American Express downloads, some accounts work others fail

Roy Peek
Roy Peek Member ✭✭

Since Monday 06/24/24, one account has failed to upload. Searched on the website, disable and Add Account, and NOTHING Worked.

Again two accounts are working fine but the primary card is NOT.

Need help / support for this, connecting on-line for downloads have been an issue since last year and continue to be an issue. Today 06/28/24 are now told to change to American Express Bank, and I do not want to take my accounts offline only to have them too not work.

Error codes vary based on the step, The login into AX works but the validation is where it fails every time. Have tried disabling security software for a test, have tried multiple browsers, tried clearing cache and cookies.

Spent the entire evening and NO SUCCESS.

Please offer Step by step guidance, the benefits of Quicken are fading fast with all the support issues every time we have to change a connection process.

Please advise how to address and correct issue. Then I will move on to AX Bank update.

[Edited for Clarity]


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Hello @Roy Peek,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more details. You mentioned that you've been having issues for over a year. What issues have you been encountering? What error codes are you seeing and what part of the process are you on when the error shows up?

    You mentioned that it's currently failing when you try to validate. Could you provide more detail? Which American Express connection option are you using when encountering this issue?

    Is this happening in the Quicken program when going through the Add Account process, or is this happening when going through the authorization process on American Express' website? How is the validation failing (no code received, code received but it doesn't work, etc.)?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Roy Peek
    Roy Peek Member ✭✭


    thank you, for your help. Had issues with Delegate end of last year finally got that working.

    all worked well and now with new update one AX Card no longer works. Ended on-line for this card. Try to setup on-line acess for this single card and once I attempt to connect to AX, do login and have confirmed login does work.

    This try I got error code 6130

    second attempt code ff2d

    3rd attempt 9ff2

    Each time I get a different error.

    Steps include :

    with Account open

    Setup Online

    connect to AX

    attempt to signin and get errors.

    Looking for any feedback you can suggest. thank you in advance for assistance.

  • Roy Peek
    Roy Peek Member ✭✭


    thank you for the help.

    Current Issue, one of 3 AX cards stopped working. Disabled and tried to reenable.

    Now when I I add account I get different errors each time I try to confirm with AX. I have confirmed AX login works, Can log in all day. Also the 2 other cards work fine and download transactions.


    Open AX Card that is not working:

    Setup on-line

    Add Account ; continue

    Sign in, access AX authorization, log onto AX and get error.

    each time I get a different error.

    Code 8bb2

    Code fca3

    I can do this 10 times and get 10 different codes on the AX Authorization.

    Please help if you can.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    It is possible that something is interfering with the website's ability to communicate with Quicken. To troubleshoot for that, please follow these steps:

    1. Pause or temporarily disable browser extensions, Ad Blockers, Pop-up Blockers, and Duck Duck Go are the most likely to cause issues.
    2. If the issue persists, try temporarily setting a different default browser, then going through the authorization process again.
    3. If you have a VPN active, try turning it off while going through the authorization process.
    4. If you have an anti-virus with a safe browsing feature, pause that feature while going through the authorization process.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Roy Peek
    Roy Peek Member ✭✭


    I have tried two different browsers. tried disabling all extention and virus protection. Tried everything you referenced and NOTHING Works.

    Next suggestion?

    Or do I need to abort Quicken and find another tool. AX is the primary card and if I can't access AX then Quicken does not work for me.

    Please advise. How can I talk with Quicken Support and have someone work with me to try and get this resolved.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    How can I talk with Quicken Support and have someone work with me to try and get this resolved.

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