Calendar pop-up defaults to Dec 31, 2999 (or 1899 or 1900) (Q Mac)



  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just adding mu 2 cents.... happening to me as well
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    It's an easy workaround if you want to use the current date but for any other date you then need to type it in instead of selecting it from the calendar....and often you don't know the day (e.g. you know it needs to be next Monday, for example) so having the calendar feature is helpful.
    @robjcaldera  No, you can use the calendar. Type "t" to jump the calendar to today, then press + or - to move forward or back one day and the calendar will jump to that day -- so you can use the calendar just as you normally would.

    No one's downplaying it -- but when there is an easy workaround like this, it's not worth getting too upset over, either. It's probably a single line, maybe a single character of code that broke something, and since the 5.15.2 update was a minor one that was quickly released to fix a few bugs in the 5.15.1, it clearly wasn't caught in the limited testing they did. Should it have happened? No. Does s--t happen? Yes. Fortunately, this doesn't corrupt anyone's data, nor prevent anyone from using the program pretty much normally (once you know how to work around it), and presumably they'll have a .3 release soon to fix this bug.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    Every time I go to enter a date the calendar goes back to January 1900. it just started happening. Does anyone else have this problem? Can never get anyone at Quicken Support.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @RickO  Yup, that's what I posted above:
    Type "t" to jump the calendar to today, then press + or - to move forward or back one day and the calendar will jump to that day -- so you can use the calendar just as you normally would.
    Regarding your observation, clicking the Today button in the calendar doesn't always work. When I click the Today button, it simply sets the date field to today and closes the calendar pop-up window; clicking the calendar icon again repeats the same issue. So for someone who wants to pick "next Monday" from the calendar, I think the sure-fire way is to press "t" then "+" and then the calendar is set to this month and can be used normally. Actually, today I'm seeing that just clicking "+" or "–" does the trick -- no need to press "t" first".

    (I would also swear that this behavior has changed since this problem first surfaced at the end of last week, but since this functionality must be in the local code and is not server-based where Quicken could have changed something, I must be hallucinating. Too much time indoors? :) )

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Jacobs, regarding "When I click the Today button, it simply sets the date field to today and closes the calendar pop-up window". I'm still using 5.15.1 so I haven't seen this, but I can confirm that this is not how it works in all prior releases. I often set the calendar to "Today" and then need to back it up a day or two and the calendar has never closed on its own. I assume this will also be fixed in the next update.
  • Member ✭✭
    When routinely entering checks in register, the calendar feature is defaulting to 1900s. Clearly a bug. Any update?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    ugh - same here. seems a bank register program could get the date correct ;-)
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Pop up calendar is broken. Defaults to January 1, 1900 for me. If I click the Today button it changes to today's date and the month calendar remains open. I can select a date from the mini calendar but when I release and reopen the calendar it again defaults to January 1, 1900. Clearly a bug with the latest update to 5.15.2 Hope someone is working to fix this.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Yep I am having same issue after today's update to the 5.15.2 build Mac user. I get a pop up calendar with December 1899. Hoping that Quicken community comments can get with programmers to send out a fix soon. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
  • I can't not add a date for this year using the calendar
  • My registers calendar is using the date Jan 1900 and I can't select the appropriate date.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    PLEASE READ the answers above before posting. Yes, there is a bug in the calendar in the recent 5.15.2 release. When the calendar shows it's in 1900, press the + sign to jump it to 2020. That's it. One key; problem solved (well, worked around). We assume the bug will be fixed in the next release, but in the meantime, it's really simple to work around.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    For any transaction, the calendar drop down selection defaults to Jan 1, 1900. One work around is to select "Today" or manually change any part of the date field to get the current calendar displayed. Quicken Deluxe 2020 Version 5.15.2 (Build 515.33015.100)
  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    I noticed that too. It is awful to do that every time. Is there a plan to fi it?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    When manually entering a new transaction the default date is very old, not the current date. How do I get the initial date default to today's date?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Since the Quicken for Mac Version 5.15.2 (Build 515.33015.100) was released, whenever you go and use the calendar on a transaction, the default month is "Dec 1899"!
  • Member ✭✭
    In Quicken Deluxe for Mac 2020 - Version 5.15.2 - when i open the calendar in a transaction, it defaults to 1/1/1900. Why?? Fix? This started within the past few months. I can't seem to find a way to make the transaction's calendar open to the current month.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    When editing or adding a transaction in the above version of Quicken Mac Subscription, clicking on the calendar in the date field shows the date to be December 31, 1899. Thus, the user can either click on “Today” to get the current date or type in a different date. They cannot use the calendar to select a date unless they want to do a lot of clicking to move forward over a century.
    Was this someone’s idea of a joke or did the development team not test the date field operation in the new update?
  • Member ✭✭
    The date picker is now defaulting to the year 1900. Is anyone else seeing this problem with Quicken for Mac version 5.15.2?
  • Member ✭✭
    When entering a date for a transaction, clicking on the small calendar on the right side of the date window shows a calendar for 1899. Selecting “todays date” displays the correct date. To select a date from the calendar however I must scroll through 120 years. Any suggestions?
  • Member ✭✭
    Having the same problem. No solution yet.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @DavidClarke @rdviiQC @youneedhelp @KBelle PLEASE READ the answers above before posting in a thread. To repeat (and apologies to anyone else who is following this thread):
    • Yes, there is a bug in the calendar in the recent 5.15.2 release
    • Yes, Quicken is aware of it. We don't know, but assume the bug will be fixed in the next release.
    • It's simple to work around. When the calendar shows it's in 1900, press the + sign to jump it to 2020. That's it. One key; problem solved (well, worked around). 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Yes, there are many dozens of identical reports in this thread:

