Investment Performance Report for Quicken MAC? (40 merged votes)

lp1756 Member ✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Investments
It's time for Quicken for MAC to grow up and (finally) provide an investments performance report.    It's not rocket science.   For a given time period take the value at the beginning, all transactions (dividends, interests, buys, sells) and the value at the end and just do the math.   We've waited patiently, but now it's time.   Get to work Quicken team!
116 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated

Submitted for review on Aug 2022 - CTP-7543



  • Tom Tolles
    Tom Tolles Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    I use Quicken to download banking and brokerage information and it works great.  What that means is that quicken contains all transactions related to a stock, including purchase price, commissions, dividends and current market price.  If I have private investments that I track, I would also have similar information in terms of Initial Investments Costs/Priceimage, Cash returns, and Current Value.  Since all that info exists in quicken, it would be really easy to have Quicken use a the equivalent of Excel's XIRR function to computer an annualized IRR one or more investments.  This way I could see how various investments of mine have fared.  For example, I might compare three stocks and an apartment building over the last five years.  See the attached jpeg.  (note - when I use the words "Total IRR", I mean the total IRR for both cash and unrealized gains but still on an ANNUAL basis).  Using annual IRR information I find is a very useful tool for comparing actual or potential investments.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    You may want to add your VOTE for the IRR Report, here:

    Be sure to click on the link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page to increase the count and therefore its visibility to the developers.

    If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page of THAT feature, your vote will NOT be counted!

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)


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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    You may also want to add your VOTE to MANY types of reports and report features, here:

    Click the link above to go take a look at the list and vote for the ones you want to see implemented in Quicken for Mac. 

    Be sure to scroll down the page, as some contain lists of related features.  Click on the link to EACH IDEA separately. Then you click the VOTE button at the top of EACH page that opens up respectively to increase the count and therefore its visibility to the developers.

    If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page of each feature, your vote will NOT be counted for THAT feature!

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • WillyH
    WillyH Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019
    I AGREE 100%!!, [removed]
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2017
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2018
    View any portfolio or all investment accounts.  Then while viewing the portfolio - not transactions, there is a dropdown box that shows Performance, Portfolio Value (the screen hat displays by default) and Realized Gains.  You can then change the columns showing up.  I believe this is the report you are looking for.
  • cneal
    cneal Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019

    Nope. Performance needs to include dividends received during the time held. Since migrating from Qwin a couple of years ago I have to keep this in a spreadsheet.

    (Market Value - Cost w/commission) + Dividends.
  • WillyH
    WillyH Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019

    And you need to be able to print it!
  • lp1756
    lp1756 Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    I just upgraded to Mac Quicken 2018 and there is now IRR and ROI columns in your portofio listings.    You only get to choose 1,3,5 year or YTD -- would have been nice to be able to select your own period.    But at least this is progress.     I am still working on what's the difference and whether dividends and interest are taken in account.    I'd be interested to know if any has tried this feature and what they have concluded.

    UPDATE:   I have done the math on one of my mutual finds and determined that the ROI columns in the Performance dropdown does indeed include the dividends received in the calculation of ROI.       

    Thank you Quicken -- this is what I've been asking for.
  • RalphS
    RalphS Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    I have taken a look at Quicken 2018 for Mac and compared to my old Quicken for Mac 2005 version it is indeed a poor relative.  I have lots of flexibility with 2005 and can generate customized ROI and IRR reports for any period I choose.  Since I only use it for investments and am pretty much a buy and hold investor the only downside is I don't get the automatic price updates.    I also downloaded the 2018 Windows version and it works well for what I need so I am looking at getting data on it.  I live in Canada and many of the Canadian mutual funds are available for automatic update, but I will likely not renew subscription and just enter manually after the subscription expires as some of the funds I have are in a group retirement plan and I have to enter them manually anyway.    
  • Carlos Duarte
    Carlos Duarte Member ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I'm not sure if this question has been answered or not:  I would like the ability to graphically see individual investment performance, not just overall portfolio performance.  Quicken 2007 for Mac did a very nice job of this but I've lost this important functionality with Quicken 2018 for Mac.  
  • Ward K. Branch
    Ward K. Branch Member ✭✭
    edited January 2019
  • J_Mike
    J_Mike Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020

    My problem is that I cannot see a performance report across all my investment accounts. Am I missing something? 


    In QMac, in the sidebar, select the group header Investing.
    Next, select the Portfolio tab.
    You should now see performance info for all investment accounts - Brokerage and Retirement.
    You can customize further as desired.

    Similarly, you can see performance info for just your Brokerage accounts or just your Retirement accounts by selecting the appropriate group header in the side bar.
    QWin & QMac (Deluxe) Subscription
    Quicken user since 1991

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    Just PLEASE PORT the INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE REPORTS that you have in the Windows version over to the MAC version and a lot of people will be happy. [removed]
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited November 2019

    My problem is that I cannot see a performance report across all my investment accounts. Am I missing something? 

