OL-362-A your financial institution has downloaded data for an account that does not exist in your

your financial institution has downloaded data for an account that does not exist in your quicken data file for several Fidelity accounts and a Janus account.

Best Answer



  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    edited August 2020
    Hello @Bill Sauter,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.

    Please, review and follow the error-specific troubleshooting instructions found in this support article regarding error OL-362.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Jeff Howe
    Jeff Howe Member ✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Quicken Anja, all my brokerage accounts are getting this error. I tried the solution in the support article you provided, and it fixes one account, but when I go to fix the next account, it will start working but then the first one is broken again. It looks like something broke on your server or the latest update so that only one account can be made to work at a time.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Jeff Howe

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue, although I apologize that you haven't received a follow-up response.

    Thank you for giving the previous steps a try and letting us know the results.

    I would next try resetting the cloud.

       1.  Edit > Preferences > Quicken ID Sync & Alerts

        2.  Click the link to “Reset your cloud data”

    Please let me know if the trouble persists after completing this step.

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • Dennis@
    Dennis@ Member ✭✭✭
    I'm having the same problem on just one account at Vanguard. Several other Vanguard accounts downloading normally
  • Wachtman98682
    Wachtman98682 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    My Vanguard is broken as well.
  • Bill Sauter
    Bill Sauter Member ✭✭
    I did follow the instructions in the support article. I have not received the message for two day of downloads, but there have not been any transactions to download. The true test will be when there are actual items to download.
  • virbert
    virbert Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Vanguard, Fidelity, Baird, TD Ameritrade, Prudential Retirement all throw the OL-362A error when performing a one-step update. I have deactivated/reactivated each account. It works once, maybe more than once, and then errors out on subsequent updates.

    Quicken Premier R59.10 Windows 10 Pro USA

  • Paul V
    Paul V Member ✭✭
    Jeff Howe has the description of this problem that matches my symptoms. Used the support reference to deactivate and reactivate each brokerage account that received this error Only the last one touched remains fixed. I do not use Quicken Cloud. Also getting some ol-898 errors on other accounts. I believe that the fix needs to be pursued on the Quicken server side. We may have things to do when the server is fixed. But it is fruitless to do those things now.
  • Jeff Howe
    Jeff Howe Member ✭✭
    @Quicken_Tyka I do not have Quicken ID Sync & Alerts in the preferences menu, but I did go to Edit > Preferences > Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts. But I do not have a “Reset your cloud data” link on the preference page. However, am not set up to sync to the cloud.
  • Jeff Howe
    Jeff Howe Member ✭✭
    Paul V, I also do not use Quicken Cloud.
  • Paul V
    Paul V Member ✭✭
    ...and today it is all working again...
  • DC200
    DC200 Member ✭✭✭
    > @Paul V said:
    > ...and today it is all working again...

    Unfortunately, not for me. I have 2 accounts at the same FI and only one will update - the other account still errors out.

    I am still having the same experience Paul V mentioned in his August 9 post - "Used the support reference to deactivate and reactivate each brokerage account that received this error Only the last one touched remains fixed"
  • Paul V
    Paul V Member ✭✭
    > @DC200 said:
    > Unfortunately, not for me. I have 2 accounts at the same FI and only one will update - the other account still errors out.

    Made me try it again. Worked for my 4 investment accounts. Will not name them here. But they are well known.
  • Jeff Howe
    Jeff Howe Member ✭✭
    It worked for a day or so and now is not working again.
  • jamacq
    jamacq Member ✭✭
    Still happening for me as of 8/17 for a brokerage account.
  • jamacq
    jamacq Member ✭✭
    edited August 2020
    Deleted after finding error in my post. I went through changing the account type from 401k to brokerage and was able to download several times and then it stopped working after I deactivated a different brokerage account and set up again.
  • Bill Sauter
    Bill Sauter Member ✭✭
    My experience is that deactivating and reactivating the accounts stops giving the error message until there is actually a transaction to download and then the error comes back. This is very annoying.
  • jamacq
    jamacq Member ✭✭
    Same here although it will pop up sometimes without a transaction. Last night...one account gave the error...this morning it didn't.
  • maorlowski
    maorlowski Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I was also getting the same error [OL-362-A] for two of four Vanguard brokerage accounts. I had not tried to import data to these accounts since early May so this morning was the first time I received this type of error. Since two of the four accounts did successfully import I investigated what was the difference between the ones that worked and the ones that didn't.

    First thing I did was open the QFX files in Notepad to examine the data that Vanguard had created and compare against the account data in my Quicken file. Then I looked at the Account Details in Quicken. (Rightclick on the account name and select "Edit/Delete Account".) In the Account Details windows, General tab I noticed that the Customer ID field was in all upper case for the accounts where the import worked, and that the Customer ID was in lower case on the accounts that did not work. The two non working accounts were for my wife's Traditional and Roth IRA accounts, which use a different user id for online access. I looked in the QFX files and saw that in all four files, the <INTU.USERID> tag had the user id in all caps. So just for the heck of it I tried changing the Customer ID in my wife's accounts to all UPPER CASE so that it exactly matched the INTU.USERID as it appeared in the QFX file. After updating the Customer ID in the Account Details screen (you'll get a couple of warning message from Quicken after doing this), I then tried importing the two QFX files for my wife's accounts that had previouly given me the OL-362-A errors.

    Lo and behold the files were imported successfully and entered the downloaded transactions into the accounts. I'm theorizing that Quicken has started doing a case sensitive match on the data in the QFX file in one of the last program updates.

