Citi Strata MC and Citi Costco Visa continued download issues

My Citi Premier Strata MC and Citi Costco Visa are still not downloading transactions during one-step update. Pending transactions are also not appearing. I have been through the deactivate and reauthorize process several times. I can download new entries manually direct from the Citi portal so I know Quicken can see the .QFX files. This is unacceptable and has been going on too long without resolution.
I was having the same problem until, after reviewing several threads on this topic, I tried RESETTING my Citicard accounts using Quicken's "Reset Account" button under "Online Services" on the "Edit Account Details" dialogue box. Following are the steps I took.
- Select the Citicard account register for the account you wish to "reset".
- Click the GEAR icon in the upper-right corner of the register window
- Click the "Online Services" tab on the "Account Details" dialogue box
- Click the "Resent Account" button next to "Financial Insitution: Citi Cards"
- Follow the prompts to login to your Citi account (using your Citi web login credentials)
- Follow the prompts on the Citi Webpage which pops up to "Authorize your account for Quicken download"
- Return to Quicken "Account Details" dialogue box to link your online Citi account to an existing Quicken account (or add your online Citi account as a new Quicken account if appropriate).
Quicken should finish resetting your account and download all transactions since your last (prior) successful download session. Hope this helps!!
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Here's a quick correction to Step #3 above:
3. Click "Edit account details" on the drop-down menu THEN click the "Online Services" tab on the "Account Details" dialogue box.
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I've done this four times in the last week. Today it worked, THANK YOU! I know that Citi's website said that they were working on some issues this morning so looks like we're good to go.
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@KPaisley: So glad to hear that this worked for your finally! Perhaps you've been pursing the correct remedy all along but it wasn't going to fix anything until Citi fixed things on their end. Glad to know you're "good to go" now!
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Thanks for the walk-through with numbered steps. Worked like a charm for me after 2 weeks of ongoing problems.
[Removed - Violation of Community Guidelines]
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Did all the steps on October 8th, STILL not downloading.
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Did all the steps on 10/8 and still not working
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Thanks for the walk-through with numbered steps. Worked like a charm for me after 2 weeks of ongoing problems.
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Attempted to perform the reset and was unsuccessful. Error and now online services are off.
One step update error message - having trouble connecting to Citi Cards.
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Download problems with Citi Costco Visa for going on 2 weeks now. I tried Cheapskate's procedure. Got as far as executing Step 4: Click the Reset Account. I click and absolutely nothing happens, never see Step 5 login prompts. Please help, I am so very discouraged.
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I did the guided procedures. Ends up with "Do not add to Quicken" in the final one-step update dialogue box. Very frustrating. I had to do a couple of restore from backups last week and while I was able to have the data updated manually to match on the app, Quicken is not responding to anything. Resetting the account and going through the "did you delete the account" dialogue gets you no where. And I have ten or so emails from CITI saying I've reauthorized it on their end. I'll have to do another import of the data manually from the CITI website today. This is really sounding like the BECU issues every summer. Crickets from the Quicken folks on what the actual issues are and promises that they are working on it. The BECU outage was two months.
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And it's the same CC-800 error on the OneStep for the CITI Costco update this morning too.
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And the fix for CC-800 doesn't move the needle,
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This is ridiculous. One of the main reasons I pay for a Quicken subscription every year is the download feature. Since I pay for ~75% of my expenses using credit cards (yep, from Citi), I'm having to do a LOT of manual entries. The lack of communication on the issue is also not good. Has anything "official" come out since the original communication about the download problems?
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Hello @Skyking86,
To troubleshoot the CC-800 error, if you haven't already done so, please backup your Quicken file, then follow these steps from this article on CC-800 errors:
First, you'll need to deactivate the affected accounts:
- Select Tools > Account List
- If present, select the Show Hidden Accounts checkbox at the bottom of the Account List
- Select Edit on each account with this error and Deactivate them on the Online Services tab
- When finished, close the Account List.
Second, reactivate the accounts:
- Select Tools > Add Account
- Go through the flow of re-adding the deactivated accounts to Quicken, use your login credentials and answer any security questions, until you reach the screen where Quicken displays the Accounts Discovered at the financial institution
- Select to LINK each of the found accounts to the accounts you already have set up in Quicken. For accounts you don't want to link, select Don't add to Quicken.
