Pentagon PenFed Credit Union PFCU - CC-502 (QWin)



  • geckocaptain
    geckocaptain Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I talked with PenFed this morning. They say it's not their problem. I use several banks and PenFed is only one I ever have connectivity problems with. I'm going to have to rethink who I do a majority of my banking with in the future.

  • RoadBlock
    RoadBlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I’m beginning to think my accounts are being blocked because I always pay the credit cards off in full each month, thereby not incurring any interest fees.

  • Joe Roksewicz
    Joe Roksewicz Member ✭✭✭

    mcjennings and wonderboy… I am in the process of writing a OFX-To-QFX converter (Windows only at this time) that would modify the ofx file as necessary. The steps to manually import Penfed transactions would be as follows: download OFX file from PenFed, run OFX-to-QFX converter, import QFX file into Quicken.

  • Christopher Reed
    Christopher Reed Member ✭✭✭

    I found a work around that will give you QFX format manual downloads for your PenFed Credit Card just like it will for cash accounts:

    -Select far right tab “Other Account Actions”
    - Scroll down to “More Account Options” Select this.
    - Now go to far left tab labeled “Main Menu”. This will take you to the old version of the account view.
    - Scroll to your Penfed credit card and select “More account info and actions”
    - Select “Download Transactions”
    - This will bring up the old version of downloading credit card transactions which gives the QFX format as an option. Select transactions and format and hit "Download."

  • Joe Roksewicz
    Joe Roksewicz Member ✭✭✭

    Brillant.. worked for me. Still going to work on converter just in case PenFed takes this away from us.

  • mcjennings
    mcjennings Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Very nice, Christopher R. Only downside is figuring out which transactions need to be downloaded. A while ago, the last time PenFed refused to play nice with Quicken, I remember having to use this manual method. Spent a lot of time on each download comparing my register with the list of Posted Transactions online to see which ones were new. Kind of a PITA.

  • Krakat
    Krakat Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @RoadBlock interesting thought. Wonder who else does this. I incur not interest on my credit cards.

  • stan05482
    stan05482 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @geckocaptain - I agree. I have accounts with multiple financial institutions and PenFed is the only one that has Quicken connectivity issues. I've written to the PenFed Board about it. Maybe they don't have many Quicken users so they don't care about the relationship.

  • rfnato
    rfnato Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I got the same error message as Joe Roksewicz. To get past the problem I did the following:

    In the area where the line was changed from


    to <FID>10360</FID>

    I also altered the file (renamed from .OFX to .QFX) to the following lines:


    NOTE that two lines that start with "<INTU.BID …" were added.

    The above changes allowed me to import from the PenFed web site into the PenFed Visa account in my Quicken database.

    FYI, I compared a Quicken QFX file for my PenFed Checking and Savings account with the OFX download for my PenFed VISA account and the "<INTU.BID …" lines were what jumped out at me while comparing the files. So I gave that a try and it seems to have worked.

  • rfnato
    rfnato Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Sorry about the duplicative post - I did not read the entire thread before I posted.

    I will try Chris R.'s suggestion.

    I don't want to quit using my PenFed VISA as it gives me a 5% discount on all my gas purchases. For that savings I can manually modify the files or use Chris R.'s suggestion.

  • jeffrose5
    jeffrose5 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Same exact issue for me as the OP (not getting any errors - just nothing). My last successful transaction download was on 11/12. I have resorted to manually downloading QFX files and imported my Penfed transactions that way. I have three accounts, although only 1 is really active.

  • jschumann888
    jschumann888 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Mine didn't work unless the Penfed was all Caps! PENFED weird

  • mike132
    mike132 Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭


  • This content has been removed.
    MPRECI Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2023

    Hope this gets fixed soon. Only broken with Quicken. No issues with online service like [Removed - 3rd-Party Software].

  • mike132
    mike132 Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭

    I found that I cannot download credit card info as either .OFX, .CSV, or QTF from PenFed. I CAN download saving and checking account info via .OFX files. What's up with this?

  • K Kraus
    K Kraus Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Wonderboy's solution worked for me for downloading PFCU Visa transactions.

  • Victor57
    Victor57 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Well, I have had the same issue for 3 weeks. Before this I could download all Penfed transactions seamlessly. Searching the internet for this problem I found a Quicken Support solution In one of Quicken Web help areas for this error code mentioned that sometimes you need to change your PenFed password to allow a better download experience, they mention that sometimes Quicken has found that Penfed will not allow certain characters in the password and this may cause problems ( I found this solution weird but... Well, I did, log in to my Penfed account and I changed a very strong long password that was functioning very well until 3 weeks ago and now they ask for a “”weaker”” maximum of 16 characters password. (I use a password generator and usually have a 25-character password for all my banking accounts for security reasons). So now I had to reduce my password to 16. Even that caused the Penfed site to refuse to change it. So, I wrote to them yesterday that I could not change my password. I also asked about the issue with Quicken error CC-502. This was their response in the caption.

    No mention of the password issue and told me to just download directly. Very superficial answer.😐️

  • Victor57
    Victor57 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I replied to be sent to a higher person for help with this. I just received this. So it seems the problem is NOT Quicken but PenFed has decided to block Quicken due to ""Screen-Scraping"". So there you have it. Seem it is Penfed all along causing the issue.

