaded properly since about mid November. The business amex update completes with no errors, however no transactions are downloaded. (I have confirmed via Amex application there are plenty (unfortunately) of transactions to download. I have gone through the "Reset" Deactivate" "Reactivate" steps several times. I can download transactions directly from the Amex web site and import them into the Quicken account.

    Seems like a least a few of us are experiencing a similar situation. Any progress on diagnosing it?

    Thank you for your prompt attention.

  • tkevin
    tkevin Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same issue for me. One personal account has stopped downloading around the time everyone indicated. Unfortunately I don't know what goes across the card so I didn't know a big payment is required. This really creates a big issue for me to manage household finances. Quicken used to be reliable under Intuit. Now every year they have a major glitch. Oh and the denials get old. I have to renew my subscription in a few weeks and it gets more unpalatable. :( I have 20-25 years of data in Quicken and the wife keeps pushing to switch to Mint.

  • YCH
    YCH Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same issue for me.

    but it's not only the transaction download, I can't look up my AMEX account on the web.

    Do someone think it will be fix after more then a month that nothing changed !

  • steflondon
    steflondon Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I spoke to a Quicken consultant at CS and he informed me that the list of financial institutions that have downloading issues is growing to a significant number. My take is that financial institutions are beginning to have concerns regarding Quicken "peaking and poking" around their backroom servers and do not seem a benefit to them. This may be a significant change to the value of Quicken. If Quicken has downloading issues, then there are many free accounting software apps that reconciliation is done manually, which is where Quicken may end up

  • JAC_CT
    JAC_CT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    UPDATE to my entry of 26 Nov.

    06 DEC: I again deactivated and reactivated my Amex account in Quicken towards the end of last week. I have been able to successfully download all Amex transactions several times since then. I am not sure if that works for anyone else but I wanted to share the information.

  • Pstefan
    Pstefan Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Given JAC_CT's notice this morning, I gave DEACTIVATE/REACTIVATE another try. It wasn't successful. (Congrats on your success, JAC_CT.)

  • Hokie Sam
    Hokie Sam Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Add me to the list of users with Amex downloading problems. As others have noted, deactivating amex online downloads and reauthorizing the account does not provide new transaction downloads. Using Quicken Classic Premier. I've looked for method to verify that Amex card is personal vs business but can't find out how to do this. Any tips?

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Hokie Sam,

    If you're trying to check whether an account is marked as Personal or Business in your Quicken, you can do that by going to Tools>Account List, click the Edit button next to the account you're wanting to check, then go to the Display Options tab.

    If you want to change it, click the dropdown, select the option you want, then click OK.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Hokie Sam
    Hokie Sam Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks Kristina. This was helpful!

    MENTJ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    FYI, if anyone is still following this thread I have the same failed AMEX transaction download as detailed about BUT find that if I click on my AMEX account then download transactions from there, they all download normally.

    MENTJ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    And additionally, Chase has the same downloading problem…

  • Pstefan
    Pstefan Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thanks for the suggestion, MENTJ. Unfortunately, it did not fix the AMEX download problem for me. (Congrats on your success!)

  • mjonis
    mjonis Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Myself and a bunch of others do not see the options you show in the screenshots. We only see the first/top pulldown (where yours says Spending). We don't see the bottom one where yours shows: Business, Personal, Rental Property

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