Add "Update Selected Account" to Right-Click Menu in Account Bar (Q Mac)

Cooper's Dad
Cooper's Dad Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta
edited June 2024 in Product Enhancements

The selected account (only) can be updated by selecting it and then choosing Account|Update Selected Online Account from the menubar, or by the Cmd-U shortcut.

Suggestion/request is to add this command to the context-senesitive menu when right-clicking on the account in the Account Sidebar or from anywhere within the account register.

Quicken user since the DOS/ 3.5" floppy disk days; migrated to QMac in 2022 for problem-free cloud functionality.

1 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is this a QWin or QMac Idea?

    I don't think there is currently any way in QWin to update just one account for an FI.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    edited June 2024

    Hello @Cooper's Dad,

    I took the liberty of reviewing your account and was able to confirm that you are a Quicken Classic for Mac subscriber so I went ahead and moved your Idea to the proper Mac category as it was originally posted in a Windows category.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited June 2024

    @Cooper's Dad I understand the request; I'm just not sure I see it as being significantly useful. Currently you click on an account in the sidebar and press one keystroke (Command-U). What you're asking for is to Control-click on the account in the sidebar and slide down a dropdown menu to select the update command. It just doesn't seem like a time-saver to me. I wouldn't object if they add this functionality, but I can think of 50 features I'd find more useful for them to put time into than this. 😉

    Perhaps one reason they don't want to highlight the Update Selected Online Account is that it doesn't really do what it says it does. Due to limitations of how their aggregation servers work, when you do Update Selected Online Account…

    • If the account is Direct Connect, it will download the selected account — plus if there are any other Direct Connect accounts at the same financial institution, they will also download.
    • If the account is Quicken Connect (known as EWC and EWC+ in Quicken Windows), it will download the selected account plus all other Quicken Connect accounts you have across all financial institutions.

    They actually removed the Update Selected Online Account command a while back to try to remove the confusion of the program doing something beyond what the command seems to state, but a lot of users complained, and they put it back. The ideal solution would be to develop a way to truly download only a single selected account. I don't know if they don't want to do so because it would increase download requests from their servers, or because the way the data is stored makes it difficult to parse out just the transactions for one account. But that's an Idea request I would vote for! 😀

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Cooper's Dad
    Cooper's Dad Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta

    Thanks for that additional background, @jacobs . I am aware of the behavior in your first bullet point, but not the second. The important thing is that Quicken allows for an abbreviated (partial) update of a subset of my accounts, for which the use case is the need for a targeted update rather than one that requires the time of an all-inclusive update.

    Quicken user since the DOS/ 3.5" floppy disk days; migrated to QMac in 2022 for problem-free cloud functionality.