    Long story short, it looks like Vanguard is sending the user id as all upper case in the QFX files that it creates. If you see that the Customer ID in your Quicken account details is in lower case, try changing it to upper case and try to re-import the QFX file. I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but it is something you may want to check if you are getting this error. Hopefully this continues to work when I import transactions again in another couple months.

    Good luck.
  • Jeff Howe
    Jeff Howe Member ✭✭
    @maorlowski the problem you are describing is for manually downloading transactions, which as you discovered with Vanguard requires your user ID in upper case. I found that problem a while back, But that is a different problem from what is being reported in this thread, which has to do with Direct Connect downloading of transactions.

    What I have found is that when Direct Connect stops working for brokerage accounts, if you exit Quicken and restart the program, Direct Connect will start working again. It then works for a short time, but then starts giving this error again. So, the problem appears to be in the program, and not on the server. After a period of time running, the Quicken program must have "forgotten" some information;data that restarting refreshes.
  • maorlowski
    maorlowski Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Sorry about that - I should have read the details of the postings on this thread. My apologies.
  • Bill Sauter
    Bill Sauter Member ✭✭
    This issue seems to have been resolved with the last Quicken update. No morethan message and updates happening as expected. I believe something in the previous update caused this error and was corrected In the latest update,
  • DJV
    DJV Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I'm running R28.18 Build and have the same problem continuing today for accounts with Fidelity, Schwab, and TIAA.
  • jamacq
    jamacq Member ✭✭
    > @Jeff Howe said:
    > @maorlowski the problem you are describing is for manually downloading transactions, which as you discovered with Vanguard requires your user ID in upper case. I found that problem a while back, But that is a different problem from what is being reported in this thread, which has to do with Direct Connect downloading of transactions.
    > What I have found is that when Direct Connect stops working for brokerage accounts, if you exit Quicken and restart the program, Direct Connect will start working again. It then works for a short time, but then starts giving this error again. So, the problem appears to be in the program, and not on the server. After a period of time running, the Quicken program must have "forgotten" some information;data that restarting refreshes.


    Confirmed here...you are correct. I had gone a couple days without the issue and then this morning I got the error for two different brokerages. I closed Quicken and reopened and ran update on the accounts...it worked. I think you're onto the source of the error. Thanks for posting this.

  • Eastwayroad
    Eastwayroad Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > Confirmed here...you are correct. I had gone a couple days without the issue and then this morning I got the error for two different brokerages. I closed Quicken and reopened and ran update on the accounts...it worked. I think you're onto the source of the error. Thanks for posting this.
    > Jeff

    Same problem, but I too was successful after closing & reopening Quicken. Will see if issue returns later
  • dwightd
    dwightd Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    If you manually download, do a File Import, and get the OL-362 message, another possibly problem (I found) is that my credit union, for IRA accounts, has this in the qfx file:
    If I changed that to this:
    then it worked.
  • cayvman
    cayvman Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    > @maorlowski said:
    > I was also getting the same error [OL-362-A] for two of four Vanguard brokerage accounts. I had not tried to import data to these accounts since early May so this morning was the first time I received this type of error. Since two of the four accounts did successfully import I investigated what was the difference between the ones that worked and the ones that didn't.
    > First thing I did was open the QFX files in Notepad to examine the data that Vanguard had created and compare against the account data in my Quicken file. Then I looked at the Account Details in Quicken. (Rightclick on the account name and select "Edit/Delete Account".) In the Account Details windows, General tab I noticed that the Customer ID field was in all upper case for the accounts where the import worked, and that the Customer ID was in lower case on the accounts that did not work. The two non working accounts were for my wife's Traditional and Roth IRA accounts, which use a different user id for online access. I looked in the QFX files and saw that in all four files, the <INTU.USERID> tag had the user id in all caps. So just for the heck of it I tried changing the Customer ID in my wife's accounts to all UPPER CASE so that it exactly matched the INTU.USERID as it appeared in the QFX file. After updating the Customer ID in the Account Details screen (you'll get a couple of warning message from Quicken after doing this), I then tried importing the two QFX files for my wife's accounts that had previouly given me the OL-362-A errors.
    > Lo and behold the files were imported successfully and entered the downloaded transactions into the accounts. I'm theorizing that Quicken has started doing a case sensitive match on the data in the QFX file in one of the last program updates.
    > Long story short, it looks like Vanguard is sending the user id as all upper case in the QFX files that it creates. If you see that the Customer ID in your Quicken account details is in lower case, try changing it to upper case and try to re-import the QFX file. I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but it is something you may want to check if you are getting this error. Hopefully this continues to work when I import transactions again in another couple months.
    > Good luck.

    the suggested fix worked for me. thanks.
  • Scott14
    Scott14 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I may have a fix for this problem. I had no problem downloading bank or brokerage transactions. I added a brokerage account and suddenly all my other brokerage accounts would fail. To correct this, i deactivated ALL my brokerage downloads. I then activated downloads for account A which was successful. As soon as I activated account B, account A downloads would fail. I immediately rebooted windows and tried an update.. both A and B were successful. I added C and both A and B failed, C was successful. I rebooted Windows, and A,B and C all were successful! The fix... immediately reboot once you add an account... not sure why this works, but I haven't any problems since.
  • twodays
    twodays Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Why can't they fix this? Tried all of the solutions and I might as well go back to a spreadsheet.
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