Quicken subscription - cancelling (edit)

puppy11lv Quicken Mac 2016 Member ✭✭
edited July 20 in All Things Canadian (Mac)

Share my experience with the latest Quicken. I have been with Quicken since 1995. Last Feb 2024 I cancelled my subscription, as i do everything manually. I did receive a full rebate. Recently I decided to update my Quicken from a backlog of statements from my bank. During my session Quicken offered me the latest download (good will ??) so I did and continued to update my records. When I finished and logged off and logged on again, a window appeared informing me that my subscription has been cancelled. If I wish to download the Quicken data to before my subscription was still in affect, they gave me an option of dates, but I need to "trash" my existing Quicken before I download. WELL, the back dated Quicken was "without any data". Did I loose years of information just because they allowed me to download ???? I guess I panicked and tried to renew my Subscription. Quicken would not accept PayPal nor would they accept my credit card. Friends, be careful.


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