Manual backup reminder no longer works



  • nmestanas
    nmestanas Member ✭✭✭

    In Quicken, go to Help/Contact Support/Sanitize Data File Copy.

    The next screen explains what the sanitized file will remove from the original. The select "Create a sanitized copy of your data file".

    It will chug along for a bit, showing progress and then report success. It will then tell you where to find the sanitized file. You can click the button that says "Go to folder".

    Once you have the file, you need to copy it to a file sharing provider. You can use Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox or other service you already use. Once copied to the "sharing" folder, you simply send Support the link to the file.

  • nmestanas
    nmestanas Member ✭✭✭

    If you want to verify what's in the sanitized file before you send it, simply "unzip" it, then open it in Quicken. Don't forget to close the file (reopen your "real" one).

  • jljeeper
    jljeeper Member ✭✭✭

    Great instructions. I have uploaded a problem report with a link to my data file on One Drive. I compared the sanitized file to my actual file and see some discrepancies. Overall balance is much lower, many of my investment accounts have a zero dollar balance in the Sanitized data file. Is this normal?

    Thank you

  • nmestanas
    nmestanas Member ✭✭✭

    Did you look at the cash balance? Unless you have a cash surplus in them, the Cash Balance should be zero. The Total Market Value should have your current "balance".

    My totals are a bit off too. Do you have any "Placeholders" or "Pending Transactions"?

    Not sure any of that matters for the Backup Reminder. That's just broken. One day we may get a fix. In the meantime, I run backups of my local drive to my NAS. Since I go into Quicken daily, I just manually backup the file directly to my NAS and then backup my whole drive so I have it there too.

  • jljeeper
    jljeeper Member ✭✭✭

    The Banking tab is right on the money. Its the Investing tab that is hugely off. No Pending transactions. It is off by $250K the total only shows $29K (should be $273K). Out of 11 investing accounts, only 4 have correct balances (7 accounts have various balances that are all incorrect) This makes me think something is wrong

  • Hello @jljeeper,

    Is that happening in the sanitized file, or in your actual Quicken file?

    If it's happening just in the sanitized file, I wouldn't worry about it. The sanitized file strips certain information out to protect your privacy. It's possible that some of the information removed caused the discrepancies.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • jljeeper
    jljeeper Member ✭✭✭

    I had a much better experience with my call today. A Very knowledgeable tech assisted me. This problem is reported and getting some attention but the more people that call in (will or can) help to escalate the issue.