  • Victor57
    Victor57 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    So you look up what Screen-scraping is about many places which gets me worried about my other banks accounts at Bank of America, Chase , Schwab and UBS…

  • MVW
    MVW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Okay, add another voice to the growing list of Pen Fed- Quicken CC-502 errors, AGAIN. As previously stated several times, its broke, it works, it breaks yet again. Pen Fed says 'Not us' and then it starts working. Let's see if they can get it going AGAIN.

    Observation: I'm paying Quicken subscription because they are/were the only ones that really could save me time on down loading transactions. If it doesn't get fixed, it WILL be another reason to bail on Quicken. The semi-annual cosmetic tweaks will not be enough to keep me subscribing.

  • Victor57
    Victor57 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I posted this in other thread but will post it here. I received this email response today from Penfed. So seems Penfed has decided to block Quicken.
    Please Quicken Anja your thoughts?

  • Victor57
    Victor57 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    So its not Quicken the culprit is PenFed.. 🤷‍♂️

  • johnwhagen
    johnwhagen Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm once again having issues retrieving my data from Pentagon Fed Credit Union when using Quicken. It just can't find the accounts, again. I don't know what it is about quicken but it seems to constantly be an issue with PenFed. I have been with PenFed since 1972. They have great service. I have been with Quicken since the early 90's. Frankly, I am done with Quicken. You just can't leave well enough alone. You fix it, break it, and it cycles every few months. Writing software is not hard. You just have to TEST IT and not make your users find the quality issues, like Microsoft does. Poor business model.

    See ya quicken, I will NOT renew. I'm fed up.

    John Hagen

  • mitch cohen
    mitch cohen Quicken Windows Other Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    For over a decade now, I have had three unique data files (for different members of my family) all using either of Quicken's "Direct Connect" or "Express Web Connect" interfaces. The issue here is not a Quicken issue - it is wholly a PenFed issue. I have connections to the following banks and have had rare issues with them: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Raymond James, Bank of America, Truist Bank, Vanguard as well as my credit union and local bank. I have checking and savings accounts and some have credit cards and some are investment accounts. PenFed is consistently the only institution that has problems. I contacted PenFed today and spoke with a customer service representative who spoke with her management. Ultimately, they suggested that I upload a document with all the details to them at I sent them an entire document with screenprints showing that they previously supported "Express Web Connect" for all of our accounts and those same accounts now fail to download. A PenFed article that explains what they support is here … note that this article was created in the past 10 days and it was last updated on November 29th. This article does NOT specifically address the interfaces that they used to support. ALL of my prior PenFed connections used Express Web Connect. The PenFed article that is linked does not specifically state that "Express Web Connect" is no longer supported … and people on this thread assume that PenFed is being clear because they don't allow screen scraping. In my opinion, that pages is not clear since it does not specifically address the interfaces that previously worked: "Express Web Connect." I asked them to update that page if, in fact, they have implemented a change in policy that disallows the use of "Express Web Connect" OR to admit that they support it and are having issues that they intend to resolve (like they have so many times before). I will not use a file-based download/upload method … no way. I was told that I would receive a reply to my letter. I absolutely will move all my accounts and credit card to another credit union that has consistently supported Quicken's "Express Web Connect" for decades. The administrative burden of moving all of these accounts is absolutely worth it to me. My letter clearly states that if they don't support "Express Web Connect" any longer, we are moving our accounts.

  • stan05482
    stan05482 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    It was always PenFed. Some risk manage has gone off the rails and needs to be reigned in by higher management. We are not just customers, as PenFed is a credit union. I think all Quicken users should write to the PenFed board expressing our outrage and willingness to move our business to customer friendly banks.

  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    When I original submitted the trouble ticket Quicken fixed the issue. Three days later it stopped working again. So here we all are paying for a service that we cant use 🤬

  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Anja can you clear this up for me. Is the issue Pentagon Federal or Quicken. I have previous mention when I sent my logs in and performed over an hour of troubleshooting with Quicken Support my issue was corrected. It only took 3 days to break again.

  • Krakat
    Krakat Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    This was a response from June 2021 from PenFed. So things haven’t really change and get’s turned off and on and back off and on. The only ones this really affects is us the customer for PenFed and Quicken. I guess PenFed doesn’t see some of the benefits getting data especially for unauthorized transactions that clients may see much quicker via automated downloads to stop fraudulent activity. But if PenFed would just post we no longer support automated downloads great. Let everyone know! Quicken take PenFed off the financial institutions that support Quicken. It doesn’t take months to figure this out!

    Thank you for contacting PenFed. 

    Unfortunately, PenFed does not support automatic downloads to Quicken. 

    While automatic downloads are not impossible and some of our members have been able to do this, the function itself is unsupported.

    Sadly, this means that we do not know how to troubleshoot or fix errors when they occur. 

    With this in mind, however, you always have the option to manually download your transactions. 

    To download transactions, log into PenFed Online, then click on the account's name to see the history. 

    Check the little box beside each transaction that you want to download, then scroll down to the Download Transactions section. 

    Select the format you want to download (QFX for Quicken, QIF, or CSV for MS Excel) and click Download. 

    Save the file to your computer, then log into Quicken and upload/import the file.

  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Krakat Unfortunately I remember, I actually cancelled my subscribtion that time but got sucked back in by 4 months free.

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