Citibank does not allow transaction downloads except for CSV, awful support guy

Phil Burton
Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

Two days ago I attempted to do transaction downloads for my various Citibank accounts, checking, savings, and two MC credit cards. I always download to QFX format, and I have been doing this process for years now. My last set of downloads was June 2.

HOWEVER, when I tried to do transaction downloads on June 19, I could not select QFX format from the download format window. It was stuck on CSV and I tried two different browsers, and clearing the Firefox cache, but nothing helped me to select QFX download format.

So I called support and after a while I talked with (name not posted). Once I explained the issue he INSISTED that this issue was a Quicken issue, and Citibank would have to call Quicken. When I explained repeatedly that Quicken was not involved here, and his explanation defied credibility, he doubled down blaming Quicken. He never said anything about escalating the issue within Citibank.

When I suggested that maybe he was right and Citi should call Quicken, I also asked him to call me with the results of the call. At that point, the [Removed - Language] just hung up on me, no warning. I presume he knows that we are a Citibank Priority customer.

So I have two questions for this forum.

  1. What is my workaround here? I use Quicken almost on a daily basis to manage finances.
  2. What is the best way to report this guy to Citi management, so that at the very least, he is demoted from being a supervisor? I have no problems writing a "speak truth to power" letter even if it is a dry recitation of facts. (I save my rant-and-rave writing for this forum.)

Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Hello @Phil Burton,

    To answer your first question, Quicken doesn't have any official tools that would convert a .CSV file into a format Quicken can use to import account data. If Citi no longer offers the .QFX format, you could connect your accounts for automatic download. If you prefer not to have your account connected, your other option would be to update your account information manually.

    To address your second question, the Quicken Community isn't the best place to get contact information for submitting a complaint with Citibank. I'd expect Citi's website should provide contact information. You may also be able to get information on how to submit a complaint by contacting Citi's support.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • splasher
    splasher SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    While Quicken can't import a .CSV of transactional data, but it can import a .QIF file.

    Search the net for ImportQIF by QuicknPerlWiz, it will convert the .CSV to a .QIF for import. I personally use it for my Discover accounts which do not provide a .QFX file download.

    QPW supports it well thru his website. The one downside to importing .QIF files in subscription Quicken (2018+) is that Quicken automatically enters them into the register and the balance in the Account Bar is not updated until some other action causes a refresh. I don't worry about looking at the Account Bar balance until after I do a backup. Renaming rules are not applied to the imports, but ImportQIF is capable of preventing dups, doing renaming and adding categories to the imports during the conversion from .CSV to .QIF.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @splasher Thanks. I needed something like this. I just checked the Citibank website and they still haven't fixed this problem.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    As the OP, I still need some advice about my question 2, at the bottom of my original post.

    Kn general I have better things to do with my life than write complaint letters, but this support guy has no business being a supervisor, let alone a customer support phone rep.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @Quicken Kristina,

    Citibank still offers QFX download, but a recent bug in their download window (to select file format) prevents you from selecting anything other than the default csv file format.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's odd. I just accessed my Citibank Costco card account and selected to download year-to-date transactions.

    QFX file download was available and successfully imported a number of transactions to my computer.

    I wonder what's going on that it doesn't work for you …

    Could it be that your browser needs to be configured to recognize file type QFX ?

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    I tried this download unsuccessfully in Firefox and then EDGE. And up until now, I have had zero issues doing the same download, QFX format, using Firefox. Before sending this reply, I tried again to do a download in Firefox. No change.

    As a last resort, I just used my laptop, instead of my desktop. Again, Firefox. Again no ability to select QFX.

    I'm going to call Citibank support again tomorrow. Maybe I'll have better luck instead of getting the mayor of bozo-ville.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @splasher I am missing something that is probably obvious to everyone but me. I succeeded in importing and then viewing a CSV file. But I couldn't find the window to set the output as QIF, and I couldn't figure out how to export the CSV as a QIF file.

    I don't have these kinds of blind spots very often. But when I do …

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 24

    So I called support and after a while I talked with (name not posted). Once I explained the issue he INSISTED that this issue was a Quicken issue, and Citibank would have to call Quicken. When I explained repeatedly that Quicken was not involved here, and his explanation defied credibility, he doubled down blaming Quicken. He never said anything about escalating the issue within Citibank.

    As you have said it is impossible for Quicken to affect the behavior of the Citi website, so that person was giving you misinformation [Edited - Language], and you should talk to a supervisor or at least another representative from Citi if for no other reason to complain about the service.

    With that being said as @UKR pointed out Citi still supports QFX format (the very fact that it is even on your menu suggests that too). I have no problem selecting it myself (I use MS Edge):

    To me this looks like there is something on your machine blocking this. The first thing I would try is restarting your machine.

    And on what @splasher posted, I think you missed the fact the suggestion was to use an external program to convert from CSV to QIF and import that. My free program called ImportQIF can do that, but it would be better if you could find out why you can't select QFX. But if you need it ImportQIF is on my website:

    This is my website:
  • ntguytxsj
    ntguytxsj Member ✭✭

    I am having the same issue…window pops up but CSV is the only option that actually works. I have been downloading QFX files without an issue for years. Intuit better get talking to Citi about fixing this before people jump ship to another workable solution…

  • ntguytxsj
    ntguytxsj Member ✭✭

    To the guy that posted that his QFX export worked at Citi on 5-28-24: Try it now and see if it still works. Mine worked fine last month too…but are not working now (as of 6-24-24)

    I told Citi support rep that until they get this fixed I'm routing all my credit card purchases through Chase, BofA and Wells.

  • jl747
    jl747 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Even though I use EWC+ I checked to see if I had the same problem. I did. (Multiple browsers)
    So what I tried is this. I downloaded a CSV and then I went back to see if that triggered the others to populate.

    It did. At least after I hit a radio button I had to wait a few seconds for it to respond.

    Hope that helps until Citi fixes their bug.

    Quicken Windows Business & Personal (Subscription) - Using the latest version -Windows 10 Pro

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    First off, Intuit hasn’t owned Quicken for many years. Second Quicken Inc can’t fix Citi’s website.

    This is my website:
  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    Absolutely. Only Citi can fix their website problem. But first the have to own the problem. So far they haven't.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • Phil Burton
    Phil Burton Member, Windows Beta Beta

    I waited over 10 seconds, but I was still unable to hit the right radio button.

    Been using Quicken (and TurboTax) since DOS days in 1990s. Now using Quicken subscription on Windows.

  • jl747
    jl747 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Phil Burton

    I just tried using Chrome.

    I had to download a CSV file first then I was able to download the QFX file.

    Maybe one of your extensions is blocking the site from working.
    Try it in Safe Mode and see if it still happens.

    Yes, Citi is having a problem too.

    Quicken Windows Business & Personal (Subscription) - Using the latest version -Windows 10 Pro