Latest Update [mess]ed up Mortgage Splits

Mark Pirkel
Quicken Windows Subscription Member
[Removed - Speculation] The latest update that just auto-loaded [mess]ed up the splits for mortgage payments. Last month, like all previous months the splits would calculate and populate when I go to make a payment. Not this month. How could something that wasn't [mess]ed up get [mess]ed up? What is the split?
What is the work around or how can I revert to the un[mess]ed up version?0
It [mess]ed up my salary splits, some split lines can never be saved and the calendar will add extra amount to the total (it said something about a negative sign not needed). Super-validate didn't help, remove and re-create scheduled transactions did not help either.-1
Mark Pirkel said:What is the work around or how can I revert to the un[mess]ed up version?
Can you please capture one or more images of the parts of your Quicken window showing the issue, sensitive information blacked out as necessary to protect your privacy but annotated to describe the situation, and attach the image(s) here?
How do I post a screenshot in the community from windowsHow do I post a screenshot in the community from a mac
Please save images to files of file type PNG, JPG, or GIF only. They're easier to work with than PDF files.
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I think I have it. The December payment shown has all of the payment lines itemized. The January payment has all blanks except for the uncatagorized line0
The same thing is happening to me... the splits (principal, interest) on my mortgage payments are messed up. Nothing in going into the spits and the entire amount just goes into the line after all the splits. This is happening for both loans that I have.0
Longer discussion of this problem, with a reported workaround to the issue, is here:
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