Bremer Bank - FDP-102 (QMAC)

Bremer changed their online banking infrastructure, app, and…it's quite literally, no better than it was before. The only thing of substance I see is statements can now be viewed via the app. Big whoop. Bremer and FIS foisted this change on us, and likely didn't think about Quicken connectivity at all.
My current error is FDP-102 which leads me to believe they're trying to fix it. Other errors earlier this week. "Connection to Bremer. is unavailable right now. Please try again later. If this error persists for more than 24 hours, please contact Quicken care. (FDP-102)"
Truly disappointed in both Bremer & FISGlobal after this abysmal "upgrade". I'm traveling literally on the other side of Earth from MN and the "upgrade" broke all connectivity via the Bremer app, website and Quicken for 2-3 days. Now I'm successfully logged into the app and webpage, but the Quicken connectivity is still broken.
Despite loving the mission and values of Bremer Bank with Otto's trust, my recourse will likely have to be be switching banks when back in MN.
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I just spoke with Bremer agent/banker at 800-908-2265. He (Andy) said "it's a known issue and they're working on it". Feel free to call Bremer to express your dissatisfaction and urge them to get it fixed. Copied this from the Windows thread since my comment there was separated into this thread.
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Hello @doug_maltby,
We do now have an active alert regarding FDP-102 (CC-502) errors with Bremer Bank. You can follow this link to access that alert which you can bookmark for further updates.
I apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
-Quicken Jasmine
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Bremer Bank downloads have been working well for me (running QWin) both yesterday and today. I had needed to deactivate the download connection and set it up as a new connection. Hopefully downloads from Bremer into QMac is now working, again, as well.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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While I am waiting for a fix, does anyone know if and how I can download Bremer Bank transactions using the .csv file option?
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Continued frustration with Bremer. smh as the kids say
Bremer iOS app works, website works, Quicken (Mac) connection no longer working. 1st connect attempt in week (traveling opposite side of Earth, ATT wants $12/day to get my SMS OTP).
Appreciate the updates here from boatnmaniac. The debit/credit mix up and MFA certainly Bremer's issue. I think I did get duplicate transactions, part of the significant reconciliation, but not sure who's issue that is. Also, clearly not tested well (unit or integration, or at all?) and they "own" their infra, not FIS or Quicken.
Open Quicken, it updates (Version 7.10.0), and press the OSU button, proceeds to prompt for Bremer MFA, specify text, receive text and enter it, then get the great error below… "Invalid Answer". Do it 2 more times, same answer. MFA works when logging into the iOS Bremer App and the Bremer website, but not in Quicken connection. Wish they'd nix the MFA in the Quicken connection. It's the only FI account I have that does this, and not seemingly "fully baked".
Multifactor Authentication Failed
This connection failed, and will not update
Bremer(myAccount) - Invalid Answer
To retry the failed connection, you'll need to start a new update.
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No, unless I'm missing something, I don't see any way to download .csv or anything from the Bremer website.
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Update 5 hours later, this time the One step update "worked", MFA worked (1x), BUT the debits & credits still flipped. Expenses show as Deposits. Had to manually flip the transactions, and hope I got family's accounts correct not knowing the exact nature of their transactions.
It's crazy how bad Bremer's "upgrade" has gone, especially for Quicken users. Clearly no testing involved, no alternative to SMS authentication for OTP, and no ability to manually download .csv or .qfx as a backup.0 -
To get to where you can manually export and download files from the Bremer website you need to scroll down below the few transactions that are shown when you first log in and then click on the link for View All Activity. Then you will see a printer icon on the right with the download icon just to the right of that.
Click on the download icon and you can then select different file formats for downloading transactions in. The one that works with Quicken is listed there as "Quicken" and it will download in the .QFX file format. Downloading in this format and then importing that file into Quicken is called the Web Connect method. I have been able to download transactions in this format today as well as a week ago. The data in it looks good (from what I can tell) but Quicken will not import it. In QWin, I get an error code OL-221-A. Maybe the import process will work better with QMac but I suspect not.
CSV files can be downloaded from there, too, but CSV files cannot be used to import transactions data directly into Quicken. You might be able to find a file conversion program online that you can purchase that might be able to convert the CSV file data into a format that Quicken can import but that is not assured. However, downloading the transactions in this format and then opening the file in Excel allows you to easily see all the transactions which can make it easier if you want to manually enter missing transactions.