    This is not valid performance info in the Portfolio View. It does not take into account if you partially sold and investment over the period, the ins and outs of reinvested dividends, etc. We just simply need the INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT that exists in the Q Windows version. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the period and show the INS, OUTS, BALANCES and a performance percentage. The Q Windows INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT is perfect.

    The Portfolio View is NOT the answer .. it is the WRONG DIRECTION. The Portfolio View is asset balances centric. We needs a view / report that is TRANSACTION driven.


  • MakingMacBetter
    MakingMacBetter Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi, Decade + happy customer of Quicken for Windows, and my wife is MAC users, so paid for QM 2-yr "subscription" ....  Boy, pretty disappointing that QM seems like a "light version", No Planning or Investment features. Can you please work to create some parity & commonality?!!   Help!   
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @MakingMacBetter Well, it's not news to Mac users that the Mac version lacks functionality compared to the Windows version, or the legacy Mac version. And Quicken management has stated that their goal is to achieve approximate feature parity, so they're well aware of the need and user desires -- it's just a slow path to re-create many thousands of programmer hours of work that go into those features.

    The Mac version definitely does have a significant number of investment features, just not as many as Windows. (And some investment reporting in Windows is implemented in the Mac version via the portfolios rather than separate reports, so if there's something specific you're looking for, post a question because it might exist in Quicken Mac in a non-obvious place.)

    And yes, none of the planning features of Quicken Windows have made it to Quicken Mac yet. I suspect the developers have decided to focus on building out the features and robustness of the core Mac product first, and will get to adding some of the planning features down the road.

    And yes, we Mac users wish all this could be done by yesterday.  ;)  The only consolation is that they do seem committed to getting there, and they continue to deliver improvements and enhancements every month or two.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • John@64
    John@64 Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken for Mac has come a long way with reports. Enhancements have been significant. However, unless I am overlooking something, there is no way to create a simple investment report which shows holdings across multiple accounts. For example, suppose you have a half dozen IRA accounts and you want a report that shows all the holdings grouped by particular stocks or bonds. I don't see any way to create such a report.
  • J_Mike
    J_Mike Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    In the side bar, your IRA accounts are listed unfair a group header Retirement.
    Click on Retirement and then select Portfolio View.
    The display should show all retirement holdings.
    You can customize this display as desired - e.g., Date, accounts included, columns, etc.
    QWin & QMac (Deluxe) Subscription
    Quicken user since 1991

  • John@64
    John@64 Member ✭✭✭
    Thanks very much. I was not aware of all you pointed out. Unless I am missing something though, you can't pick selected accounts. It is either a selected account or all accounts within a category (Retirement, Brokerage, etc.) It would also be nice to be able to create some unique categories such as Crowdfunded, Private Equity, etc.
  • Steve29
    Steve29 Member ✭✭✭✭
    I've been running Q2007 and Q2019 side-by-side for a good year now. Many of the basic features work well in both programs. It's a bit quicker to enter a transaction in 2007, but the home screen and overall attractiveness is better 2019. I'll have to abandon 2007 at some point, when I move to Catalina. What am I going to miss? What is going to keep me on Mojave till the bitter end? Investment reports.

    In 2019, I can't get an IRR report (that's internal rate of return -- something you see on every investment website). Which means I can't find out how much I've been earning on multiple accounts over a long range. I can see it 1, 3 and 5 years, but I can't go longer than that, and 5 years just doesn't tell you much. Nor can I collect groups of accounts and look at them together. All basic things in any kind of investment report module, and all available in Q2007 and in Quicken Windows.

    I also can't see "Amount Invested" for a security. That's essential, too. I don't much care about cost basis -- valuable for taxes but not for getting a feel for how much money you've actually made.

    Please Quicken -- please give us what we can get on Windows and create a basic investment reporting -- and add some of the key columnar data that you can get in the other versions. Us Mac users are just as savvy as people on Windows. Don't make us use a dumbed down Quicken.
  • SVanDee
    SVanDee Member ✭✭✭
    People have been asking for an IRR report analogous to Quicken for Window's ever since Quicken for Mac Beta test days. Hard to understand why this hasn't gotten attention since comparing IRR across investments and time periods is so fundamental and hard to do without the computer's help. For a long time I thought maybe the Mac's database engine didn't support the kinds of queries necessary but then the IRR columns were added to Portfolio view so apparently it does. To repeat my response to the post (which was closed without a solution or explanation):

    Oh good, I'm relieved that Quicken for Mac is able to calculate IRR. However:
    - I see the start date can be specified for Portfolio view but I'd like to be able to specify both start and end dates. (My database goes back to the 1980's. Sometimes I'd like to see IRR over longer than 5 year periods, during different parts of the business cycles, etc.)
    - I'd like to be able to specify which accounts and securities to include/exclude. I'd like to be able to include Hidden securities without having to change the Hide and Show Accounts settings.

