R53.16 - Asset Allocation report including Closed Positions (edit)



  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Apparently the bug with "showing closed out positions" does not only appear in asset allocation reporting but in other reports as well. Just for the record, I have reported this at least 3 times via the "Report a problem…" but nobody at Quicken felt the need to follow up.

  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have reported this numerous times via the application.
    Most recently last weekend and I also chatted with LiveSupport.

    Ticketnumber 10672723 was generated and the support agent told me, the issue could be tracked via this number for now.

    Kristina, could you follow up internally and then post here what's going on. I would assume that this issue would eventually land on the "Known Product Issues" list.

    Thank you.

  • lavellini
    lavellini Quicken Windows Other Member

    The bottom line is that Quicken has become a very unstable product with absolutely no customer support. In addition the the reporting issue above, which I'm also experiencing and that is causing frustration to no end, every time I'm importing transactions from a financial institution it initially shows them but then it deletes some of them, like transfer between account and credit card payments. Looking into MoneyDance as we speak after 15 years of using Quicken….

  • rahcoleman
    rahcoleman Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having this issue as well. Is it possible to get a notification when this bug is resolved? Is there a scheduled timeline?

  • bwh51
    bwh51 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have the 'closed transactions' problem as well in the Portfolio Value report. Shows closed as well as open transactions. Just started happening a few weeks ago. I'm betting it was caused when they added the "Lifetime Overview" report, which is probably supposed to show closed transactions. Hope it gets fixed soon. I've been rolling back to the October release which works correctly.

  • Craig
    Craig Member ✭✭

    In the hope that it will help speed up a fix, here is a link to a test data file that contains only two transactions, one ShtSell and one CvrShrt for the same number of shares of the same security. An image file showing the various reports (correct and incorrect) superimposed on the transaction register is included.

    Many of the reports noted this issue affects option transactions; this test demonstrates that it affects stocks as well.

    I am running Version R53.32 Build on Windows 10 Enterprise

  • Stu
    Stu Member ✭✭✭✭


    That is an excellent example of the problem, even if brief.

    I ran your ShortSell Test data file with the October version of Quicken I held on to in order to give me the correct reports.

    I am running Version R52.33 Build on Windows 10 in a Parallels environment on Mac.

    Although that prevents me from grabbing a screenshot easily, the attached photo shows two of the correct reports from that version.

  • Stu
    Stu Member ✭✭✭✭

    My apologies, perhaps this photo is a closer match to your reports. None of the data in your file was changed

  • Stu
    Stu Member ✭✭✭✭

    .. and this demonstrates no changes were made to your data file

  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Kristina Any update on this issue?

  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Sorry think this is the wrong Kristina

    @Quicken%20Kristina any update on this?

    @Quicken Kristina

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Burny,

    The ticket is still open and in work. We have received no updates, so I'm afraid that's all the information available.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • jbrouss105
    jbrouss105 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    They have done nothing. This problem has been ongoing since November making all the investment reports useless. Are they going to do something about it?

  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Agreed and frustrating. Your best bet is to downgrade to the October release. Look at earlier posts in this threads.

  • bwh51
    bwh51 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I reported this problem above and it is still going on. Closed transactions are showing up in the Portfolio Value report which really screws things up for me. I still think it may be related to the "Lifetime Overview" report, which I have no use for! I want the Portfolio Value report it ignore closed transactions as it used to in the October release and before. PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM! I've been using Quicken since DOS days and this is just unacceptable. This should be a top priority fix since Quicken broke it!

  • ikeni
    ikeni Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I AGREE TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! They expect the "Community" to do their work for them.

    It's a little annoying and we should not have to do it, but here is a work around. Since I don't trade options regularly anymore, I changed the "Security Type" of my open option positions to "Other" and when I run the reports I un-click to exclude option transactions. This excludes all the closed positions. When I close the option position I change the security type to "Option".

  • jbrouss105
    jbrouss105 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    This is still not fixed, when are they going to fix this. Who can we call. Does anyone know another financial software provider that allows easy downloading, I'm getting ready to dump this **** organization.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭


    Quicken is apparently aware of this problem. They never announce when a problem will be fixed. You can use the Help > Report a Problem menu in Quicken to submit the issue online. In your submission, be as clear and thorough as possible. Provide a link to this discussion. Provide step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. You will not get a response to an electronic submission, but they say they review and prioritize the submissions. 

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Burny
    Burny Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I fully agree with your frustration.

    Your best bet at the moment is to downgrade to the October release R52.33 which is working fine. Look for earlier post in this thread to find the link to download previous releases.

  • quickentu1
    quickentu1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Completely agree that Quicken has become an unusable products which show most of closed equity positions and incorrect position valves since October 2023. I had reported this issue to Quicken multiple times and went no ways so far. I am very frustrated with Quicken customer support. I am seriously considering other software alternative to Quicken unless Quicken fixes this critical issue very soon.

  • jbrouss105
    jbrouss105 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Since these clowns won't fix this, is there some way to escalate it up the value chain. I'm sick of filling out reports.

  • Jem
    Jem Member ✭✭

    are there any updates to the status of the allocation report?

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