Quicken ID password entry

EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

Periodically I am asked to enter my Quicken password. I haven't changed it. It's not after an update. It appears to be required randomly. Why? This seems suspicious to me.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @EWagner635,

    If you haven't already, I suggest you try signing out of your data file completely and then signing back in to refresh the registration token for your Online Connected Services. However, I do recommend that you first save a backup file prior to performing these steps.

    1. Navigate to Edit
    2. Preferences...
    3. Quicken ID & Cloud accounts
    4. Click Sign in as a different user (or it might say Sign in using a different Quicken ID)
    5. Follow the prompts to Sign Out
    6. Sign back in using your Quicken ID (email) and password (this screen is not a pop-up box)

    Keep in mind that the sign-in pop-up dialog may continuously keep popping back up throughout this process, in which case you will need to continue closing it each time it pops up until you reach the full sign-in screen.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    The reason I have to log in is because I am signed out, apparently automatically, randomly, for some unknown reason. Why does that happen?

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Thank you for clarifying!

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the log in screen you receive? If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This happened on 1/15 and now again today. I did not log out, just closed the Quicken program.

  • mitch cohen
    mitch cohen Quicken Windows Other Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    I too am being challenged daily to enter my Quicken ID and password most every time I do a one-step-update … like never before. It's happening multiple times per day for weeks now.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited February 2024

    Happened again to me on 2/10, for no reason as I didn't log out. Any update? Kind of concerning considering everything bad we hear about cybersecurity.

  • mitch cohen
    mitch cohen Quicken Windows Other Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    Still happening to me every … single … day.

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @EWagner635 - do you access multiple files, or share a file? Have you tried doing a Validate or Super Validate?

    I find this happens sometimes to me when I access multiple files or restore a backup.

    @mitch cohen - I have had this happen to me a couple of times. Each time I was troubleshooting some connection issues. I find that if I restart Quicken it goes away. Also, rebooting the computer doesn't hurt.

    Try to keep track of what you were doing before this happened and see if there is a pattern.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @QuickUserPSP I only use a single file local on my PC (I'd love to be able to use a file on my network drive BTW but at one point I was told that wasn't possible). I've don't many Val and SuperVal for other problems, ie. accounts that no longer download after an update and/or memorized auto transactions that I've deleted that keep entering into my register. But still get logged out periodically.

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @EWagner635 honestly, I really wouldn't worry about it unless you start getting asked every time you sign into Quicken, or do an OSU. The worst thing to happen is when you cannot log back in. But again, if you have it happen once in a while, I wouldn't worry about it.

    One other thing, you stated that you have done many validates. One thing to note - if you do a super validate but instead of [Ctrl-Shift] +Validate, you accidently just do a [Ctrl] + Validate, you will be forced to sign in again with your Quicken ID, the next time you open Quicken. I am not saying that that is what happened, but it could be a possibility.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am worried about it. We should all be worried about security. If I'm logged in, what or who is logging me out? Is there a bot hitting the quicken servers trying to log into accounts and the servers log an account out after failed attempts? Is it a software upgrade? A software bug? Security should be top of everyone's mind today given the world events and what we know enemy nations are doing to America's systems. For example, where are the quicken servers located that I log into? In America or some foreign land.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Happened again 2/20. Moderator, any suggestions?

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Happened again. 3/9. Moderator, any suggestions?

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @EWagner635,

    According to the Quicken ID FAQ, the primary things that will trigger a request to login are if you are logging in from a different system (or are using tools that may make it look like a different system), haven't logged in for 90+ days, or changed your login credentials. Sometimes an update to Quicken will also cause you to need to login.

    Do you use a VPN? If so, do you always have the VPN on (or off) when you access Quicken? Does your router do dynamic routing? Do these login requests tend to sync up with any network events (for instance, do they sync up with when you have to reset/power cycle your router)? Do you run Quicken in a Virtual Machine? These are all things that may potentially make Quicken want to reverify since they might make it look like you're accessing your file from a different location than usual.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • mitch cohen
    mitch cohen Quicken Windows Other Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    Quicken Kristina … each of your points are valid … and I have NONE of them and am being challenged almost daily to reauthenticate. Please open a ticket with developers and let us help them determine a root cause. PLEASE.

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @mitch cohen have you seen this support article?


    If you haven't done so already, there things you can try to remedy the repeated request to sign in with your Quicken ID. Another thing I discovered that is not in the support article is that if you click on Help→Manage Your Subscription→Check Membership Status, it sometimes asks you to sign in with your Quicken ID and once you do that, you won't be asked again.

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Kristina I'm not logging in from a different system or using software making it look like a different system, just a regular old fashioned desktop PC. I log in every day, at least once a day, have been for years and years, I haven't changed my Quicken login credentials for years. If an update will do it, the update should notify the user a login will be required. And No, I was not required to login after the last update. I don't use VPN. I'm not using dynamic routing. I'm not running in a virtual machine.

    So nope, none of those things.

    What else?

  • EWagner635
    EWagner635 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Happened again on 3/28/2024.

    Come on support, fix this issue.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your replies,

    Since you confirmed the things I listed earlier aren't causing this issue, then you may be impacted by the issue described in this discussion:

    That is a known issue, which has already been reported to our teams for further investigation and resolution. Though we do not currently have an ETA, once a solution is created it will be made available as part of a future release.

    Thank you!


    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Cary A. Strochan
    Cary A. Strochan Member ✭✭
    edited April 2024

    This issue has haunted me for several months. I've tried every solution recommended. Yet, the problem persists!

    Yesterday when I installed the latest update. I expected that Quicken would have corrected the issue. No such luck.

    What are the [Removed - Disruptive] at Quicken doing about this prevalent issue? Subscription prices have gone up but service hasn't improved. The only thing offered in the update was a cosmetic change having to do with pending transactions. I activated it only to remove the "nag"messages.

    Do something instead of offering apologies! Quicken is not the only game in town that offers online bill pay and downloads from financial institutions.

    [Removed - No Soliciting]

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