Quotes and Investment Headlines Updates

I noticed when running my last update that the "Quotes and Investment Headlines Update" has only updated 111 of 135 items.
Is there a way to determine / tell whether the missing 24 items are because i) the information is not available or ii) something went wrong?
Is there a way to determine which securities / stocks information was not downloaded for (as the "see report" is clearly useless per the below image)?
Thank you.
One way you can tell what is happening is by doing a One Step Update after about 7:30 PM Eastern time on a day when the markets were open.
Then go to an Investing > Portfolio view that shows all your securities. Any security whose price was not updated that day will have a little clock icon to the left of the price in the Quote/Price column. You can hover your mouse over the icon to see when its price was last updated.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman appreciated, I will try that on Monday night! Stay tuned. Thanks.
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Also if you have securities that are not publicly traded and/or do not have valid ticker symbols, you should go to the Security List and un-check the Download Quotes box. Then Quicken will not try to get quotes for those securities.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman, much thanks for this noting the following:
i) I have done that (deselected securities that are not publicly traded or have calc ticker symbols) and it has helped a bit. Per the below image I have gone from "111 of 135" in the OP to "111 of 128" so I am on the correct path.
ii) I noticed that the report of securities that are not updating is now producing a list of securities per the below image. That said, I question is its accuracy; for example, in my security list, Loblaws is only listed once, why is it appearing twice in the image.
I suppose that I will beed to wait until tomorrow evening to identify the remaining "17 offending securities".
Comments / thoughts?
Thank you.
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One way you can tell what is happening is by doing a One Step Update after about 7:30 PM Eastern time on a day when the markets were open.
Then go to an Investing > Portfolio view that shows all your securities. Any security whose price was not updated that day will have a little clock icon to the left of the price in the Quote/Price column. You can hover your mouse over the icon to see when its price was last updated.
I have been thinking about this approach and I am not sure that it will work. The reason being that I my securities list includes i) securities that I currently hold and ii) securities that I no longer hold (but may hold again in the future).
The approach you are suggestion will show the currently held securities that are not being updated but will not show he "no longer held securities" that are not being updated.
Comments / thoughts?
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If you want to see all the securities you have ever held plus those on your Watch List, click the gear at the top right of the Portfolio view and select Show closed lots.
If there are securities you no longer hold that are not on your Watch List, Quicken stops downloading prices for them even if Download Quotes is selected in the Security List. Perhaps that accounts for the ones that are counted as Not updated.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman appreciated, will that view tomorrow night to determine the remaining 17 that are not updating to get that fixed.
I appreciate the point that securities that are no longer and are not on the watchlist will not have their prices downloaded EVEN ID DOWNLOAD QUOTES IS SELECTED. It is for this reason that I have every security with both Download Security and Watchlist selected (except those which seem to not be downloading fro which I am deleting both)!
Will let you know more tomorrow night.
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@Jim_Harman , the results are in and they are not what I expected in that:
i) I got a listing of all the securities and took note of which one were/ were not being updated.
ii) In reviewing the list there were 23 securities whose price history was not being updated (i.e., had the little clock icon beside them).
iii) In the Security List I deselected Download Quote and Watch List for the 23 securities whose price history was not being updated.
iv) I next ran a one-step and noticed that I went from "111 of 128 quotes and investing headlines updated" to "105 quotes and investing headlines updated" (per the below image). This was very surprising in that:
a) I understand the there are now 105 securities because we started with 128, we deselected 23, resulted inb 105 remaining securities.
b) I do not understand why the 111 dropped to 105 because that means that 6 of the securities that were deselected were counted as having their quotes and deadlines updated! Please explain how this can be or, as I suspect, is this another Quicken bug?
Still searching for the answer, though getting closer.
Thank you.
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When you run an OSU, you get quotes both from Quicken's quote provider and from your FIs.
I probably should have told you to first go to the Security list or a Portfolio view and do an Update Quotes and look at the results, then do an OSU and check the results again. Any clocks that go away after the OSU are due to quotes received only from FIs. This might include bonds, exchange traded options, proprietary funds, and any secuirties that were not in the quote provider's database.
In Canada, that would also include securities only traded on the NEO exchange.
