Quicken for Mac 2016 v3.2.1 Released

Quicken Marcus
Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭

We just released version 3.2.1.  

We started seeing a number of weird crashes appearing in our crash reporting system after we released 3.2 so we stopped the 3.2 deployment and put a fix in for the crash.  Thanks to all of you who sent us your crash reports.  They really help.

We also fixed an issue for the Direct Connect Bill Pay and Transfer fix - A fix for a fix.  Thanks to hfm, jeffreyroark3379 and JBB for reporting issues in the 3.2 forum post.  We screwed up and didn't get that one quite right but I think it should be working now.

JBB also discovered a really interesting issue in that Em Dashes aren't supported in the memo field of an online payment.  If you're seeing a 400 error, check to see that you're using a normal dash and not an em dash.  We think the banks only accept normal ASCII for this field.

You can read the full list of fixes in both 3.2.1 and 3.2 at the Updates from the Quicken Mac Product Team at http://intuit.me/1R47KsF.

Again, if you run into issues in 3.2.1, please report them in this forum post so we can spot them quickly.



  • Jim17
    Jim17 Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017

    Loaded 3.2.1 this morning. Updated all online accounts. All OK but when I clicked on Investments my Mac rebooted. First time that has happened with this or any other program.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Jim said:

    Loaded 3.2.1 this morning. Updated all online accounts. All OK but when I clicked on Investments my Mac rebooted. First time that has happened with this or any other program.

    Wow.  I've never seen that either.  Please let us know if this continues to happen so we can investigate further.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited March 2017
    I installed 3.2.1 this AM.  I did a normal Update All Online Accounts and now transactions are not downloaded ("No Transactions Were Downloaded" window) and new payments aren't going out. I tried Pay Now from the transaction and no go.  I restarted Quicken and no help. My next thought is to disconnect and reconnect the Direct Connect to the bank. Suggestions?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    Disconnect and reconnect Rick stab Lish the connection
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017

    So, I can confirm that 3.2.1 indeed fixed the problem for me. I can now have scheduled transactions (offline, but with an online payee in it). So I just mark it as Paid, then go into Online Payment tab, turn Online Payment on, hit Save and it will be submitted. 

    Next, of course, I just want it to create a scheduled, online transaction. Wait, I see an Online Payment tab. So I try it!

    To be precise, while creating a new scheduled transaction, I go to the Online Payment tab, turn on Online Payment, and set it to Payment mode and hit Save. Great! Unfortunately, when I then "Mark as Paid", Quicken has silently turned off the Online Payment. Sad face. Same if I "Edit this and all future transactions", although here (shades of 3.2) when I try to turn it on again, it only shows me online Transfer mode.

    Maybe next time...
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Kathy Muench
    Kathy Muench Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Re-ordering split transactions changed the amount of the transaction that has the splits.  I just noticed this in my file today, but when I searched QC, I found this older post, so the problem has appeared again (or was never fixed?):
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    hfm said:

    So, I can confirm that 3.2.1 indeed fixed the problem for me. I can now have scheduled transactions (offline, but with an online payee in it). So I just mark it as Paid, then go into Online Payment tab, turn Online Payment on, hit Save and it will be submitted. 

    Next, of course, I just want it to create a scheduled, online transaction. Wait, I see an Online Payment tab. So I try it!

    To be precise, while creating a new scheduled transaction, I go to the Online Payment tab, turn on Online Payment, and set it to Payment mode and hit Save. Great! Unfortunately, when I then "Mark as Paid", Quicken has silently turned off the Online Payment. Sad face. Same if I "Edit this and all future transactions", although here (shades of 3.2) when I try to turn it on again, it only shows me online Transfer mode.

