Transactions Issues & Balances

I have multiple credit card accounts [citicard and bank accounts. I am using the latest version of Quicken 7.2.1. I have new uncleared transactions that are being downloaded into one of my Citicard credit card accounts. They are linked to other other accounts where the transaction is shown as cleared so I cant delete the transaction without creating a reconcile discrepancy. This started happening about a week ago. I attempted to correct the issue by reverting to a backup before these 4 transactions [from 1 year ago] showed up. If I connect with Quicken Connect, the balance is way off and doesn't reconcile. If I use direct connect, then the accounts will balance, but these 4 transactions get downloaded. I believe if I change the connection download date to "download transactions from X date" is made to very recently the issue would not come up. But when changing using direct connect the first time, there is not an option to chose a more recent date for downloading of transactions, only download all.
Not sure what to do here.
I attempted to create a new duplicate account in my quicken ledger, disconnect the old account from downloads, create a new account and copy all the transactions over to the new accounts. I then re-establish direct connect download of the accounts one at a time. After downloading transactions for the first one, those pesky transactions get downloaded, and are even showing up with transfer links to the other newly created accounts that I have not yet re-established downloads for. In looking back at my backups, this error seems to have started around 7/31/23 and I tend to update quicken fairly frequently so am curious if it is related to the update.
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Hello @Greydog9928,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. It's a bit unclear what the exact issue is. You said that your accounts balance when you use Direct Connect, but those 4 transactions download. Are those transactions throwing off the balance? Is there something incorrect about them? Are they duplicate transactions? Have you tried deleting them (usually, if a transaction has downloaded and you delete it, it shouldn't download into that account again unless it is coming over from the financial institution with a different Download ID, which can trick Quicken into thinking its a new transaction)?
You mentioned you already tried reverting to a backup. Was that a backup that dated back before 31 July (when you said the issue started)? When you refer to update, are you referring to updating Quicken to the latest version of the software, or are you referring to running the update to download new transactions for your connected accounts?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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I have been reconciling without issue with several credit card and bank accounts. It appears starting 7/31/23 the issues started. One bank account is downloading 4 old transactions from 2022 which are uncleared, however they are linked and cleared to other credit card accounts. Because they are cleared in the credit card accounts, if I delete them, this creates a reconciliation issues. So essentially I have 4 permanently uncleared transactions in one of my checking accounts [that are cleared in other accounts]
I can revert to a backup on 7/31/23 where there were no reconciliation issues. If I start at that point and try to go forward, I cannot make it work correctly. I have tried, creating new accounts and copying the transactions over for all involved accounts; I have turned off/on connecting the account; I have tried switching from direct connect to quicken connect. None of these work. This seems to coincide with the most recent 7.2.1 update possibly….
If I turn off the connection to the account and reconnect, I cannot choose the date to start downloading transactions from [say after 7/31/23] so it does not pull these old incorrect transactions into quicken.
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Thank you for your reply,
If these transactions are downloading from your financial institution, how are they uncleared? Generally, anything that is downloading from the financial institution will show as cleared, and then if you perform a reconcile, will get marked as reconciled. If you're willing, perhaps a screenshot may help illustrate the issue a bit better (with any personal information blurred or obscured). If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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The issues appear to be coming for Direct Connect download for one of the Citibank credit cards. First image below is one credit card with the 4 uncleared transactions that keep showing up from 2022. In the second window below is showing a second Citibank credit card with one of the cleared transaction from the first window [number 2 in the first window]. If I delete the uncleared transactions, the reconciliation for the second account shown will be off.
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Thank you for your reply and for the screenshots,
If the account(s) that shows it reconciled is connected for online downloads, then it's likely that the uncleared transactions you're seeing are the other half of those transfers that are being downloaded. Quicken automatically detects transfers and documents them in both of the applicable registers unless you turn that functionality off through the Quicken Settings menu.
If that is not what is happening, please provide more information so we can troubleshoot further.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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The transferred account information in these transactions are incorrect. The payment amounts are correct but for example 2 of the 4 incorrectly list a payment from a credit card to a different credit card, rather than from a bank account to a credit card.
Also in Quicken Mac, I dont see an option to turn off automatic detection of transfers in settings.
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in Quicken Mac, I dont see an option to turn off automatic detection of transfers in settings.
@Greydog9928 That setting is shown in Quicken Kristina's screenshot above. It's in Preferences > Register, the third line down. If you don't see that in the Preferences > Register screen, could you please post a screenshot of what you're seeing there.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I found it after her post yesterday.
When I searched all transactions, I found that there was duplication of all these transactions in question. I was able to delete the duplicates and correctly reassign transactions to the correct transfer account. However, the duplicated transactions also had incorrect transfer information [they showed transfer to/from accounts that were never involved in the transfer]. It is still not clear why this happens or how to correct this issue going forward. Clarification would be helpful.