    As posted multiple times ion that thread:
    • Yes, there is a bug in the calendar in the recent 5.15.2 release
    • Yes, Quicken is aware of it. We don't know, but assume the bug will be fixed in the next release.
    • It's simple to work around. When the calendar shows it's in 1900, press the + sign to jump it to 2020. That's it. One key; problem solved (well, worked around). 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    The new update was released two days ago. With the new Mac Version 5.15.2 (Build 515.33015.100), when I try to enter a new transaction, the data field shows the current date correctly, but the the pop up calendar shows 01/01/1900. I don't feel like advancing 1440+ times to get to March of 2020 for each new transaction. Quicken support, online and by telephone, is not available. There are no areas online or in the app to correct this that I found. How do I fix this if Quicken cannot? I have a screen shot, but of course, there is no place to attach a screenshot.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Please see the reply in this thread
    US Quicken Deluxe for Windows Subscription R28.16 on Windows 10 Pro v2004
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @RickO  Yes, I realize that's what's happening. I did change the language in my new posts yesterday so it doesn't sound like I'm scolding anyone. ;)  And yes, it would be great if users skimmed the site for existing topics, but because of all the announcement clutter on the home page for users who don't know how to clear announcements, it does require a bit of scrolling to get to this topic. Search, which can be hit or miss on this site, finds this pretty easily. (Searching "calendar mac" or even just "calendar" finds this thread immediately.)

    Here's what would help more, directed to the Moderators:

    (1) Why doesn't a bug like this, which has been verified and reported to PD merit an alert on this site? It affects many more people than individual financial institutions, for which alerts are frequently made.

    (2) When threads are merged, I don't think the user gets a notification on this site -- so merging posts doesn't serve to inform the user, it only keeps the site tidier. It would help if moderators posted a reply in new threads created by users reporting this same bug over and over, and then removed your reply and merged the thread (or visa versa).

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭✭
    I think I may have found a solution. In Preferences>Language & Region>Advanced>Dates, change the year on Short from 76 to 1976. This makes my calendar correct. It stayed correct after I quit and re-opened Quicken. Please let me know if this will mess up something else.

    Quicken 5.15.2 MacOS 10.14.6
  • Member ✭✭
    THANK YOU for fixing the calendar!!
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