    Maybe next time...

    hfm, Mark as Paid means that you paid it yourself and you no longer want it paid via Online Bill Pay which is why we turn it off.  What you want to do is to pay it via bill pay and then leave it.  Quicken will mark it as paid automatically once we're notified by your bank that it has been paid.  It's a terminology difference.  I can see why you would want to mark it as paid and why there is confusion but that is how it works today.  Does that make sense?  Your bank will tell Quicken that it's paid which is the most accurate measure of whether something was been paid or not.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    hfm said:

    So, I can confirm that 3.2.1 indeed fixed the problem for me. I can now have scheduled transactions (offline, but with an online payee in it). So I just mark it as Paid, then go into Online Payment tab, turn Online Payment on, hit Save and it will be submitted. 

    Next, of course, I just want it to create a scheduled, online transaction. Wait, I see an Online Payment tab. So I try it!

    To be precise, while creating a new scheduled transaction, I go to the Online Payment tab, turn on Online Payment, and set it to Payment mode and hit Save. Great! Unfortunately, when I then "Mark as Paid", Quicken has silently turned off the Online Payment. Sad face. Same if I "Edit this and all future transactions", although here (shades of 3.2) when I try to turn it on again, it only shows me online Transfer mode.

    Maybe next time...

    Okay, I'm very confused now. Specifically,  The 3.1 release notes say
    "You can now setup a Scheduled Transaction to be a Bill Pay transaction (without getting that weird "%@ Is Not Enabled” error).  Note: This is still a Scheduled Transaction (a reminder in Quicken). You still must Enter and the (sic) Send the transaction when your bill becomes becomes due. Creating the Scheduled Transaction alone does not send any Bill Pay instructions to your Bank."

    I don't know what "Enter" means here. I think it means "hit Enter and then Mark as Paid":

    So let me be more detailed; I want to create one of these, I go to my checking account and hit New Transaction. Then I click on the calendar icon and check the Scheduled box and fill out Monthly and the day of the month. Then I add the Payee name, the typical amount, and the Category to allocate it to. Finally I go to Online Payment and check the Online Payment box, it's a Payment already, so I hit Save. This creates a greyed-out Scheduled Transaction.

    But as it says, this process does not send a Bill Pay instruction to the bank, it just creates the reminder series. Unless there's something I'm missing, to generate an actual payment, I have to hit Enter or double-click on the scheduled series, (which then gives me the choice of "Mark as Paid", "Skip this Instance", or" Edit this and all future transactions"). If I hit Mark as Paid, then Q moves the greyed-out series to the following month, and enters a current transaction ((bug1) with all the fields visually blank until I hit Edit Details), BUT (bug2) that transaction is now no longer an online transaction until I manually make it so again. After I do that, I can now Update this account, and I will be asked to confirm sending the Bill Pay to the bank.  I agree that "Mark as Paid" doesn't quite make sense as a term here, but I don't see any other way to generate the actual Bill Pay transaction.

    BTW, Bug3 is that if I go back to the scheduled series and try and edit it with "Edit this and all future transactions", then I can no longer mark it as a payment, only as an intra-bank transfer (which fails).
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    hfm said:

    So, I can confirm that 3.2.1 indeed fixed the problem for me. I can now have scheduled transactions (offline, but with an online payee in it). So I just mark it as Paid, then go into Online Payment tab, turn Online Payment on, hit Save and it will be submitted. 

    Next, of course, I just want it to create a scheduled, online transaction. Wait, I see an Online Payment tab. So I try it!

    To be precise, while creating a new scheduled transaction, I go to the Online Payment tab, turn on Online Payment, and set it to Payment mode and hit Save. Great! Unfortunately, when I then "Mark as Paid", Quicken has silently turned off the Online Payment. Sad face. Same if I "Edit this and all future transactions", although here (shades of 3.2) when I try to turn it on again, it only shows me online Transfer mode.

    Maybe next time...

    Thanks for the detailed explanation.  I fully understand the issue now.  Yes, this is broken.  As you say we don't allow schedule direct connect payments but it appears we also don't even allow you to manually create a direct payment monthly either.  Let me write this up and see if we can do something to fix this issue.  Thanks for reporting it and I'm sorry it took me awhile to process the problem.  Your notes were great.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    I installed 3.2.1 this AM.  I did a normal Update All Online Accounts and now transactions are not downloaded ("No Transactions Were Downloaded" window) and new payments aren't going out. I tried Pay Now from the transaction and no go.  I restarted Quicken and no help. My next thought is to disconnect and reconnect the Direct Connect to the bank. Suggestions?