Another way to tell where quotes have come from is to look at the security's Price History. Quotes from the quote provider generally include High, Low, and Volume data but those from the FI only include the price. Please note the "generally". Sometimes the numbers from the quote provider are missing one or more of the other values.
Also sometimes the numbers from the US quote provider are off by a day. See this discussion
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman appreciate the update.
Please, I want to make sure that I understand what you are saying:
STEP 1: Go to the security list (i.e., Investment Tab | Show = Value | Group by = Security | Options = Show closed lots).
STEP 2: Update the security list values by pressing Update | Quote (i.e., see the red triangle in the top right) and look at which security list items have a clock.
STEP 3: Update the security list values by doing a One Step Update noting whichever securities still have a clock are the ones that are not being updated.
i) Is the above correct?
ii) Is Step 2 the Quicken's provider or the FI (presumable Step 3 is th ether).
PS. Trying it now assuming my understanding is correct and will be back.
Thank you!
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No, the Security List is at Tools > Security List. Forget what I said about updating quotes there, that is not an option.
Here is a more detailed description.
You can update quotes from just the quote provider by clicking on Update in an Investing > Portfolio view as in your step 2. It does not matter which securities you are viewing. It updates all securities ((on the Watch List) OR (you currently have a non-zero holding)) AND (it finds the ticker symbol in its database).
The quotes from the quote provider bring in data from the past several days, 5 trading days I think.
You can update quotes from a single FI by going to an account at that FI, clicking on the gear at the top right, and selecting Update quotes only. If you have multiple accounts at the FI, I think it updates the quotes for all the accounts, but you would have to check that. The FI quotes only bring in the most recent price.
Normally an OSU will update multiple FIs and the quote provider, so it is hard to tell where the updates came from.
If you have the Real Time Quotes option enabled (Premier and up only) I think it includes quotes from after-hours trading, which are often funky. I have also seen after-hours quotes when updating early in the morning before the markets open, even if Real time quotes are not enabled.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Alright, so this is weird.
I started with 111 of 136 which means I need to identity 25 securities.
I followed the process outlined above and 26 securities popped with a little clock.
I deselected those 26 securities from Downed Quotes and Watch List but now have 110 securities.
Soooo, after all this there's 1 misbehaving security that showing that it is not being updated but actually is being updated!
Any ideas / thoughts on how to find the 1 offending and rogue security?
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@JoelC - Prices for securities that don't have a share or unit balance will not update. That is why you only have 105 out of 111 securities priced.
When you add securities to your watchlist it causes the blank list you showed in your original post. If you remove securities from your watchlist, you will then get the list of securities that cannot be priced. Once you uncheck those and end up with a "good" pricing list, you can then add back the securities back to the watchlist, making sure to exclude those securities that cannot be priced.
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Alright, I took a brute force method and used a binary search among the 26 identified stocks to find the 1 stock that:
a) showed as not being updated (i.e., clock beside it in the Investment Tab | Show = Value | Group by = Security | Options = Show closed lots) and
b) Quicken counts as being updated (i.e., the so called phantom security identified above).
I was able to identify the security and now have 111 of 11 being updated which is correct as it is the same number that was being updated when all securities were selected.
When I dug deeper into the security it appears that IT IS being updated per the below (i.e., the Price / Change / % Change all as at today's date).
QUESTION: How / why woudl Quicken show this security not being updated when it — per teh above — actually is being updated?
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A bit late to the game, but the "Quicken Cloud Service log" logs the result of each query for the security quotes.
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
@JoelC I think it's doing this because normally securities that have no units or shares are not priced, but you are forcing it to price by placing it on your watchlist.
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It's a mystery.
Hover over the clock icon. Is the quote date not today?
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Apologies, I need to clarify what you wrote. Are you saying that i) a security that has zero shares / units will not update and ii) security that has zero shares / units but is on the watchlist will not update AND will cause the number of shares updated to be less than the total securities If this is what you re saying then that is wrong from what I just discovered!
I now have 111 of 111 securities updating. This includes securities for which have nil holdings /units and are in my watch list! This is the exact opposite of what I think you wrote.
