Schwab connectivity issue

samirpatel Member ✭✭

I have been having problems with Schwab connectivity issues for several weeks. I first noticed it when I had to change my login name on Schwab because of a security issue.

I keep needing to re-authorize the connection (CC-506) for several of my accounts. But it seems to happen with my checking account most of the time.

I've spent time with a CSR on the phone, and have tried the following:

- Resetting affected accounts
- Removing connectivity associated with all Schwab accounts
- Validate/Repair; Super validate/repair
- Resetting secure connections on the Schwab side
- Creating a copy of my Quicken file & re-setting connections for all financial institutions.

The CSR told me (about a week ago) that it might be on the Schwab side. No other accounts are affected.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    A further update on this - I am now seeing CC-501 errors (I've seen these before as well).

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    I am now also getting

    Sorry, the sign in failed due to time out or a connection error.
    Select Sign In to authenticate via your web browser.

  • Hello @samirpatel,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. Are the problem accounts all under the same login ID with Schwab? Is the checking account that's giving you trouble linked to a brokerage account in Quicken? To check this, go to Tools>Account List and click the Edit button next to the account name. If it is a linked checking account, the Account Details screen will look similar to this sample image:

    I can see that you reached out to Support via chat today and they had you use a test file. They also made reference to an earlier test file. If you haven't already done so, please make sure that your Schwab accounts are deactivated in those test files (and in the copy of your file that you mentioned, unless you're now using that copy as your main Quicken file). Having multiple Quicken files attempting to connect to the same accounts can sometimes cause issues or make existing issues worse.

    With the "sign in failed due to time out or a connection error" message that you reported seeing today, when in the process is that happening? Is the browser window to authorize through Schwab's site popping up? If it is, are you seeing the error after you've successfully authorized through Schwab's site, or are you getting roadblocked by an error before you can successfully authorize?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    I have done a lot more debugging. I think the problem is that that the volume of data that's being sent from Schwab to Quicken may be causing the issue.

    All the errors (C-501, CC-506, Failed to sign-in, only a subset of accounts showing up when connecting/re-authing) are likely symptoms of this.

    What I have:
    - Schwab login-1: 5 accounts (1 checking, 1 SMA brokerage, 2 brokerage, 1 brokerage IRA)
    - Schwab login-2: 5 accounts (1 checking, 1 SMA brokerage, 1 brokerage, 1 brokerage Roth IRA, 1 brokerage IRA)
    - Schwab login-3: 4 accounts (1 checking, 1 SMA brokerage, 1 brokerage, 1 Roth IRA)
    - Schwab login-4: 5 accounts (1 checking, 1 SMA brokerage, 2 brokerage, 1 Roth IRA)

    Login-3, and Login-4 have never had issues.

    I've seen these issues with login-1, and login-2. What I have been able to get to work consistently now is login-1 and login-2 if I don't link the SMA brokerage accounts.

    What I did: cleared out all Schwab connections, and then added back in the accounts associated with login-1 and login-2 one at a time. If I try to add in the SMA brokerage accounts for either login-1 or login-2, the connection times out.

    The SMA accounts are associated with an external advisor, which is managing ~600 securities in each of these accounts.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    Some more debugging: I attempted to add in the SMA (separately managed accounts) accounts for Login-1 and Login-2. This resulted in being unable to connect to the Checking accounts. So, I went in to Add Account; I unchecked the SMA accounts. This allowed the connections to work.

    So, my current hypothesis is that trying to link with the SMA accounts in Login-1 and Login-2 is interfering with the Schwab connection, and creating the various other symptoms that I'm seeing. What is peculiar is that things work fine with the SMA accounts for Login-3 and Login-4.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    1 more piece of data: for Login-1, I disabled all connections between Schwab and Quicken. Then I only connected the SMA account. In trying to download transacations after that, I got an error message indicating that things had timed out.

    This all points to the SMA accounts being the issue.

  • Thank you for your replies,

    When you tested with only the SMA account, did you link to the existing account or add it as a new account in your file? If you linked to the existing account, then I'd recommend that you backup your Quicken file and do the same test again, but adding it as a new account. Doing so can help determine if it's an issue with the account in your file or if it is something with the connection/data being sent.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    I'm now focusing on the Login-1 account only now. It has 4 Schwab accounts associated with it already (the SMA not being one of them). I am trying to connect the SMA account.

    Independent of whether I go through Tools/Add Account, or from Edit Account Details/Online Services/Set up Now , I get a timeout.

    The Schwab interface has "Your accounts have been authorized successfully!" For several minutes, I gett the spinning circle wiht "Use the bank-hosted sign-in form in your browser window to authorize downloads." Quicken eventually times out with "Sorry, the sign in failed due to time out or a connection error. Select Sign in to authenticate via your web browser."

    I believe that Schwab uses EWC+, with Intuit as the aggegator. Is there any way to turn on logging on your side when I try to connect to see where things are dropping between Schwab/Intuit/Quicken? Also, if there is logging on the client side, happy to turn that on to see if we can troubleshoot.

    Also - happy to run a debugging version of Quicken to try to trace this. I'm in the bay area, and can go to the Menlo Park office to work with developers if that would be helpful.

  • Thank you for your reply,

    I forwarded this issue to the proper channels to be further investigated. I can see that you already went to Help > Report a problem and submitted a problem report with log files attached in order to contribute to the investigation.

    While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

    Thank you.    

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    I have spoken to the folks at Schwab; my contacts there have been working with the development team to trace this issue. They believe it is on the Quicken side, and are debugging further.

  • samirpatel
    samirpatel Member ✭✭

    From the Schwab development team. Help with the 2nd tier Quicken support would be appreciated.


    Following up on your conversation with Rena regarding the Quicken account links.

    I have spoken with our technical support team and reviewed the information you had sent to Rena.  The data issue you are encountering is happening on Quicken's side and it will be best to contact Quicken's tier 2 support for assistance.  

    I can certainly understand that this is a frustrating issue to work with though per Quicken's instruction to Schwab, any issue that is not Schwab login based must be handled through Quicken.

    If further questions arise please contact Schwab's tech team for assistance via 800-435-4000.