Error with PennyMac

Anyone else having issues this morning downloading from PennyMac Home Loan Solutions?
Quicken user since 1991
VP, Ops & Tech in the biometric space
Hello @MSStateDawg,
Could you please elaborate and provide further details as to exactly which error code and/or message you receive when attempting to connect with PennyMac?
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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When doing OSU this morning I got an error from PennyMac which was something to the effect of "Quicken is having trouble connecting to PennyMac".
I then disconnected my PennyMac account in Quicken and attempted to reconnect it via Add Account. I provide the credentials and PennyMac texts me the 2FA number, but still get the message below.
Quicken user since 1991
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FWIW, PennyMac made a change to their website domain recently and I received the email below. I wonder if they've mucked something up.
Quicken user since 1991
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Yes … They mucked something up. I can login via the website new URL but quicken cannot link the account or download? It looks like quicken may be still going to the old website and not the new url?
I had to deactivate the linked account because it was continually generating 2 factor authorization codes that it would not accept as valid. Now I cannot get it to register as a new linked account.
Is this working today for anyone or are all locked out after the change?
Is there a way to force quicken to update the link to the new url?
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I went to and submitted a secure message reporting the issue.
I would suggest any PennyMac account holder do the same.
Quicken user since 1991
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I suspect that this is a Quicken issue not a Pennymac issue. Quicken is going to the wrong (old url) not the new one. Quicken needs to update their links that the application is using.
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Same issue for me this morning. When trying to update the connection settings, Quicken only gives a choice to use the URL instead of the new URL.
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Correct - same issue here. It does not appear the a user can update the site, so Quicken needs too.
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Hello All,
We currently have a new open Community Alert for PennyMac that can be found here. While the error codes reported in the Alert are different from the issue described here, after reaching out to the proper channels internally, our teams are aware of the URL change and believe it is likely related to the issue reported within the Alert.
We recommend referring to the Alert for any and all available updates and information and apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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Thanks, Anja.
[Removed - Disruptive]
Quicken user since 1991
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Still the same error this morning..just FYI. Know quicken is working on this.
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This is a Quicken issue. Quicken needs to update their website database to reflect login URL change. Any reference to this issue being posted internally is ignoring the issue at the customer's expense.
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commenting here to follow, as i am having the same issue
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My error is FDP-163. After reading these posts, it looks like there is nothing I can do but I have to wait for Quicken to fix this?
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Not much we can do except wait ….. [Removed - Speculation/Off Topic]
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@Quicken Anja Any progress you can report?
Quicken user since 1991
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Intuit - the domain name changed, the credentials still are valid, but you need to change your dns from to on your side, for pennymac to continue to sync.
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pennymac did not announce their where changing their DNS name, they did not leave an alias record behind to forward to the new domain, they did something dumb for sure, but your software needs to just change the dns source name, and it will continue to work. /glare at pennymac
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As indicated in my earlier comment in this thread, it was announced to users. I'd bet real money that it was also announced to associated partners like Quicken but I don't think that will ever be admitted.
So, the take-away here is that any time any Quicken users receive such an announcement from a F.I., we should be making that known to Quicken so that we can get the internal Quicken chatter cranked up.
Quicken user since 1991
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I am still having this issue. Any update on correcting this?
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@tbn2112 Did you see this message? There's been one update to my knowledge but no resolution.
Quicken user since 1991
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Come on Quicken, it doesn't take two weeks for a DNS admin to make a simple change like this.
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Yeah I'm gonna bet the URL is hard coded. 🙄
Quicken user since 1991
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For a company named Quicken … They are not very quick …. Are they …. 😘
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@Quicken Anja We were seeing updates weekly to this post but looks like they missed the weekly update yesterday.
Any news?
Quicken user since 1991
VP, Ops & Tech in the biometric space
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I have had this issue for over three weeks now. Hard to believe it is taking this long to fix!
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Hello @MSStateDawg,
To answer your question, once an alert is marked Ongoing, we update it only when new information is available. The last update I saw is that most people are now seeing a FDP-163 error and that the financial institution is blocking the connection with Quicken. There is a separate Community Alert for the FDP-163 error.
Are you still seeing a CC-505 error, or is it a FDP-163 error now?
I look forward to your reply!
Quicken Kristina
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FWIW my error is CC-511.
It's been this same error code for over a month now.
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Commenting to follow as I have been having similar issue.
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Here it is the middle of June and the error still appears. Looks like it is not yet on Quicken's list of things to fix in an update. The Pennymac sign-on web address is and both go to the same page.