    A nice addition I've wished Quicken for Windows had would be to show IRR for multiple intervals during a time period. Each year for 5 years for example.
  • paduck
    paduck Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have been a Mac Quicken user since 1993 and think that it is an absolutely great product. I am still using Q2007, but have purchased and maintain my subscription to Mac Quicken to support the products continued development.

    The number one thing stopping me from upgrading at the moment is the lack of Investment Reports, which is something I find extremely useful. I don't understand why there are really not ANY investment reports in a product that is pushing the integration of investments and has clearly prioritized to that module elsewhere in development. After all these years, I would seem that at least attempting to duplicate the relatively small number of reports in Quicken 2007 would be wise.

    Specifically, it would be nice to have a customizable (dates, accounts, securities, subtotal by) report for Capital Gains, Investment Income, Transactions, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return on Investment (ROI), and Portfolio Value.

    None of these reports seems like a particularly heavy lift - especially when the information for several of them is actually present on some of the summary screens - so calculating for a report should be pretty easy since the calculations are already coded.

    I appreciate your continued development of this outstanding application and look forward to future enhancements.
  • RalphS
    RalphS Member ✭✭
    edited December 2020
    @paduck said:

    "Specifically, it would be nice to have a customizable (dates, accounts, securities, subtotal by) report for Capital Gains, Investment Income, Transactions, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return on Investment (ROI), and Portfolio Value.

    None of these reports seems like a particularly heavy lift - especially when the information for several of them is actually present on some of the summary screens - so calculating for a report should be pretty easy since the calculations are already coded.
    I appreciate your continued development of this outstanding application and look forward to future enhancements."

    Totally agree that these reports are needed and will help to make Quicken more marketable to Mac users.
  • claro814
    claro814 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Is there really not a Capital Gains/Loss report in Quicken Deluxe for Mac? I was just reviewing an old Windows file I have from 2003(!!!!) which had very easy Security Detail and Capital Gain reports. I contacted Quicken Support and, while the person I spoke with was nice, he seemed to not even be aware of the concept. This is basic stuff that's been figured out decades ago and the 1 sheet page promises to "Simplify your taxes and investments." Sorry, but it's hard to take an app with such limited reporting seriously. I had some hope for the Quicken revamp, but come on - give us the basics for investment and stock reporting!
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @claro814  The Capital Gains report is a piece of the Tax Schedule report in Quicken Mac. So yes, you can get this data, but no, it's not a separate report by itself. But you can easily edit the settings of a Tax Schedule report to show just capital gains/losses (uncheck all categories except Investments:Sell) and save it as a capital gains report. 

    Hopefully when they build out a suite of investment reports, they'll break this out for users who just want to be able to have a pre-built capital gains/losses report.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • SVanDee
    SVanDee Member ✭✭✭
    Hard to understand why the Mac Quicken team has been stonewalling requests for investment reports all this time. Especially since we can see in the various Portfolio tables they have the data and algorithms. Beyond frustrating.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    SVanDee said:
    Hard to understand why the Mac Quicken team has been stonewalling requests for investment reports all this time. Especially since we can see in the various Portfolio tables they have the data and algorithms. Beyond frustrating.
    I don't think they're stonewalling! They have a huge list of feature requests. For investments alone, I can think of probably two dozen -- and of course there are lots of other areas of the program, from budgets to loans to connectivity to... also clamoring for attention. So it's just a matter of how many things they can get to in what period of time.

    In the case of investment reports -- which, to be clear, I definitely want to see! -- I'm guessing that they feel the reports users can generate via the Portfolio window currently aren't perfect, but provide much of what users need, so creating saved reports for investments has been lower on their priority list than other features. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • James CA
    James CA Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Quicken staff are capable of explaining why they do or don't do something, so guesses such as some version of "they are too busy" don't cut it. If they are too busy working on other features, then maybe they need to hire more staff. The serious investment report deficiencies have now gone on for years. As noted by SVanDee Quicken has the data and algorithms. So why can't we have customizable dates for investment reports so, for example, so we could get the ROI for the life of a particular stock. Why can't we get portfolio reports for 20 months or 10 years? Seriously, how much staff time could it possibly take to enable these tweaks?
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    James CA said:
    Quicken staff are capable of explaining why they do or don't do something
    None of the moderators here are privy to the thinking inside the development team, so they actually can't provide a "why" answer. The product manager, Marcus, posts here occasionally - each time there is a new release -- and while he doesn't explain everything they are doing or where things are on the development roadmap, he occasionally answers a question which gives insight into their plans. You might try posting your question in the new 6.4 release thread to see if he'll respond.

    James CA said:
    Seriously, how much staff time could it possibly take to enable these tweaks?
    I have no idea, but I suspect it's more than a little "tweak". 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993