Schwab - wrong transaction dates



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    I can also confirm that:
    a) date issue: this 'date problem' has shown up for a few days now. I have to manually correct the date while accepting into the register.

    b) download frequency topic (brought up above, but unrelated to date issue): with Schwab (using EWC+), I can download intra-day, BUT ONLY one or two times, NOT MORE. Once I download intra-day, I have to wait a few hours before l can successfully do it again. (I used to be able to download any number of times successfully from Schwab in previous years, probably before EWC/EWC+). With Fidelity brokerage (DC), I get the data only the next day.

    @JPG, the data is not in the OFX file, but in the Cloud Sync log file. (I am guessing it is this way for all EWC+ connections.)

    I checked the Cloud Sync data file for the Schwab transactions. They show the incorrect date: For example: For a transaction that occurred on Aug. 1, it shows "postedOn":"2024-07-31" instead of "postedOn":"2024-08-01".

    Could be the CrowdStrike issue related - the time frame seems to coincide roughly. And Schwab had severe issues during that outage.

    With these multi-party data transfer issues, the customer gets caught between all the finger pointing between parties.

    At this time, I think it is more likely that it is a Schwab issue - the fact that their web site shows correct dates means their base transaction data is correct, but it does not indicate it is not a Schwab data transfer issue IMO. Other code/servers within Schwab are likely involved in the data transfer.

    I have created a problem report with Schwab.

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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    I'll just confirm that my observations/conclusions are the same as @veegee:

    • Intra-day downloads are supported but seem to be limited in frequency (likely to prevent a possible denial-of-service problem on Schwab's servers). I typically download once in the morning and once after market close, and I see all of that day's transactions, including ones that may have occurred minutes before downloading.
    • My Cloud Sync Log also shows that the "txnOn" and "postedOn" dates that are included with each transaction are incorrect (specifically, they have the prior day's date).

    I also agree that this issue is likely on Schwab's side as it seems unlikely the EWC+ servers (which are run by Intuit, I believe) are messing this up for only a single data source. Hopefully, the three parties involved (Quicken, Intuit, Schwab) can get together and quickly determine where in the process the data is being corrupted.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    I am seeing the same problem with my Schwab account. It began July 24th. My transactions are listed as a day earlier then the actual transaction date. I downloaded a weeks worth of transactions on 8/4/24. The transactions for Monday July 29th are listed as Sunday July 28th. The same "day earlier" pattern occurred for the rest of the week. This is only happening with my Schwab/TD Ameritrade account, the other accounts like Fidelity are fine. I will have to edit each of 51 transactions!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    @Rich Gaughan , please submit a report to Schwab technical support if you can. (Don't forget to mention the fact that the timeframe coincides with the CrowdStrike outage.)

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Is there anyone working on getting the date issue fixed. This has been going on for some time. Yesterday all of my 8/5 transactions div/int/buy had 8/4 dates. I am pretty sure the market was closed on Sunday and the Buys definitely were done on 8/5.

    I really doubt that this is a Schwab error. I belong to a group of API developers accessing Schwab and none of them have reported a date issue.

    Member since 1984. 
    Quicken Premier.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Bill44 Agree this seems to be getting no / little traction or attention. I and others have submitted the problem as requested via "in-Quicken" report a problem tool. I wonder if it's being underreported as many people might just hit "accept" transactions and not notice or, as one previous commenter mentioned, thinks "it doesn't matter that much". Would be nice to not have to manually change EVERY SINGLE transaction. I am patient with quicken about getting things fixed, but would love to know that it's being looked into and they're not just pointing to Schwab.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    Hi All, we have submitted a ticket for this issue to be looked into. We do not have an ETA for a fix at this time, but we will keep you posted on any updates in this thread here. Thanks!

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Just confirming I have the same issue and it started on 7/24. Crossing fingers for a fix from someone… Now that I have detected the problem I can fix the new transactions as they occur. BTW - also getting old transactions previously downloaded with new ones, but not with every new download…

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    This could be an issue at the intermediary as well (which, I believe, is Intuit).

    From Schwab to Quicken, the data appears to get cached somewhere, presumably at the intermediary. At least, this is what I suspect from the behavior - since new data seems to be fetched from Schwab only after a few hours have passed (for a given user). The date could be getting messed up while storing in the cache or retrieving from the cache.

    If it is at the intermediary, someone at Quicken will have to pursue it with the intermediary. However, the fact that the issue seems to occur only for Schwab still makes me suspect Schwab. Schwab was severely affected by the CrowdStrike issue.

    But no matter who it is, I do hope it is given some priority and gets resolved quickly. On these data transfer issues, we used to be caught between two parties. Now it looks like we are caught between three, with no access to the third party.

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This has been happening to me for at least two weeks; every txn downloaded from Schwab to Quicken Windows Desktop via One-Step Update shows a date one day earlier than correct (as verified by comparing the same transaction in, nightly confirmation emails, and StreetSmart Edge, which all show the correct date). No non-Schwab accounts (credit card and bank accounts) have the same problem. And I too have gotten the same response from Schwab tech support: "We're sending out the correct info, the problem has to be on Quicken's end; call Quicken."