BTW, I've had an EWC connection with Bremer for several days, now. The Online Balance is correct and transactions are downloading but, as mentioned by @doug_maltby, the debits are being entered as credits and the credits are being entered as debits. An easy thing to manually correct but a nuisance for sure.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Excellent, I thought I must be missing something! I was looking in the ellipses "More Actions" menu for transaction downloads and missed the download icon in the account-level transaction search bar. The only FI I have to use manual downloads with now monthly is Apple Card/GS (CSV, OFX, QFX or QBO). Thanks @Boatnmaniac
I just did another one step update so I can turn off my US SIM here (the ONLY reason I need it on at $12/day is Bremer MFA. The OSU Initially worked (MFA, transactions updated) but reported that I needed to fix daughter's savings/money market account. Clicked the Fix icon at top of the Connection Status results window. Then I had to re-MFA, and yet again re-link all of our accounts again. The mapping presented for all accounts was valid, so I continued and seems to have "fixed" that one account. The update completed successfully. Only a few transactions, but notably a deposit was correctly shown as a deposit. Hopefully this will remain correct next week, but I'm not confident. It's crazy how much time I've had to spend effectively beta testing Bremer's upgrade.
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Only a few transactions, but notably a deposit was correctly shown as a deposit.
That's encouraging but I should mention that I had 2 days in a row where the few transactions that downloaded were placed into the correct debit and credit locations. But then the next 2 days had the downloaded transactions into the wrong debit/credit locations, again. Today, there were no transactions downloaded so I'll need to wait until Monday or Tuesday to see what happens.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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While I was fiddling around with this a couple weeks ago, one of my accounts in Quicken was updated to show there was over $500,000 in it. Somehow the Bremer transaction download changed the beginning balance by >$493,000! I wish!
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Boatnmaniac says "BTW, I've had an EWC connection with Bremer for several days, now. The Online Balance is correct and transactions are downloading but, as mentioned by @doug_maltby, the debits are being entered as credits and the credits are being entered as debits. An easy thing to manually correct but a nuisance for sure."
Sorry, can you tell me what an EWC connection is? I need to try something soon or enter my trans manually. My Quicken data is a month old now 😫
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EWC = Express Web Connect. It is the only OSU/Update Now connection method that Bremer supports.
Bremer does not support DC (Direct Connect) nor Express Web Connect+ (EWC+) at this time.
The other connection method supported by Bremer is WC (Web Connect). This is where you log into your online account and manually download transactions in a QFX formatted file (sometimes referred to as "Quicken" or "Web Connect" format files). Then manually import that file into Quicken. I have not checked WC recently to see if it is now working correctly but as of last week the data in the downloaded file was not importing.
Have you tried to deactivate your Bremer account (from the Online Services tab of Account Details) and then doing Add Account (not Setup Now)? That should set up the EWC download connection. That has been working for me and others….just make sure to LINK the downloaded data to the account that is already in Quicken.
The issue with setting up this download connection now is that the debits are being downloaded as credits and the credits are being downloaded as debits. It is very consistent.
It's relatively easy to get corrected: Accept the downloaded transactions into the register. Then manually change the affected transactions from credits to debits and from debits to credits. It's a bit of a pain but once done then the account is fully in balance.
Also, before you proceed, make sure you enter/save the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount into the Memo field of that transaction. Sometimes when a connection method is changed the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount gets changed. By having it in the Memo field it makes it very easy to know when this has happened and how to correct it.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Thanks for the info.
I'm now about a month behind in downloading transactions, and getting tired of waiting.
Very poor roll-out of their new site.
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You might want to consider setting up the download connection soon. Some financial institutions will only download transaction within the last 30 days. I don't know how many days Bremer will download but thought I'd mention this just in case.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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11/5/2024 UPDATE:
- MAIN DATA FILE: There were several transactions downloaded today. All of the transactions correctly downloaded as debits (there were no credit transactions this time). Keeping my fingers crossed that this is not an intermittent improvement like has happened a couple of other times. I was still prompted for 2FA (one time).
- NEW TEST FILE: I set up my Bremer checking account for download. I was prompted for 2FA twice…once during the initial Add Account setup process and once at the conclusion of the setup process before the new account was actually added to Quicken. 3+ months of transactions were downloaded….all of them correctly entered as debits & credits. The Online Balance was correct. I was able to Reconcile the account to the Online Balance. Very promising!
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home