Merrill Lynch - OL-294 (QWIN)



  • DKJ
    DKJ Member ✭✭

    Totally agree. Would switch in a heartbeat if there were an alternative.

  • DKJ
    DKJ Member ✭✭

    Six days. Not fixed. No communication to users.

  • ccondrich
    ccondrich Member ✭✭
    edited January 8

    My ML has been down similar to others for 5 days now, but my error code is 16503 not OL-294. (QMac)

  • Ragtopguy
    Ragtopguy Member

    I'm having the same issue for the past week. Tried resetting the account and that did not resolve the issue. Tried to discontinue and setup a new connection and that didn't work either. Now it will not setup a new connection, same error.

  • barrymil
    barrymil Member

    Still receiving the OL-294-A error recovery message when attempting to perform the one step update on 3 Merrill Lynch accounts. Been ongoing since 01/02/24. I too hope for a quick resolution and a partial refund from Quicken as my annual subscription was paid to Quicken on 01/05/24… ouch!

  • dgcoonesq
    dgcoonesq Member ✭✭

    I have the connection issue with Merrill Lynch but I do not get an error message. Just a note that it's not my fault.

  • me
    me Member ✭✭✭

    For those who want the workaround (not excusing the error):

    Log into ML

    Go to Accounts: Activity

    Go to Export: Download More Data

    This is the screen where you can get a Quicken Download. Chose the account, Choose Quicken, leave All chosen, and choose Quicken under step 4 (Download). On a PC, open Quicken, click on the file to open it, and the transactions should import automatically.

  • Roy Van Brunt
    Roy Van Brunt Member ✭✭✭

    agreed, downloads directly from the ML "Holdings" page into Quicken seem to work, so it should be a Quicken communication issue, i.e., not a problem with Merrill Lynch??

  • Meebers
    Meebers Member ✭✭
    edited January 8

    Mine is now showing complete on ME update????

  • me
    me Member ✭✭✭

    The error does not always show. I use three Quicken files and on one of the three I don't get an error anymore even though the ML transactions are not downloading.

  • Struggles
    Struggles Member ✭✭

    Its fixed now

  • me
    me Member ✭✭✭

    I don't think it is fixed. Curious what others thnk.

  • Meebers
    Meebers Member ✭✭
    edited January 8

    Mine completed as normal, no errors. Transactions match with web, however the balances do not match. Perhaps todays market has done that.??

  • Art Masson
    Art Masson Member ✭✭✭

    Appears Fixed to me as of noon 1/8/24

  • Randy Fairhurst
    Randy Fairhurst Member ✭✭

    Finally!!!!!!!! it's Fixed. I had entered over 68 transactions manually in 4 different accounts. Now I have to review and reconcile all these transactions to make sure I do not have any posting errors, omissions and remove all duplications…….. OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a happy camper.

  • Peter Clayton
    Peter Clayton Member ✭✭

    I was just able to reestablish Direct Connect for my ML account. I deactivated Web Connect first, which I had established while the issue was being "resolved". I ran an update and everything went smoothly. I had already updated the account using the QFX file, so I'll have to wait until the next set of transactions are available for download before knowing for sure that it's working.

    I sincerely hope that the feedback regarding the need for routine insight and updates does not does not "fall on deaf ears"…

  • miklk
    miklk SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    Looks like Merrill fixed it as I can connect in both my datafiles.

  • me
    me Member ✭✭✭

    Fixed for me as well in three different accounts with two different logins

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    This is my website:
  • jdparker225
    jdparker225 Member ✭✭

    Let's not be too quick to declare success. I tried a One Step Update of all my accounts and it appeared to be successful. However there were no transactions downloaded. OK, that's possible. So I checked connection log and found this:

    20240108 13:44:29: Your Internet connection or the server has timed out. Try again now, or wait and try later.

    No error reported at all. This was not associated with ML. Instead with Ameriprise.

    Part of my experience with the ML issue was that it didn't work, briefly flashed that an error had occurred but did not specify what the error was. Connection log showed: "20240106 18:02:40: HTTP: Temporarily overloaded" which some reported was what they also saw in the connection log although Quicken reported the OL-294 error for them.

    As noted in my original post: Using Quicken Classic Version R53.32 Build

    I do not think we are done here.

  • will66pu
    will66pu Member ✭✭

    Merrill connection to Quicken has been restored. Reconnection to Merrill accounts does require deactivating past Quicken account connections to Merrill and completing the reactivation process

  • Nobody special
    Nobody special Member ✭✭

    I would say that quicken didn't make a support call to Merrill Lynch. The issue was with Merrill Lynch.

  • Nobody special
    Nobody special Member ✭✭

    Yes, that's me. I personally spoke to the people on the product operations team at Merrill. I work at BofA. I got them internally since BofA is Merrill's parent.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Nobody special I do find it really interesting that you could make one request and get it fixed. Even if Quicken Inc or Intuit (which is Quicken Inc's aggregator/connection services provider) never made a single request in this matter, which I really doubt, there should have been tons of customers complaining about it.

    People talk about the "bad Quicken support" in this kind of matter, but what is financial institution's excuse?

    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Nobody special Please don't take my last comment wrong. I really appreciate the effort you put in. And I'm not even a customer of these financial institutions. 😉

    This is my website:
  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Nobody special Thanks for putting in a word for all of us.

    @Chris_QPW Might have been an easy fix once someone actually looked at it. Sometimes a call from an insider can get that part done.

    I know they were working on it before the weekend bc as I posted on Friday night, I was able to connect, several times, and download transactions. They were probably almost there, but stopped working on the weekend. I expected it would be fixed by today or tomorrow. Hopefully, this problem is now in the rearview mirror.

  • cwpomeroy
    cwpomeroy Member ✭✭

    Hey Quicken support…. If this has been 'fixed' and requires a disconnect/reconnect. how about posting that on your support page…?

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    @cwpomeroy There should be no need for you to for a "disconnect/reconnect" to fix this problem.

  • will66pu
    will66pu Member ✭✭

    in my case the update button (for Merrill accounts in Quicken with had had an OL-294 error) was grayed out and would not respond at all. Any update attempt of the Merrill accounts in Quicken was no longer an option, . Fortunately, the deactivation/reactivation procedure did work. After going through account setup again, a connection to Merrill succeeded, but, before showing accounts available to be linked to Quicken, Merrill displayed a message asking me whether I wanted to authorize a Quicken connection. I did so, and the connection then allowed me to link the accounts.

  • cwpomeroy
    cwpomeroy Member ✭✭

    FWIW, My ML connection seems to have resolved itself. I ran a normal update and this morning it connected to my ML accounts. I did not need to do anything.

This discussion has been closed.