Paypal Credit updates balance but does not download transactions

This has been occuring since the end of May, 2024. I've tried deactivating and reactivating online setup but no success. I also noticed that Paypal Credit is using EWC, not EWC+. No choice is given when setting up. Anyone else having the same problem? Thanks.
Please note that this is not the CC-501 problem that was fixed last July, I'm not getting any error. It's just that only the balance updates and no transactions are ever downloaded. It appears that their solution was to fall back to Web Connect but this does not download transactions, only the balance.
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I just found this article about the changes to PayPal and PayPal credit. You have to add your checking account with PayPal and authorize all accounts. Then, everything will start updating. It was not updating for months, then I tried this, and it worked—no problem!! Quicken, and do better with your support by pointing people here. I am sure many people could have been helped if they had just known where to go to get help!
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Thanks for the reply. This article was dated in March and I upgraded properly then to EWC+ authorizing accounts. This worked until the end of May when it just stopped. Then I noticed after reconnecting that it had fallen back to EWC and checking from mobile shows the authorizations are still valid. I'm getting the expected 2-factor prompt also. Also, I have no checking or savings account with Paypal.
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It looks like Paypal Credit disappeared
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Also, I reauthorized Paypal as someone suggested but to no avail.
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Hello @JohnA,
If this issue has persisted longer than 24 hours, then per this article on "it's not your fault" errors, please contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.
I apologize that I could not be of more assistance!
Quicken Kristina
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Quicken Support escalated to Tier 2 and after looking around for a while, I am now in limbo waiting to hear further instructions because they could not fix on the phone. I wonder of my 2 factor authentication with the auth app is causing a problem.
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I've been having this same problem with Paypal. It started out sometime last summer when I noticed that I was not getting any transactions downloaded when I did an update. No errors, just no transactions. The online balance was being updated though.
At some point, after trying many things, including disconnecting and reconnecting, I ended up where you are. Just a "we're sorry, it's not your fault", without even so much as an error code.
I thought the same as you, that maybe two factor authentication was the problem. I shot 2FA off on my account but still get the same error. I'm at the point now where I'm just assuming that Intuit has no intention of ever fixing these problems. Of the 6 different banking institutions I have in Quicken, only two work. And there is never any indication that they are trying to fix them.
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My theory is that picking the PayPal FI only authorizes the PayPal account, not the PayPal Credit account. Since adding a PayPal Credit account does not do it’s own authorization, it will never see it. I’ve removed the PayPal authorization numerous times and adding a PayPal account which always authorizes. However it only says “Your Papal account is authorized” and does not list all accounts on the authorization screen like everyone else does. Adding PayPal Credit always goes straight to the login page no matter what the PayPal authorization status is. Since my PayPal Credit card is virtual and accessed usually only through PayPal, this looks like an oversite during the authorization process which should list out both accounts as being authorized.
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Any word back? I'm having the same issue with my wife's and my PayPal Credit accounts in Quicken.
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Any fixes from support? Having the same issue.
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No, nothing.
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I am having the same problem with Paypal line of Credit on Quicken for MAC. Was working fine until recently. Disconnected the account, and now when I go through the motions of reconnecting, I get a note saying 'no accounts found'.
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Having same issue with both my wife's and my PayPal Credit accounts. Keeps happening with PayPal/Synchronicity, not sure why they can't collaborate successfully with the Quicken Development Team?
Also, wondering why the community moderators can seem to be actively involved in some banking connectivity issues (see previous Citicard sync issues earlier this year) but when it comes to PayPal, we are told to "contact Quicken support" directly?
I prefer it when they open a case thread that we can pin and see regular updates come in (even it's just 'no status for today' messages)?
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I also have not been able to update PayPal Credit in Quicken Classic Deluxe since mid April 2024. It would connect with no errors, but not download any new transactions. I've tried Resetting, Deactivating and Reactivating Online Services. I also tried restoring from a backup (per Quicken support). I even tried with and without MFA setup on my PayPal account. Now when attempting to Activate One Step Update for PayPal Credit, I get:
I've posted comments in multiple community discussions, only to see them Closed with no updates. I've contacted Quicken Support via chat, email and phone on several occasions and to get no resolution. I just wish Quicken moderators would stop suggesting we contact support (who also can't fix the problem) and KEEP THESE CONVERSATIONS OPEN UNTIL THE ISSUE IS RESOLVED.
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Having the same issue with PayPal Credit as all the others so it certainly does not appear to be an random problem.
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[Removed - Off Topic/Mac]
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Same issue! Been an issue all summer (2024). Now have Paypal (Checking now added finally) still no Paypal Credit. [Removed - Rant]
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Hello @Jcarta,
Your post indicates that you're seeing an issue with no accounts to add. Is that still the case? If so, there's a separate discussion on that issue:
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Hi, I too am having this issue. Is there any resolution? Is Quicken even trying to resolve this? It worked great until early summer. I think by now they would have a resolution. What's the deal?
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Unfortunately this seems to be another issue that Quicken isn't providing prompt support or notification of progress. Seems this is becoming a more common situation these days.
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Quicken Tier 2 contacted me about a backend fix but it did not work. So I’m still waiting
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Hello @nmeyerz,
To clarify, are you encountering an issue with PayPal Credit's balance updating, but transactions not downloading (CTP-11522) or an issue where you're not able to add you PayPal Credit account at all (CTP-11523)? Both are known issues which are currently being worked on. No further information is available at this time.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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[Removed - Rant]
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@Quicken Kristina - I cannot download my Paypal credit card transactions automatically through OneStep Update anymore since early summer. By chance, I was able to import them from the Paypal website yesterday which is a lot of unnecessary steps. It should just flow through to Quicken during the OneStep update as it always did before summer. Does Quicken test updates before pushing them out to customers? How long does it take Quicken to make these fixes?
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Thank you for your reply @nmeyerz,
Quicken does test updates prior to release. Our teams don't give us ETAs. The amount of time it takes to fix an issue depends on a multitude of factors, such as whether the issue originates in the program, comes from one of our service providers, or is on the financial institution's end.
For this particular issue, I can see that the ticket is open and in work. No further information is available at this time.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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As an additional comment, one workaround is to export a qfx file from the Paypal Credit website (Paypal→Paypal Credit). This works but introduces an inconsistcy in that the FI in the QFX file is Synchrony, not Paypal Credit. Once this is done, any updates or changes such as upgrading to Web Connect+ are attempted through Synchrony where I don’t have the necessary credentials. This is probably a unique situation with Paypal Credit and I hope it doesn’t cause any problems when this issue is finally addressed with Paypal Credit.
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Hello All,
We now have an active alert regarding various error messages with Paypal Credit, MasterCard, and Crypto. I invite you to follow this link to access that alert and bookmark it for all further updates. There is no current ETA.
I do apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
-Quicken Jasmine
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