From bottom to top, this shows my file here is on my iMac, on my main Macintosh HD drive, in the Users folder called home, in the Library > Application Support > Quicken 2017 > Documents folder. you can click on that menu on any of those levels to open it in the Finder. In this case, pull down and release on Quicken 2017. You'll see folders for Logs, Downloads, Documents, and Backups.
If Backups is not present here, then you have changed the location of your backups. Go to Quicken Preferences > General, and click on the Backup Folder button at the bottom; this will show you exactly where your backup folder is living.
Once you find it in the Finder, you should see Automatic Backups folder inside the Backups folder, and inside that, all the backups Quicken generates when you quit.
QuickPeter said:I'm running macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and "About this Mac" is telling me "Your Mac is up to date".
So maybe my 2012 MacBook Pro can't run Monterey?