The way I got there was:
i) All securities in the Tools → Securities List were marked for Download Quotes and Watch List. There were 136 such securities.
ii) I determined which securities were not updating per @Jim_Harman 's above approach. There were 25 such securities (after I ferret out the one problematic security).
iii) I deselected the 25 securities in ii) from both the Download Quotes and Watch List in the Tools → Securities List (note: the resulting list included securities for which there were no units / shares).
iv) I then re-ran OSU and got 111 of 111 securities updating noting even those for which I had no units / shares updated! This is the correct number as it is the same number I had when all securities were selected.
I believe — from the above — that the net effect of what I did is to remove those securities that were not updating because information is not available, the symbol has changed, etc.
If anyone thinks differently please let me know.
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@JoelC yes, securities that have no position (i.e no units or shares) will not price. But if you put these securities on your watchlist, they will price. Of course this is only true for securities that have a valid fund ID and are normally priced from the pricing feed.
But sometimes adding securities to your watchlist will cause the blank list as in your original post. To get around this, remove the securities from your watchlist and you will get the list you need to determine which securities are not being priced from the price feed. Once you determine which securities are not being priced because they have no shares, you can add them back to the watchlist to have them priced from the price feed.
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111 of 111, not 111 of 11, right?
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman , it must be ghost in the system. I just went to check the icon and it s now gone (i.e., it now appears as though it is being updated).
I can only guess that it is related to some anomaly / quirk in Quicken that speaks to @Chris_QPW 's noting that QWin is very fragile.
I will add that I find all these exceptions / quirks / weird behaviours very frustrating as i) they are hard ti see track of and ii) they undermine my faith in QWin.
Over to the who know better than me!
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@Jim_Harman ,apologies, my bad, 111 of 111, now fixed!
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@Jim_Harman , HUGE thanks for the guidance in getting this fixed! Greatly appreciated!
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Remember the clock can mean either that no data was received today for that security because it is not a valid ticker, or that it received data that did not include today's price. Sometimes fund price updates are delayed and come through later in the evening.
Or if you update over the weekend, it will still get Friday's prices but you also get the clock, because there is no data for today.
Or if you update while the market is open, you will get today's prices and thus no clock for stocks and ETFs, but but yesterdays or Friday's prices for mutual funds, and thus the clock.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
@Jim_Harman got it! The clock means no data from today and the timing of receipt depends on the type of security.
Thank you.
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I wouldn't say the clock means no data for today, I would say it means no price for today. You can tell by hovering over it to see the latest day the price was updated.
It sure would be nice if the report linked from the OSU Summary that is supposed to show what quotes failed actually showed some useful information. That has been broken for as long as I have been using investing accounts in Quicken.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Maybe we should have an "ice breaker" in the "Water Cooler" category asking for who can name the longest standing bug in Quicken Windows. I think this one has a chance of winning. 🤣
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
@Jim_Harman appreciate the clarification and understand the need for precision, thank you.
It sure would be nice if the report linked from the OSU Summary that is supposed to show what quotes failed actually showed some useful information. That has been broken for as long as I have been using investing accounts in Quicken.
I do not want to be too negative but it would be nice for Quicken to solve ALL of these inaccuracies / nits that we have been discussing over the last few months to make Quicken mathematically and functionally accurate and reliable. I think that mathematically and functionally accuracy and reliability are key cornerstones for any financial package.
I feel so strongly about this that I would be in favour — were there a vote — to have Quicken devote 100% of their effort on fixes and stop all development on facelifts, new features, etc.
I think it is great that we got the right 111 securities identified but i) why are the other securities not updating (I know some of the reasons and will dig in n the others) and ii) it should not have been this hard to figure out, to your point (i.e., the OSU Summary previous zero useful information).
And now back to the other nt I am working on, the Account syncing count!
Thank you.
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@Chris_QPW , I am down. If nothing else I would get a birdeye's view into what is / is not working in QWin.
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A further update.
I went through all the securities that were not updating and found 11 of the 25 that were not updating were not doing so because they were incorrectly coded (i.e., primarily the wrong default exchange, especially for mutual funds).
I now have 122 of 136 securities dating.
The 14 that are not updating are not recognized by the stock quoting entity; that is, when I enter their name or their stock symbol they come up blank (per the below window)
I now believe that this is as up to date as possible noting it would be nice for all securities / mutual funds to be recognized.