If the issue persists
If the steps above do not resolve the issue, please reach out to Quicken Support. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday. Chat support is available 7 days a week from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT.
Hello @Pa$$w0rd,
To help troubleshoot, please provide more information. What is happening when you try to update your Citi account(s)? Are you seeing any error messages/codes?
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Received email from Quicken today to reconnect to Citi and issues have been resolved.
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Quicken still is having issues with Citi accounts. It's asking for reauthorization once or twice a week, changing the account opening balance when relinking to an existing account and showing the product name (Costco Visa by Citi) instead of the financial institution name.
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Saturday, October 12, 2024
From the Quicken for Windows: How do I switch my Citibank accounts to the new connection method? It states
Before you begin: Do not deactivate and reactivate your Citibank accounts while completing the steps below.
When you update your accounts in Quicken, you'll be prompted to change to the new EWC+ connection method.
I don’t have a reauthorize click button
On my Citi account details online services tab, I have only two choices deactivate on one line and Reset Account on another.
Quicken Instructions say this "Before you begin: Do not deactivate and reactivate your Citibank accounts while completing the steps below."
What’s the procedure to removing the connect from using the Costco Anywhere Card by Citi I'm using now.
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Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Yes thanks that answer works for me " I am going to wait until Quicken prompts me to make the connection change.
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I got it working a week or so ago, and now it's happening again, I've done all the troubleshooting, it's not me. FIX IT PLEASE! This is not rocket science.
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Still can't set up a connection with Citi for my Costco Visa card. Still looks like a shortcoming on the Quicken end, but I also can't even log on to my Citi account at I keep getting an error, "Our system is experiencing temporary delays. Please try again later." Temporary? Almost a week now. May be related.
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Hello @Allen Clark,
You mentioned that you can't access your account through Citi's website either. Have you contacted Citi about this issue?
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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OK, Tuesday. Found that the opening balance changes every time I try to do the deactivate account, delete account information with edit account details, redo account with Costco Anywhere CITI, get authorized with CITI. When I try to do one step update, nothing happens to my manually entered entries, but these are appearing in the CITI mobile app/website as already gone through the account. Still not fixed. Using COSTCO Anywhere account with EWC+. Still not fixed. Still not fixed. Still not fixed. And if we have to go through all these steps on the community site, what about the thousands of people who aren't here.
Second try, using Costco Credit Card in the add account setup. Program locked up. Nothing there.
Third try, using just CITI Card for the add account. Correctly added a "CITI Card" account (with Costco Anywhere in the CITI bank dialogue) with the Quicken dialogue and that shows up in the account details boxes. Quicken linked it to the account in Quicken. HOWEVER, it added $400 some dollars to my opening balance! And still not updating any manual entry transactions to match CITI account. And one upstep update shows nothing for CITI's cards when I do the update. EWC+ So that didn't work at all.
Thanks to those who said to put the opening balance in the first entry memo. That solves the off balance issue, but then again, why should we have to do that at all with this software? That isn't a working code if you have to work around a problem by doing something like that!!!
It will not be FIXED until we all can use onestep update and everything works with our account like it did before the end of September. Without community based go-arounds that aren't published to all users. Period.
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@Quicken Kristina — Yes, I called Citi, which uses an automated voice help system. She (it was a female voice) offered a hierarchy of issues to narrow down my complaint to the point where she offered suggestions, one of which sounded reasonable, so I tried it. This was simply to clear my browser's cache and activity history. Easily done (using Edge) and that turned out to be the ticket. Not only was I able to access my account through a browser as usual, but I was then able to successfully use the Quicken EWC+ setup process to finally download transactions. If anyone hasn't tried that easy fix, I'd say it's worth a try.
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Hello All,
I suggest contacting Quicken Support directly as an escalation may be in order. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.
I apologize that we could not be of more assistance.
-Quicken Jasmine
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.
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Have you contacted Citi about this issue? How about the programers from citi and quicken talk to each other?
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October 18th - Friday still not fixed. . .
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October 20th - still getting ERROR 16503 for Citi Costco card
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I get error OL-293-A (this is on a Citi Double Cash Mastercard)