If there is anything below Sync Errors, those are other Quicken windows which are currently open. If there is nothing else, then no other windows are open.
Okay, that's a good amount, but it shouldn't be something causing Quicken to slow so significantly that you need to do other things waiting for it to process. (I have about 70,000 transactions in my file.)Kentucky Kay said:I have 90,474 transactions.
In any case, there is currently no automatic way to purge old data. But you can delete some things manually if you wish. for instance if you have some old credit card accounts, or cash expense transactions from 1-+ years ago which you want to delete manually, you can delete entire accounts, or select and delete chunks of transactions. you just have to make careful note of your account balances, as you might need to make an adjustment/opening balance entry after you delete transactions to keep your current account balance the same. Only you know what data you have, and what you may or may not need in the future.