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    I also am experiencing the same issue… Annoying to have to MANUALLY go in and edit every transaction to replace the incorrect date!

    This was first reported on July 24 - now 14 days later nothing has been done to correct this. Why is this taking so long?

    Support seems to have really declined substantially with Quicken software. This seems like such an easy thing to straighten out. SAD!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hard to find info on the place and path of the files that move from Schwab to Quicken. I probed around some files that the HELP menu report itme asks you to generate. I do not have a definitive opinion, not sure how this is "supposed" to process, but I saw dates written in UTC format (I know that can happen is transferring data sets, all times converted to meridian, then the receiver has to then convert it back to its own time zone.

    If there is a conversion going on, the problem could be on Quicken side. But why just Schwab? Is the Web Connect protocol not consistent between banking source accounts on how they make web connect datasets available? We layman users here don'y have enough to go on to solve the problem.

    If this forum is supported by a Moderator, which I rarely see, we have to hope that person can take these reports, and get to the debugging team.

    Something they or Schwab did in a recent patch, broke the date handling. I can't make sense how CrowdStrike scare has anything to do with it.

    BUT THIS IS A TERREBILY ANNOYING problem. Manually updating the dates in Investments is extremely cumbersome. After fetching 20 Options transactions - it is 15 seconds each to alter the dates.


  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same issue. Over two weeks with no resolution. I just downloaded trades I performed this morning (8/8/24) and all the transactions downloaded with yesterday's date (8/7/24). I swear I'm not time traveling!

    Annoying to have to manually fix each transaction.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    Submitted another report to Quicken with CloudSyncLog data highlighted… showing the error in the data from the 'Quicken server'. (Whose server? Quicken's? Intuit's? And did the server get the wrong data from Schwab or messed up delivering it? All good questions I do not know the answer to.)

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @K123 Schwab was surprised when I pointed out that I had bought a bond on on a Sunday, when the market was closed.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Hi Janean, Any update on this issue? As you can see there is an increasing number of users with this problem!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hey Quicken! It seems we are all unclear on whether brokerages send transactions to Intuit (Quicken's download middle man) dated using Eastern Time or using UTC dates. Regardless, this certainly seems to be a reasonable area to start looking for a bug. If date conversions are being performed ANYWHERE, then two communicating systems MUST do some sort of handshake to indicate their respective time zones. If the "timezone handshake" contains bad data, then the subsequent date conversion will most certainly suffer as well. PLEASE PUT SOME URGENCY ON FIXING THIS. IT CANNOT BE THAT DIFFICULT. This is accounting software so DATA CORRUPTION problems should ALWAYS be given priority. Thank you.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    I have reached out for an update but do not have any details to share at this time. Once I have receive more details, I will message here to update you. Thank you for your patience.

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Quicken Janean Thank you for reaching out.

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I too have been having this problem for two weeks or so and it is very annoying. I have been with Schwab and Quicken for over 20 years and neve had a problem like this. I am sure all users have the problem but most probably aren't paying that close of attention to notice. I do 50+ trades per week and fixing them manually is really frustrating.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    Hi All, it has been requested that if you are experiencing this to please share screenshots of your Quicken register and what you see on the Schwab site in comparison. Please upload those by going to Help> Report a Problem.  When you have done so, please comment here and let us know so we can share those details asap! Thanks!

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Quicken Janean,

    Sorry, but how does uploading screen shots help you? IT IS CLEAR FROM ALL THE COMPLAINTS. The register has "YESTERDAY's" transaction date right after you sync web connect. Then we are all painstakingly, alter each date manually to "TODAY."

    The troubleshooting team at Quicken needs to test and replicate this problem. They don't need a picture!!

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Quicken Janean I did the "report a problem" about a week ago. Hopefully this helps solve / investigate the problem.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    try harder?

  • Member ✭✭✭

    @Quicken Janean

    I filed a problem report with Quicken Support about this issue on August 2nd, which included screenshots of both my Schwab account history page and the same transactions as they appeared in the Quicken downloaded transactions page. See my post in this thread of August 2nd. Also included were the usual logs and scrubbed Quicken file that accompanies any problem report. Just wondering why what I have already filed isn't enough to have satisfied supports request for examples? Nine days since my detailed report and no progress!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    As requested by Quicken Janean earlier today, I just uploaded a problem report in Quicken with screenshots.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Quicken Janean

    I have submitted a problem report that includes a fragment of my CloudSyncLog that specifically shows the request and response for the API call related to my Schwab account (which I performed at 2:29pm PT on 8/12). In the response, there are two transactions listed, both of which occurred today but which show "postedOn" and "txnOn" dates of yesterday (i.e., Sunday). Hope that helps.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Quicken Janean

    And so have I. Many problem reports should be there now.

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2024

    I just had this same problem today.

    I manually entered my trade this morning (8/13/2024) and when I did OSU the downloaded date showed up with yesterdays date (8/12/2024).

    Will report this via Quicken.

    Quicken Windows Business & Personal (Subscription) - Using the latest version -Windows 11 Pro

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