    We're not able to reproduce this issue.  It sounds like disconnecting and reconnecting worked for you but you shouldn't have to do this.  What bank is this?  I've seen this mentioned a couple of times by people so it appears to be not an isolated incident but it's not something we see in our testing and obviously the majority of customers don't hit this issue.  If this happens again, please let us know and we'll probably want to get a log from you to see why your account gets into this state.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    towanas said:

    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!

    I'm sorry I don't understand the issue.  Can you provide more details?  When you say May are you really talking about March?  Are you looking at a 2015 calendar? I guess I'm confused about how you have values in May since May hasn't happened yet.  Also, what are the accounts that make up your balance and what is the value of the transactions that occur during the days that lead up to the May 6th date?  Anyway, we're going to need more information to be able to provide an answer.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    towanas said:

    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!

    I am REALLY talking about May and NO, I am not looking at 2015.  I am referring to the Calendar available within Quicken that forecasts the projected balance of my checking account (I have the option for my savings balance to be included on the calendar turned off) months in advance when I enter scheduled and/or repeating transactions.  As of today (the balances change, of course, as new transactions are downloaded, so the balances do not match my previous post), on 4/29/16 there is a correct projected balance of $1340.22. On the April calendar,  the first week of May is visible.  Between April 29 and May 6, I have a deposit of $550 and debits of -$600.  So, $1340.22 + $550 -$600= $1290.22, which is correct.  Then I forward to May 6, 2016 on the calendar, the very same day I am looking at on the April calendar, and the projected balance is $1445.78 (there are no additional or missing transactions.  They are exactly as above).  That is a difference of +$155.56.  $155.56 just magically APPEARS.  This is every month, sometime the balance is less than it should be and sometimes more.  I only used April and May as examples......BUT, when the physical date gets within about a week of the end of the month, the calendar adjusts the projected balances and corrects itself!!!  This is not really conducive to financial planning and it does not instill a sense of trust in Quicken for me.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    towanas said:

    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!

    Have you double-checked to see if you have a recurring scheduled transaction that might fall into that time frame you are looking at? Note that it may or may not show up in your register, depending on how you set your look forward period for scheduled transactions.

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    towanas said:

    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!

    I have checked, double checked and triple checked.  There is nothing.  What do you mean, "set your look forward period"?
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    towanas said:

    THE CALENDAR!!!!  It's simple addition and subtraction!  Why hasn't this been fixed?  If I look at the month of April, I can still see the first few days of May on the April page.  If I note the balance on May 6 that is on the April calendar and then move to the May calendar, the balance for May 6 is $354.86 less.  THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!  PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE!

    In each register, you can set your preference to choose how many instances of a recurring scheduled transaction will show up in advance of the transaction. Watch this video for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex3TthB2xhc

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    new Quicken upgrade 2016 from 2015 - crashes upon setup creating new file from 2015
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016

    My Golden One transactions (3 accounts) have not downloaded since March 17.  I would pretty much peg that to these latest updates as the download has been working fine for months.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016

    I installed 3.2.1 this AM.  I did a normal Update All Online Accounts and now transactions are not downloaded ("No Transactions Were Downloaded" window) and new payments aren't going out. I tried Pay Now from the transaction and no go.  I restarted Quicken and no help. My next thought is to disconnect and reconnect the Direct Connect to the bank. Suggestions?

    Wells Fargo support suggested that I disconnect and reconnect the Direct Connect to the bank, which fixed the problem and it is working smoothly since then.
  • EricO
    EricO Member ✭✭
    edited March 2017


    I have continued to encounter two transaction download issues involving Quicken Connect since upgrading to 3.2/3.2.1; one of which I believe you mentioned in an earlier post:

    1. American Express: I have both an Amex Costco card and an Amex Blue card. Both downloaded transactions properly; however, now the Costco card works properly but the Blue card is marked as a "Error 324 Account Marked as Dead". When I repeated the setup process, I was able to again set up the Blue card with a window showing both cards properly linked but continue but continue to receive either the "Dead" error or a download error of 900 (?) and a message about the Throttler and "in Progress". The Costco card continues to be fine.

