How do I get a customer ID and password for Vanguard 401k

cmorus+q Unconfirmed, Member

Vanguard has no idea how to get me this information. The phone number supplied by Quicken to call Vanguard doesn't help. Is it possible to set this up as an employee user of my company's 401k?


  • Quicken Jasmine

    Hello @cmorus+q,

    Have you attempted to request to speak to a tier 2 agent or a supervisor? They tend to be more familiar with third-party applications. Your log in information for your accounts will come straight from your Financial Institution (Vanguard) and their servers which Quicken does not have access to.


    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Vanguard should have a person or group assigned to manage your employer's 401K plan. Often times that person's name or group along with their contact information will be identified on the statements you get from them. That person or group should be able to give you some guidance on this matter, especially if there are unique login requirements (not uncommon with 401K plans).

    (Quicken Classic Premier Subscription: R55.26 on Windows 11)

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I agree with @Boatnmaniac. You might also want to pursue it with your company's H HR/berneift department, or whoever in the company administers the 401k plan. (At the small company I worked for which had a similar SEP-IRA plan, I seem to recall the company administrator may have needed to initiate action for an employee to access their account at Vanguard.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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