One step + missing download transactions (Chase)

08/09/2024 - so, what's going on guys? Every day I use One Step updates but all my Chase accounts but have no updates. The download run normally and looks like it completes but all my Chase account are not updated. In fact, my online set up was GONE for these accounts - where did it go and how was this removed? I never authorize it! I had to re-establish all these account with Chase for online access. ADDITIONALLY, at the top of each account it use to state last online update and a date would be present but today, there is NOTHING to indicate the last online update. So again, I ask what is going on? We pay for your service and to our banks but were not receiving the services that we pay for. And please don't come back with instructions for the re-establishments, just tells us what occurred and ensure that it won't occur again! I pay fort this software to save time but when it doesn't work it VERY upsetting.
My Chase credit cards stopped downloading mid July. They started working after de-activating and re-activating a couple of days ago. It was not flawless. The opening balances of the account got overwritten, had to play detective work to figure out what happened and then fix. The missing transactions from July did not download, so I had to enter manually. New transactions are coming in now.
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Hello @jobtrien77,
To help troubleshoot this issue, please provide more information. Were you seeing any error messages/codes when the accounts weren't updating? If so, what messages/codes were you seeing? When you say your connection was gone, do you mean you were prompted to re-authorize your accounts? If that is what happened, it may have been due to the authentication token issued by Chase expiring. If that is not what happened, then please provide more information exactly what you saw.
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
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Why is comment not posting?
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No, there were no error codes or messages. The One Step process ran as it normally would with no indication. This only occurs with CHASE. When attempting to deactivate and reapply online service, CHASE does not connect. See attachment. Also, why do accounts no longer state last updated DATE? I have no confidence in this product and no idea what is occurring with my accounts.
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Unable to provide image attachment
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Sometimes posts got to the "spam filter system" (automatically, and seemly randomly) and need the moderators to approve it.
Drag the image to the comment box to attach it. Until you get enough "points" in this forum there isn't a button for it, but the drag and drop still works.
This is my website: -
No, there were no error messages at all. It appeared that everything was downloaded but in reality many accounts were not updated. This problem continues to date with just CHASE. Additionally, some transactions are now going to the WRONG accounts with incorrect details! When deactivating and trying to reactivate accounts, CHASE FAILS - see attached. AGAIN, what am I paying for if this is not working? Do I get a refund?
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I don't think I have much to say to help other than deactivating reactivating sometimes helps, and that when you get to the dialog where you link the online accounts to ones in Quicken look very carefully at which ones are being connected. Quicken often will suggest the wrong Quicken accounts to be connected. Curious enough I have found that once you select the "link" Quicken usually has the right one selected in the pull down menu. I have no idea why the initial guess shown when the dialog comes up, and then one where you get the pull-down menu are different.
This is my website: -
Well, that doesn't work - tried 20+ times on different days and keep getting the screen below. Hit the sign in and it just loops.
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I suggest that you contact Quicken support so they can look into the problem.
This is my website: