Mastercard ledger from credit union is messed up.

Quicken version R54.16.

Since the beginning of February, I have been unable to get an accurate download from the Credit Union of Denver for the MasterCard I maintain there.

When downloading via the bank website get error message that Quicken is unable to verify the financial institution data and download fails.

When using one-step update, checking and savings accounts update properly however with the MasterCard while individual entries down load, the online balance and credit card balance in Quicken are not accurate. Online balance stays set at an amount that is equal to a payment made in late December, which equals the balance due from the November, 2023. The Quicken due is just screwy – not sure what hat it’s picked that balance from.

My separate credit card (Discover) is updating correctly.

I have run a file validate, and a super validate.

I have turned one-step update one and off; created new, blank Quicken files and imported backups from January, and separately with an older backup from December.

And I have reinstalled Quicken.

The problem remains. I spent hours on the phone yesterday describing and re-describing the problem with the credit union, and with the entity that does the credit card processing for the credit union. Neither had any suggestions of what the problem would be from their side.


  • Hello @Frankenoid,

    Are you receiving this error message when attempting to download transactions or import a QFX file? Did this issue begin to occur after a recent update?

    If you don’t mind, could you please provide a screenshot of the error message you described receiving? If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments. Please remember to redact any personal information as needed.


    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • I believe it started after the most recent update, around the beginning of February.

    It happens whether I'm downloading a QFX file or doing a "one step update", although the error messages are different.

    What browser I'm using makes no difference. I've also tried turning off the firewall — again, no difference.

    I spoke with one of you representatives at length and he indicated that Quicken is having problem with credit union accounts specifically.

  • I just noticed that, although transactions from the savings and checking accounts are downloading, the "last download" date in quicken has remained at February 2, 2024 (so now I know when this screw up started); the "last download" for the Mastercard — which has the screwed up balances and error messages but is downloading transactions — has a correct "last download" date.

    Any idea of when Quicken is going to fix this major annoyance? Does Quicken even care?

  • Thank you for your replies,

    Could you provide a bit more context for what actions you're doing that trigger these errors? For example, I'd assume the bottom screenshot is the error you see in Quicken when you try to import the .QFX file. Is that correct? What actions triggered the other two errors? It looks like you're on a website; is this a redirect from Quicken or are you manually navigating to the website?

    Those error messages look a lot like the issue may be an expired certificate on the financial institution website. Have you spoken to them about those error messages you're seeing?

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Um, if you read the original post, all that information is in there.

    I HAVE contacted the bank, and the entity that does the credit card processing (PSCU). They point at each other and I can't break through the blame-circle to get them to check anything. Perhaps Quicken has a way to break through and determine exactly WHO is blowing it?

  • Thank you for your reply,

    We don't have a way to reach out to the financial institution on your behalf.

    Those first two error messages in your screenshots look like they happened on a web page. Are you getting those errors on PSCU webpages? Have you spoken to them specifically about those errors on the website? If it's not happening on PSCU's website, then whose website is it happening on and what process is leading you to that website?

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

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