Quicken downloading some but not all transactions QWin



    sCHUTZEE Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having the same problems with Chase, Amex and FNBLI :-(

  • PittKon
    PittKon Member ✭✭

    Same here. I noticed it a few weeks ago. Chase, Discover, and now Bank of America. I have created a new file from scratch and the problem persists. Most transactions download, but occasionally one gets missed.

  • lmacmil
    lmacmil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Quicken downloaded all 3 of yesterday's posted transactions from 1st Source today. This is 2 days in a row it has downloaded transactions. There has been no update to the program so maybe they've figured out the problem and corrected it. Fingers crossed. My Chase Visa transactions were also downloaded but I had not had a problem with that account.

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Today, my Current 1st Source Transactions downloaded fine (2)… but I have about 10 that have not downloaded going back from 1/25/24.

    So, progress, Yes. Solved, No!

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Ok, for me this has gone on long enough… far enough —
    I don't (can't) trust Quicken and the balances it tells me any longer!
    So, I'm going to export a transaction list from 1st Source and manually update those that have Cleared, to Cleared within Quicken. Maybe like Imacmil and myself, Current Transactions will continue to download and update?

  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I’ve been manually entering (and marking as cleared) transactions that didn’t download automatically. I have no idea how you would track balances if you’re not currently doing that. It’s had no effect on Quicken’s failure to download new transactions.

  • lmacmil
    lmacmil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Let me know how that export works out. 1st Source exports an .ofx file and Quicken want a .qfx. I tried a couple conversion programs but didn't have any luck. If you are able to export a bunch of transactions and import them into Quicken successfully, I'd be interested to find out what you did. In the meantime, rather than enter individual transactions, I've been just splitting the balance adjustment entry to categorize my transactions. It's marginally easier than entering each one individually.

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭


    Oops… sorry, I mispoke.
    What I meant was, I was going to Export a Transaction list….. not an .ofx file, but simply a Transaction list. I Changed date range back to Jan 1st thru today, then exported in csv (Excel)…. that gave me something I was able to check-off each transaction in Quicken….
    In my case, most were in Quicken already; just not Cleared…. I use Reminders, so each months transactions are loaded already…. but I was hoping for 1st Source via the Quicken download, to mark them as cleared. (absolutely known to me as paid); Which as we all know, has failed us since Jan 20th.

    FYI… I did try the OFX file export, and could not get anything to work…. either.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    For what it is worth, I had a missing duplicate transaction that should have downloaded yesterday. It was nowhere to be found in the Cloud Sync log. So, I deactivated the account and reactivated it, and then it downloaded.

    Also, resetting the account wasn't enough to get the missing transaction to download.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • lmacmil
    lmacmil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    For the 3rd day in a row, Quicken has downloaded the previous day's cleared transactions from 1st Source Bank. I am willing to tentatively say that Quicken has fixed the problem. I haven't made any BOA CC transactions in several days but I'm going to assume if one institution is fixed then the others are also. We'll see.

  • dondgc
    dondgc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    were there any duplicate amounts? Mine still refuses to download any “duplicate amount” transactions. Most definitely not fixed.

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Same here — 1st Source Quicken has downloaded my current transactions… once I manually marked as Cleared, everything that was stale; going back to Jan 25th, Still I agree with dondgc, as it may work this time, but is it reliable yet? Will it work well enough, that I can trust it, without needing to log onto 1st Source to Verify ? Trust but Verify, is this the new Quicken motto ⛔️

  • lmacmil
    lmacmil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited February 2024

    There were two duplicate amounts, both $35.00, from two different sources and both downloaded correctly. Both were transactions that have been made in the past and Quicken assigned the correct category in the register. It also marked all the downloaded transactions as reconciled.

    To MishawakaKirk, I exported the .CSV file from the date when the issue started until 3 days ago when it appears to have been fixed. I had a total of 35 transactions that did not download to Quicken, 3 of which were deposits and the rest debit card transactions. Total debits not downloaded was almost $1200. I'll post back in a week whether Quicken continues to download correctly or not.

  • sullfam1
    sullfam1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having the same issue with BOA transactions not all downloading to Quicken during UPDATE. As of this AM the problem is not fixed. I have tried all the "fixes" to no avail. Guess I will have to manually CLEAR the items.

  • pbuck
    pbuck Member ✭✭

    Multiple accounts… if I have same $ amount (say daily $5.50 coffee) Quicken, I guess, assumes it's duplicate so doesn't download. Same issue for weekly FastPass recharge amount.

  • loridow
    loridow Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having this issue in at least 3 accounts. I have an automatic reload feature on my Starbucks app, so when it reloads it is for the same amount it reloaded maybe a week ago and Quicken is not even showing the transaction at all! At first I thought maybe it was "matching" it to a transaction from a few days previous but it is not even showing up in the new transactions to accept. This constant babysitting of my accounts is certainly not what I'm paying for. I have checked all of my settings to ensure that I am not automatically accepting or matching transactions. I do not understand why a problem that is happening across institutions and users with matching amounts is not being acknowledged by Quicken as a Quicken problem.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I do not understand why a problem that is happening across institutions and users with matching amounts is not being acknowledged by Quicken as a Quicken problem.