    2. Capital One Venture Card: This account has started download and marking cleared both the posted transactions and now a selection of the pending transactions with each download. The online balance is properly downloaded and tied to the posted transactions only. This obviously makes reconciliation very difficult. I have to go to my account in a browser, identify and unmark the improperly downloaded pending items, reconcile the account in Quicken and then finally go back and mark the pending items as cleared since having already been downloaded, Quicken does not download in a subsequent update/download.

    Both of these issues may a Quicken backend issue rather than a Quicken Mac version update issue, but it is coincidental that they occurred about the time QM was updated. Any thoughts or solutions? Thanks.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    Quicken for Mac 2016 v3.2.1 Prevents my connecting with my bank accounts
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    +1 Quicken for Mac 2016 v3.2.1 Prevents my connecting with my bank accounts.
    Actually, I am no longer able to send online payments to my WF bank. Specifically, I never see the "Online Payment" tab anymore for transactions!!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    I have discussed this problem with Quicken at length as well as the bank. Quicken acknowledged that the problem is at their end. The bank told me today that I will need to solve the problem with Quicken. So were is Quicken in fixing the problem?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017

    @quicken Marcus; see now you've established a bad precedent of finding and fixing a major bug quickly in the public release. As a heavy user of Quicken for decades, I've been aggregating a list of minor bugs, limitations, and annoyances in Q16, waiting for the next beta cycle (as that's usually been a receptive place for getting things fixed). I've signed up for Should I wait until then, or is there a better mechanism?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    Quicken 2016 for Mac,Version 3.2.1 (Build 32.11402.100):  Crashes every time after updating online accounts.   Only time it doesn't crash is on a specific account when there are no transactions, other wise it crashes for all accounts, all banks.   Cannot add a new credit card either without crashing.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016

    I installed 3.2.1 this AM.  I did a normal Update All Online Accounts and now transactions are not downloaded ("No Transactions Were Downloaded" window) and new payments aren't going out. I tried Pay Now from the transaction and no go.  I restarted Quicken and no help. My next thought is to disconnect and reconnect the Direct Connect to the bank. Suggestions?

    Direct Connect Bill Pay works for some Payees and not others.  After I hit send payment for some, it displays Waiting in the Check Number field and then displays the check number.  For others, I hit send payment and it displays Waiting in the Check Number field and then displays To Send in the Check Number field.  I tried making the send date sooner or later and no change.  Suggestions?
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2017
    [mention://47532 @TerriP]: have you contacted Quicken Support about this? Crashing issues typically get the highest priority for fixes. I'm sure the engineering tram would like to find out what's going wrong with your data file.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    On Quicken for Mac 2016 v3.2., Direct Connect Bill Pay works for some Payees and not others.  When the payment is sent normally: I hit send payment, it displays Waiting in the Check Number field and then displays the check number.  When the payment does not get sent: I hit send payment and it displays Waiting in the Check Number field and then displays To Send in the Check Number field.  I tried making the send date sooner or later and no change. I tried creating a new transaction with the same Payee and it still doesn't send. All of the Payee info looks fine and similar to the ones that don't work.  Suggestions?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited July 2016
    Downloaded Quicken for Mac 2016 v3.2.1.  Updating accounts worked until yesterday, 04.18.16.  Removed outdated login credentials from Keychain App and followed instructions to link FI accounts.  Could not link 4 of 5 accounts from FI to those established in Quicken.  Added the a 4 I could not link as new, then hid the ones that were duplicates.  Still cannot download accounts from FI.  Had similar problem with previous version.  Thought v3.2.1 was suppose to resolve this.  Suggestions other than deactivating all accounts and activating again which I have already tried?  Suggestions?
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