    The best I think you will ever get is an acknowledgement that there is a problem, and they have done that. Note it isn't 100% a "Quicken problem", it could still be their aggregator (Intuit). My bet is actually on the Quicken Connect Services (a Quicken server), but I can pretty much guarantee they will never tell us exactly what the problem was.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • jbethgoss
    jbethgoss Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Having the same problem. Glad to find this thread. Left the country and didn't download Chase VISA accounts over two statement cycles. I download in batches and reconcile to statement balances. I was able to download one statement's worth of transactions, but now cannot download another statement. Chase error message says "Already downloaded. Check your download file." Apparently Chase is trying to avoid double transaction downloads, but this method (of preventing more than one batch, even when they are of different time periods) doesn't help. Needs attention from BOTH Quicken and Chase. I have been a Q user since 1990.

  • Pedro504
    Pedro504 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    I have a missing transaction from a Bank of America credit card account from 2 weeks ago. The missing transaction was made 2 days after and it was from the exact same payee and had an identical amount. I reset and reauthorized the account but it did not fix the problem. I entered the missing transaction manually. The problem has occurred in the past 5 other times. .

    My 2 cents. Transaction downloading and processing is a fundamental capability of Quicken. That process should have extremely thorough controls built into the software to detect any inconsistency issue. If transactions available for download do not reconcile with bank balances or whatever other controls the interface has access to, then warn the user and alert Quicken support staff that something is amiss. Please stop assuming that the user made the mistake. Offering up an adjustment during reconciliation process is way too late to take action.

    You Don't Have to Have a Point, To Have A Point

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Well the problem continues, somewhat.
    Quicken has sucessfully downloaded my 1st Source bank transactions for about a week.
    However, I now am aware of issues downloading from my Chase CC… missing transactions.

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Idea, and change of tact (lack of)
    As Pedro504 so perfectly said, and I quote here, below — perhaps since the fundamental functionality is no longer working, as designed; which is what we all paid Quicken for… I think it's time to start asking for refunds.. Whether or not a Full refund is possible, I'd at least expect perhaps a pro-rated refund for the length of time Quicken hasn't worked as designed/paid for. etc… I know Xfinity (Comcast) and others offer pro-rated refunds based on the duration of the outage. According to this thread, I think we have passed the One Month mark, for Quicken not working as deisgned, and paid for.

    Quicken's own pricing is $95.88 / Year = $7.99 / Month
    So perhaps it's a futile thought, but if I can get through to Quicken Support, my request isn't going to be 'downloading isn't working', but instead, I'd like to request a refund for the Quicken services not given for the past month. Waste of time… probably. persistent, yes

    Transaction downloading and processing is a fundamental capability of Quicken. That process should have extremely thorough controls built into the software to detect any inconsistency issue. If transactions available for download do not reconcile with bank balances or whatever other controls the interface has access to, then warn the user and alert Quicken support staff that something is amiss. Please stop assuming that the user made the mistake.

  • Pedro504
    Pedro504 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I'm reporting that a missing Bank Of America credit card transaction from 2/3/2024 downloaded Tuesday night 2/20/2024 at about 10pm eastern

    This transaction has been missing for 17 days and has now been found.

    The transaction 'matched' to the one I entered manually. The Downloaded Posting Date is now recorded as 2/3/2024 although it actually downloaded
    on 2/20/2024.

    You Don't Have to Have a Point, To Have A Point

  • lmacmil
    lmacmil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I can also report that the 1st Source problem seems to have been fixed. This morning Quicken downloaded all 8 transactions that had been posted over the last 3 days. I have never had a problem with my Chase Visa. I don't use my BOA MC enough to know if that has been fixed. The last successful download was today for a 2/20 charge and the last missed download was 2/9 which was the last time I used the card before yesterday.

  • MishawakaKirk
    MishawakaKirk Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I would agree that 1st Source appears to be working. For the past week, everything has downloaded correctly. However, I had all of the transactions already in my register… so they all were 'matches'.
    My only issue was a few days ago, I had a Chase CC that didn't download.

    So can we consider this topic Resolved? Or do we need more monitoring? Anyone else still having issues?

    A few days ago, frustrated, I did the 'send a message to the Office of the President'. I too got a reply, where they wanted me to schedule a time to work with Support. Realizing, that would be an hour plus… I declined. I don't see the point, as I and Imacmil have spent our hours with Support already… without any success. So I can only hope they resolved the issue, without acknowledging an issue exists…perhaps a server issue with Intuit as Chris_QPW mentioned. Anyway, I'm considerably happier today, than I was a week ago!

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    So can we consider this topic Resolved? Or do we need more monitoring? Anyone else still having issues?

    Definitely more monitoring. I mean if it is fixed for you, you can go on, but two people reporting it is fixed not going to be enough.

    I think one of the indicators will be when the Moderators actually start closing the Alerts @Quicken Kristina mentioned in this comment:

    EDIT: Note I don't have enough repeating transactions to be a good source confirming one way or another.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • sullfam1
    sullfam1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This is definitely not fixed. It should not be closed. It should only be marked fixed by a quicken representative.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Only a moderator can close a thread, and I totally agree that any such "official announcement" has to come from them.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • casturtle
    casturtle Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having problems with Etrade and PNC. The credit card account won't download any transactions now. Etrade is just a cluster at this point with multiple problems. I guess I'll have to call support.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    This is a different problem than what this thread about. I do suggest that you contact Quicken Support:


    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • CKelly
    CKelly Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I've been missing two or three transactions on my BoA download for the last week or so. I manually go in and find the transactions that were missing and mark them cleared. Why is this happening again (had the same problem last year)? Quicken - please fix this issue. It adds unnecessary time and hassle to using Quicken Classic.

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